我一直在努力使此功能正常工作,但无法正常工作。 这是我的代码和症状。
let sPrivateKey = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(private_key, TESTNET); // sender's private key
let tx = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(TESTNET); // create new bitcoin transaction
let txid = "e7fcaa3b0bd399e1f8ad152a984f6669d084527bbbe8267d8cb3adebbb030a38"; // hash of previous most recent transaction
let outn = 1;
tx.addInput(txid, outn);
// Sending Coin
tx.addOutput(receive address, amount To Send);
tx.addOutput(senderWallet.publicKey, leftOver);
try {
await tx.sign(0, sPrivateKey);
let txhex = tx.build().toHex();
console.log("Transaction Hex=>>>>> " + txhex);
return res.json({
success: true,
message: txhex,
// private: sPrivateKey
} catch(err) {
console.log("err=> " + err)