import java.awt.Color;
import acm.program.GraphicsProgram;
public class Clock extends GraphicsProgram {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void run() {
GOval tofig = createFilledCircle(getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2, 200,;
GOval lala = createFilledCircle(getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2, 180, Color.white);
private GOval createFilledCircle(double x, double y, double r, Color color) {
GOval circle = new GOval(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r);
return circle;
// Ignore this;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Clock().start();
答案 0 :(得分:1)
public class DrawCircle {
static final double twopi = Math.PI * 2;
static final double fudge = 0.000001;
private static void drawHourLabels(double center_x, double center_y, double radius) {
int steps = 12;
for (double angle = 0.0; angle < (twopi - fudge); angle += twopi/steps) {
double x_offset = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
double y_offset = Math.cos(angle) * radius;
double x = center_x + x_offset;
double y = center_y + y_offset;
// Here you'd do the actual drawing of each hour label at the coordinates x,y. We'll just print them for now.
System.out.println(String.format("%f %f", x, y));
public static void main(String... args) {
// drawHourLabels(getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2, 220); // <-- you'd do something like this in your "run" method.
// Draw clock labels around circle with center at 400x200 of radius 220
drawHourLabels(400, 600, 220);
之所以使用'fudge'值,是因为浮点算术不是十分精确。到我们将12个浮点值加起来达到2 * Math.PI时,我们可能有点过高或不足。我们希望确保在循环结束时不再处理12:00位置,因为我们计算出的值略小于2 *Math.PI。因此,我们添加了一个很小的“忽悠系数”,但可以保证它大于我们积累的任何浮点误差。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
* Draw text elements from 1 to 12 inside a circle
* @return a group of text elements from 1 to 12
public strictfp static Group drawText() {
//a list for storing text numbers
List<Text> numbersInClock = new ArrayList<>();
//create a group of shapes
Group group = new Group();
//set it to x,y positions
//numbers corresponding to angle calculations
int[] numbers = {3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2};
double[] angles = {0, 0.166666666667, 0.333333333334,0.5, 0.666666666667, 0.833333333334, 1, 1.166666666667, 1.33333333334, 1.5, 1.666666666667, 1.83333333334};
int i = 0;
for (double angle : angles) {
//Calculated formula for x,y positions of each number within a circle
//(x,y) = (rcos(angle),rsin(angle))
int r = 90; // length of radius, a bit shorter to put it inside a circle
//calculate x and y positions based on formula for numbers within a circle
double x = r * Math.cos(angle*Math.PI);
double y = r * Math.sin(angle*Math.PI);
//create a text element consiting a coressponding number
Text text = new Text(x, y, String.valueOf(numbers[i++]));
//add it to a list
//add all text elements to a group
//return a group
return group;
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
您可以使用sin和cos知道在哪里设置文本。 Sine和Cosine是两个数学运算符,它们以弧度取一个角度,并给出介于-1和1之间的数字,以知道如何乘以获取坐标