
时间:2019-03-25 03:35:05

标签: haskell


evalExpr :: String -> Int
evalExpr xs = foldl 0 xs where
  f v x | x == "+" = (+) v
        | x == "-" = (-) v
        | x == " " = 0
        | otherwise = read v :: Int


evalExpr“ 2 + 4 + 5-8”





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以按照@ 5ndG的建议进行操作。但是,要评估操作字符串,使用parsec是更好的方法。这是您的情况的示例:

module EvalExpr where

-- You need parsec to do parsing work, and the following are just example 
-- modes for your simple case.
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.Parsec.String

-- A data structure for your simple arithmetic expresssion
data Expr = Lit Int
          | Plus Expr Expr
          | Minus Expr Expr
          deriving Show

-- Evaluate an Expr to an integer number
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval (Lit n) = n
eval (Plus e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2
eval (Minus e1 e2) = eval e1 - eval e2

-- The following do the parsing work
-- Parser for an integer number
int :: Parser Expr
int = Lit . read <$> (many1 digit <* spaces)      -- A number may be followed by spaces

-- Parser for operators "Plus" and "Minus"
plus, minus :: Parser (Expr -> Expr -> Expr)
plus = Plus <$ char '+' <* spaces
minus = Minus <$ char '-' <* spaces

-- Parser for Expr
expr :: Parser Expr
expr = chainl int (plus <|> minus) (Lit 0)

-- Evalute string to an integer
evalExpr :: String -> Int
evalExpr s = case parse expr "" s of
               Left err -> error $ show err
               Right e  -> eval e

以上只是使用parsec的简单示例。如果您的实际情况比较复杂,则需要做更多的工作。因此,学习使用parsec是必要的。 intro_to_parsing是一个好的开始。 package description中也有一些学习资源。



答案 1 :(得分:0)


evalExpr :: String -> Int
evalExpr xs = foldl f (0 +) xs 0

f :: (Int -> Int) -> Char -> (Int -> Int)
f v ch | ch == '+' = (v 0 +)
       | ch == '-' = (v 0 -)
       | ch == ' ' = v
       | otherwise = (v (read [ch] :: Int) +)
