我收到错误AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'mentionable'
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True, name='list', aliases=['roles', 'role'])
async def _list(self, ctx):
"""List of all available roles """
guild = ctx.message.guild
author = ctx.message.author
botroom = self.bot.get_channel(555844758778544160)
intros = self.bot.get_channel(485381365366390796)
#--- Role list Categories ---"
if ctx.message.channel == intros:
if ctx.message.channel == botroom:
title = '**Hey {}, here is a categorised list of roles you can add:**'.format(author.display_name)
embed = discord.Embed(title=title.format(), colour=0x0080c0)
embed.add_field(name="\n**__Notifications__**", value="roles with a :bell: at the beginning of them are @mentionable - when applied you may recieve notifications.\n\n", inline=False)
embed.set_footer(text="Tip: to add a role from the list type the command !add/remove followed by the role.")
#Lets start embed roles list below#
Colours = ['Blue', 'Green', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Pink', 'Purple']
embed.add_field(name='**__Colour Roles__**', value='\n'.join([":bell: {} **({})**" if role.mentionable in Colours else ":no_bell: {} **({})**".format(role, len([member for member in guild.members if ([r for r in member.roles if r.name == role])])) for role in Colours]))
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
await ctx.send('You can only use this command in {}.'.format(botroom.mention))
embed.add_field(name='**__Colour Roles__**', value='\n'.join([":bell: {} **({})**" if role.mentionable in Colours else ":no_bell: {} **({})**".format(role, len([member for member in guild.members if ([r for r in member.roles if r.name == role])])) for role in Colours]))
我不确定从这里做什么。 非常感谢。
编辑:回复@Kanasaki Torisowa
Colours = ['Blue', 'Green', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Pink', 'Purple']
for role in guild.roles:
if role.mentionable in Colours == True:
embed.add_field(name='**__Colour Roles__**', value='\n'.join(["{} **({})**".format(role, len([member for member in guild.members if ([r for r in member.roles if r.name == role])])) for role in Colours]))
答案 0 :(得分:1)
async def mentionable_roles(self, msg):
channel = self.bot.get_channel(555844758778544160)
if msg.channel == channel: # channel is equal to `555844758778544160`
emb = discord.Embed(title='Server Roles') # set the embed title
for i in msg.guild.roles: # loop through the roles
if i.mentionable == True: # role is mentionable
# add bell icon since role is mentionable
emb.add_field(name=i.name, value='')
if i.mentionable == False: # role is not mentionable
# add no bell icon since role is not mentionable
emb.add_field(name=i.name, value='')
text="Tip: to add a role from the list type the command !add/remove followed by the role.")
await msg.send(embed=emb)
if msg.channel != channel:
await msg.send(f"You can only use this command at {channel.name}")