Turtle Racer如何在python中添加第一第二和第三菜单

时间:2019-03-23 05:12:00

标签: python tkinter turtle-graphics appjar

因此,我有一个11年级的项目,需要在此代码中添加一个部分,以便在类似于此enter image description here的菜单中列出越过终点线的前3只海龟,但是我需要它说第一名,第二名,第三名,然后将相应的海龟移到那里。麻烦的是,我制作的新曲目(项目告诉我)enter image description here,但是在第一个乌龟越过后,乌龟就不会越过终点线,而且我不确定如何添加新菜单作为代码最初给予没有意义。



#                       Imports

from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from turtle import *
import turtle
from random import randint
from turtle import Screen, Turtle
from math import sin, cos, atan2, pi
from random import randrange
racers = [] #defines what racers is 


#                       GAME


# Creating the window
screen = turtle.Screen()
screen.setup(1225, 1000)

pil_img = Image.open("eightLane.gif")  # Use PIL to open .jpg image.
tk_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_img)  # Convert it into something tkinter can use.
canvas = turtle.getcanvas()  # Get the tkinter Canvas of this TurtleScreen.
# Create a Canvas image object holding the tkinter image.
img_obj_id = canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=tk_img, anchor='center')



#   Creating the turtles


#in future adjust position 
LINEUP = [  # (color, (starting postion))
    ('red', (0, 90)), #creates each turtle and where it goes
    ('yellow', (-55, 120)),
    ('blue', (-120, 150)),
    ('green', (-195, 165)),
    ('dark goldenrod', (-270, 180)),
    ('blue violet', (-365, 170)),
    ('magenta', (-465, 140)),
    ('light slate gray', (-550, 100)),

for index, (color, position) in enumerate(LINEUP):

    racer = Turtle('turtle', visible=False) #pen settings for placing the turtles initially
    racer.setheading(180 + index * 10)
    racer.showturtle() #shows the turtle now that it is in position


DELTA = 0.4  # angle at which they move

def radii(index):  # calculate concentric ellipse radii
    return 265 + index * 44, 90 + index * 36

def race(): #how often it moves a turtle
    every 1/1000th of a second, pick a random 
    racer and move it forward a bit

    index = randrange(len(racers)) 
    racer = racers[index]

    # get angle from x, y; increase angle; compute new x, y
    theta = atan2(racer.ycor(), racer.xcor()) + DELTA

    a, b = radii(index)

    x = a * cos(theta) #fancy maths
    y = b * sin(theta)

    racer.setheading(racer.towards(x, y)) #tells the racer where to face
    racer.setposition(x, y)  # moves the racer to the position 

    # check if a racer has crossed the finish line
    if pi/2 < theta < pi/2 + DELTA/2: #if the racer has crossed the line run next line else skip
        pass  #someone one
        screen.ontimer(race, 100) #keeps the loop going



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