
时间:2019-03-24 00:11:55

标签: applescript





tell application "System Events"

tell process "MIDI Editor"
    with timeout of 0 seconds
            set barCount to value of text field "Main Counter" of group "Counter Display Cluster" of window "Edit: kjhsdf" of application process "MIDI Editor" of application "System Events"
            delay 0.01
        end repeat
    end timeout
end tell

end tell



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

脚本编辑器中,您可以使用某些AppleScriptObjC以编程方式创建带有可更新文本字段的非模式窗口。在下面的示例中,我使用重复计时器而不是AppleScript repeat语句,因为这样的紧密循环会阻塞用户界面。将脚本另存为应用程序,并设置选项保持打开状态。

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Cocoa"
use scripting additions

property WindowFrame : {{200, 600}, {150, 50}} -- window location and size
property TextFrame : {{10, 10}, {130, 30}} -- window size minus 20
property mainWindow : missing value
property textField : missing value
property timer : missing value

on run -- example
  set my timer to current application's NSTimer's timerWithTimeInterval:0.25 target:me selector:"update" userInfo:(missing value) repeats:true
  current application's NSRunLoop's mainRunLoop's addTimer:timer forMode:(current application's NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
end run

to update() -- update text field
  set barCount to ""
  with timeout of 0.5 seconds
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "MIDI Editor"
      set barCount to value of text field "Main Counter" of group "Counter Display Cluster" of window "Edit: kjhsdf"
    end tell
  end timeout
  textField's setStringValue:(barCount as text)
end update

to setup() -- create UI objects
  tell (current application's NSTextField's alloc's initWithFrame:TextFrame)
    set my textField to it
    its setFont:(current application's NSFont's fontWithName:"Menlo" |size|:18)
    its setBordered:false
    its setDrawsBackground:false
    its setSelectable:false
  end tell
  tell (current application's NSWindow's alloc's initWithContentRect:WindowFrame styleMask:1 backing:(current application's NSBackingStoreBuffered) defer:true)
    set my mainWindow to it
    its setAllowsConcurrentViewDrawing:true
    its setHasShadow:true
    its setTitle:"Progress"
    its setLevel:(current application's NSFloatingWindowLevel)
    its (contentView's addSubview:textField)
    its setFrameAutosaveName:"Update Window" -- keep window position
    its setFrameUsingName:"Update Window"
    its makeKeyAndOrderFront:me
  end tell
end setup