# language: en
Feature: My feature
Scenario: As admin I want to listen special music, wear some Acapulco shirt, erase db and do not want to bear any responsibility
Given given step
When when step
Then then step
from behave import *
@given('given step')
def given(context):
@when('when step')
def given(context):
@then('then step')
def given(context):
Feature: My feature # features/example-scenario.feature:3
Scenario: As admin I want to listen special music, wear some Acapulco shirt, erase db and do not want to bear any responsibility # features/example-scenario.feature:5
Given given step # features/steps/x.py:4
When when step # features/steps/x.py:9
Then then step # features/steps/x.py:14
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
3 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.002s
如您所见,输出按方案字符串对齐。它破坏了输出,因为如果我想在不太宽的窗口中使用它,并使日志不可读。 我尝试对YAML使用多行技巧,但是Behave似乎只能与单个字符串一起使用。请给我一个提示,如何使输出看起来像这样:
Feature: My feature # features/example-scenario.feature:3
Scenario: As admin I want to listen special music,
wear some Acapulco shirt, erase db
and do not want to bear any responsibility # features/example-scenario.feature:5
Given given step # features/steps/x.py:4
When when step # features/steps/x.py:9
Then then step # features/steps/x.py:14