
时间:2019-03-27 02:01:41

标签: c

我正在尝试编写一个单词搜索代码,该代码从100x201 char文本文件中获取输入,并逐行搜索文件中的关键字,如果在该行中找到该关键字,则会打印该行,行号,以及找到单词的次数。这段代码可以正确地找到每一行中的单词,但是即使下一行没有出现,它也会打印出下一行也包含该单词。在我的输出中,应该显示“ MAIN”仅在第163和187行中总共发现了4次,而不是163,164、178,188总共出现了7次。链接显示图片,左边是我的输入文件的一部分,右边是我的当前输出。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void my_strcpy(char In[], char Out[], int L) { //copies ln_string[i] to tempword with "length" amount of characters
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < L; i++) 
        Out[i] = In[i];
    Out[L] = '\0';


int search_current_line(char Line_str[], char word[]) {     //function to search one line
    int i,length,count;
    count = 0;
    length = strlen(word);      //find length of desired word
    char tempword[15];          //declare a temp string that we can use strncmp with word
    for (i = 0; i <= 99; i++) { //one iteration for each character in line
        my_strcpy(&Line_str[i], tempword, length); 
        if (strncmp(word, tempword, length) == 0) {//check if word=tempword
            count = count + 1;                  //if true increment counter
    return count;

int main() {
    char YorN ='Y';
    while (YorN == 'Y') {
        int line = 0;           //initialize variables at beginning of loop
        int totalcount = 0;
        char line_str[100];
        char word[15];
        FILE *inp;
        inp = fopen("DataFile.txt", "r");               //open input file
        printf("Enter word to search for (all caps):"); //prompt user for word
        scanf("%s", &word);
        while (!feof(inp)) {        //while not end of file
            fgets(line_str, 100, inp);      //read line into string
            line = line + 1;        //increment line count
            if (search_current_line(line_str, word) >= 1) 
                printf("%s was found %d times on line %d\n", word, search_current_line(line_str, word), line);  //print statements if word was found in line
                printf("The line is:\n%s\n\n", line_str);
                totalcount = totalcount + search_current_line(line_str, word); //increment totalcount by searchline function because it returns count

        if (totalcount > 0) {
            printf("%s was found a total of %d times in the puzzle.\n\n", word, totalcount);//print at end if word was found in puzzle
        else {
            printf("%s was not found in the puzzle.\n\n", word);//print if word wasn't found

        printf("Would you like to look for another word? (Y or N):");       //ask user to continue
        scanf(" %c", &YorN);
return 0;

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