
时间:2019-03-27 19:17:46

标签: javascript jquery html events checkbox


如何正确地将复选框本身注册到click事件而不是复选框周围的div?我尝试了其他方法,例如 $( "input[type='checkbox']" ).on("click", faveFunc),但我一直在尝试即将结束,所以我想在这里问一下。


import $ from 'jquery';

var tableRes = '';

  export default class {
      constructor() {

// this area contains code that's irrelevant //

// ------ Rendering checkboxes ------- //
  $("#km-table-id tbody tr").on("click", function(evt) {
    if (evt.target.type !== "checkbox") {
      $(":checkbox", this).on("click");

  // ------ Appending checkboxes ------- //
  let inputType = $("<input />", {"type": "checkbox"})
  let chkboxCol = $("#km-table-id tbody tr > td:nth-child(3)");


  // --- My Favorites functionality ---- //
  function faveFunc(evt) {
    let anchor = $($(evt.target).prev().find("a")[0]).clone();
    // let ancTxt = $(anchor).text();
    switch($(".populate-faves").find("a:contains(" + $(anchor).text() + ")").length)
      case 0:
        $(".populate-faves > a:contains(" + $(anchor).text() + ")").remove();

  function newList() {
    let data = $(evt.target).prev().find("a").eq(0).html();
    let outputList = $(".populate-faves");


    $("#km-table-id tbody tr)").each(function(i, el) {
        let cntxFave = $(".add-id", el);
        let fave = $(".checkbox-class", el);
        let itemText = $(data, el);

        if(cntxFave.is(".add-id")) {
          outputList.append("<li>" + itemText.html() + "</li>");

        if(fave.prop("checked")) {
          outputList.append("<li>" + itemText.html() + "</li>");
  }; // ------------ newList

  $(".checkbox-class").on("click", faveFunc);


<div class="col-md-14"> <!-- Right -->

        <table id="km-table-id" class="cell-border display stripe-hover">
              <!-- <th></th> -->
              <th></th> <!-- Keep here--this is for checkbox col -->


import $ from 'jquery';

import dt from 'datatables.net';

var categories = '';
var tableRes = '';

export default class {
  constructor() {
let KMdocs = {
  "d": {
    "results": [
        "__metadata": {
          "id": "[redacted]",
          "uri": "[redacted]",
          "etag": "\"2\"",
          "type": "[redacted]"
        "File": {
          "__metadata": {
            "id": "[redacted]",
            "uri": "[redacted]",
            "type": "SP.File"
          "Name": "Guide to Product IDs.docx"
        "FileLeafRef": "Guide to Product IDs.docx",
        "ResourceType": {
          "__metadata": {
            "type": "Collection(SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue)"
          "results": [
              "Label": "Guides \uff06 Protocols",
              "TermGuid": "[redacted]",
              "WssId": 706
        "EncodedAbsUrl": "[redacted]"
        "__metadata": {
          "id": "[redacted]",
          "uri": "[redacted]",
          "etag": "\"3\"",
          "type": "SP.Data.KMDocumentsItem"
        "File": {
          "__metadata": {
            "id": "[redacted]",
            "uri": "[redacted]",
            "type": "SP.File"
          "Name": "LRRP Template 1.docx"
        "FileLeafRef": "LRRP Template 1.docx",
        "ResourceType": {
          "__metadata": {
            "type": "Collection(SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue)"
          "results": [
              "Label": "Templates",
              "TermGuid": "[redacted]",
              "WssId": 941
              "Label": "Guides \uff06 Protocols",
              "TermGuid": "[redacted]",
              "WssId": 706
        "EncodedAbsUrl": "[redacted]"
        "__metadata": {
          "uri": "[redacted]",
          "etag": "\"3\"",
          "type": "SP.Data.KMDocumentsItem"
        "File": {
          "__metadata": {
            "id": "[redacted]",
            "uri": "[redacted]",
            "type": "SP.File"
          "Name": "LRRP Template 2.docx"
        "FileLeafRef": "LRRP Template 2.docx",
        "ResourceType": {
          "__metadata": {
            "type": "Collection(SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue)"
          "results": [
              "Label": "Templates",
              "TermGuid": "[redacted]",
              "WssId": 941
              "Label": "Guides \uff06 Protocols",
              "TermGuid": "[redacted]",
              "WssId": 706
        "EncodedAbsUrl": "[redacted]"

  // ------ Loading Category data ------ // 
  loadCategoryData() {
    let res = KMdocs.d.results.filter(function(val) {
      return (val.FileLeafRef.trim().length > 0);
    }).map(function(obj) {
      return {
        "FileName": obj.FileLeafRef,
        "Titles": obj.File.Name,
        "Path": obj.EncodedAbsUrl,
        "Categories": obj.ResourceType.results.map(function(val) {
          return val.Label;

    let label = KMdocs.d.results.filter(function(val) {
      return (val.FileLeafRef.trim().length > 0);
    }).map(function(obj) {
      return obj.ResourceType.results.map(function(val) {
        return val.Label;

    // ---------- Unique Categs. --------- //
    let unique = [];
    let temp = KMdocs.d.results.filter(function(val) {
      return (val.FileLeafRef.trim().length > 0);
    }).forEach(function(obj) {
      obj.ResourceType.results.forEach(function(val) {
        let divCat = document.createElement("div");
        $(divCat).attr("category", encodeURIComponent(val.Label));
        if (!unique.includes(divCat.outerHTML)) {
          unique.push(divCat.outerHTML); // value can be anything, only keys matter

    let categories = unique.sort();

  } // ------------- loadCategoryData()

  // ------ Loading doc title data ----- //
  loadTableData() {
    // Local icons exist under /SiteAssets/images, if needed //
    function docType(fileName) {
      let docImg = "<img src='[redacted]/Current.ashx/docx.gif'  />"
      let msgImg = "<img src='[redacted]/Current.ashx/msg.gif'   />"
      let nrlImg = "<img src='[redacted]/Current.ashx/nrl.gif'   />"
      let pdfImg = "<img src='[redacted]/Current.ashx/pdf.gif'   />"
      let pptImg = "<img src='[redacted]/Current.ashx/pptx.gif'  />"
      let xlsImg = "<img src='[redacted]/Current.ashx/xls.gif'   />"

      let docStr = fileName.split(".") // .split() seems to be necessary to render the icons
      for (var i = 0; i < docStr.length; i++) {
        if (docStr[i].includes('doc')) {
          return docStr[i] = docImg;
        } // -
        else if (docStr[i].includes('DOCX')) {
          return docStr[i] = docImg;
        } // -
        else if (docStr[i].includes('rtf')) {
          return docStr[i] = docImg;
        } // -
        else if (docStr[i].includes('msg')) {
          return docStr[i] = msgImg;
        } //
        else if (docStr[i].includes('nrl')) {
          return docStr[i] = nrlImg;
        } //
        else if (docStr[i].includes('pdf')) {
          return docStr[i] = pdfImg;
        } // 
        else if (docStr[i].includes('ppt')) {
          return docStr[i] = pptImg;
        } // -
        else if (docStr[i].includes('PPT')) {
          return docStr[i] = pptImg;
        } // -
        else if (docStr[i].includes('potx')) {
          return docStr[i] = pptImg;
        } // -
        else if (docStr[i].includes('xls')) {
          return docStr[i] = xlsImg;
        } //
    } // docType

    let tableRes = KMdocs.d.results.filter(function(val) {
      return (val.FileLeafRef.trim().length > 0);
    }).map(function(obj) {
      return {
        "Path": obj.EncodedAbsUrl,
        "Titles": obj.File.Name,
        "Categories": obj.ResourceType.results.map(function(val) {
          return val.Label;
        "Blank": "", // use to create an empty column, if necessary
        "docImg": docType(obj.File.Name) // Icon

    // --------- Rendering table --------- //
      data: tableRes,
      columns: [{
          data: "Categories"
        }, // available but hidden
          data: "docImg",
          sortable: false
        }, // hides sorting arrows in icon col
          data: "Titles"
          data: "Blank",
          sortable: false
      columnDefs: [{
          data: "Path",
          ordering: true,
          targets: [2],
          render: function(data, type, row) {
            return $('<a>')
                target: "_blank",
                href: row.Path
          searchable: true,
          targets: [0],
          visible: false
        }, // hides Categories col
      language: {
        searchPlaceholder: "Search All Documents"
      lengthMenu: [10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500],
      order: [],
      pageLength: 500, // showing multiple pgs doesn't render all checkboxes...but initially showing all items renders them
      paging: true,
      pagingType: "full_numbers",
      responsive: true,
      scrollCollapse: true,
      scrollXInner: true,
      scrollY: 550,
      sDom: '<"top">rt<"bottom"flp><"left">' // affixes dropdown on bottom

    // ------ Rendering checkboxes ------- //
    $("#km-table-id tbody tr").on("click", function(evt) {
      if (evt.target.type !== "checkbox") {
        $(":checkbox", this).on("click");

    // ------ Appending checkboxes ------- //
    let inputType = $("<input />", {
      "type": "checkbox"
    let chkboxCol = $("#km-table-id tbody tr > td:nth-child(3)");


    // --- My Favorites functionality ---- //
    function faveFunc(evt) {
      let anchor = $($(evt.target).prev().find("a")[0]).clone();
      switch ($(".populate-faves").find("a:contains(" + $(anchor).text() + ")").length) {
        case 0:
          $(".populate-faves > a:contains(" + $(anchor).text() + ")").remove();

    function newList() {
      let data = $(evt.target).prev().find("a").eq(0).html();
      let outputList = $(".populate-faves");


      $("#km-table-id tbody tr)").each(function(i, el) {
        let cntxFave = $(".add-id", el);
        let fave = $(".checkbox-class", el);
        let itemText = $(data, el);

        if (cntxFave.is(".add-id")) {
          outputList.append("<li>" + itemText.html() + "</li>");

        if (fave.prop("checked")) {
          outputList.append("<li>" + itemText.html() + "</li>");
    }; // ------------ newList

    $(":checkbox").on("click", faveFunc);

    $("#add-id").on("click", faveFunc); // does not work


    // Linking custom search w/ DT search  //

    let oTable = $("#km-table-id").DataTable();
    $("#searchbar").on("input", function() {
        .val() + " " + decodeURIComponent($(this)

  } // ------------------ loadTableData 

} // ------------- export default class
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  <div class="km-div-container">

    <div class="col-md-3">
      <!-- Left -->

      <span class="KM-title"><h1>KM</h1></span>

      <div class="form-group">
        <input category="" class="form-control" daysprior="" id="searchbar" input-all="" placeholder="Search All Documents..." type="search">

      <div id="myFave.hs-gc-header" class="faves-div">
        <p style="font-weight:bold">My Favorites:</p>

        <div class="populate-faves"></div>
        <!-- location of favorited documents -->



    <div class="col-md-3" id="middle-id">
      <!-- Middle -->

        <div class="all-docs-title" category="" style="font-weight:bold; cursor:pointer" input="">All Documents</div>
        <div class="recently-added-title" category="" days="30" style="cursor:pointer;">Recently Added and/or Modified</div>

      <div id="km-labels">
          <p class="indiv-label" style="cursor:pointer;"></p>



    <div class="col-md-14">
      <!-- Right -->

      <table id="km-table-id" class="cell-border display stripe-hover">
            <!-- <th></th> -->
            <!-- Keep here--this is for checkbox col -->



      <!-- <ul class="custom-menu">
          <li data-action="open" id="open-id">Open Document</li>
          <li data-action="add" id="add-id">Set As Favorite</li>
          <li data-action="email">Email Document</a></li>
        </ul> -->

    <!-- col-md-14 -->

    <!-- <div class="kmdialog"></div> -->
    <!-- what is this? -->

  <!-- km-div-container -->



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

event.type {Event Handler

$(document).on('change', 'CHECKBOX', addFav);



  • 为每个复选框分配一个具有唯一值的data-*属性。 例如data-id="1"

  • 要使用复选框 ex。引用并克隆位于表格单元格前面的表格单元格中的元素:

  • 在以下示例中,使用复选框的data-*属性将其与克隆的元素相关联,将克隆的锚点附加到<li> ex。

  • 未选中此复选框时,该关联用于从收藏夹列表中删除<li>,例如,例如



<!DOCTYPE html>

  <link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0-beta/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
    caption {
      caption-side: top;
      font-size: 1.5rem;
      font-weight: 400
    .favorite {
      list-style: none
    .favorite li::before {
      content: '\1f49a\a0\a0'

  <header class="container">
    <section class='row'>
      <fieldset class="col-md-12">
        <legend>&#128150; Favorites:</legend>
        <ul class='favorite'></ul>
  <main class='container'>
    <section class='row'>
      <article class="col-md-12">
        <table class='table'>
          <tbody class='table-bordered'>
                <a href='#/' class='lnx'>LINK 1: Category I</a></td>
                <label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
      <input class="chx custom-control-input" type="checkbox" data-id='1'>
      <b class="custom-control-indicator"></b>
      <b class="custom-control-description"> &#128153;</b>
                <a href='#/' class='lnx'>LINK 2: Category II</a></td>
                <label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
      <input class="chx custom-control-input" type="checkbox" data-id='2'>
      <b class="custom-control-indicator"></b>
      <b class="custom-control-description"> &#128153;</b>
                <a href='#/' class='lnx'>LINK 3: Category III</a></td>
                <label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
      <input class="chx custom-control-input" type="checkbox" data-id='3'>
      <b class="custom-control-indicator"></b>
      <b class="custom-control-description"> &#128153;</b>
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    $(document).on('change', '.chx', addFav);

    function addFav(e) {
      var tgt = e.target;
      var ID = $(tgt).data('id');
      if (tgt.checked) {
        var lnx = $(tgt).closest('td').prev('td').find('.lnx').clone();
        var item = document.createElement('li');
        $(item).addClass('fav' + ID).append(lnx);
        return false;
      } else if (!tgt.checked) {
        $('.fav' + ID).remove();
