我试图找出如何有效地将Rcpp合并到R中,并且作为测试用例,我选择了Bisection方法,这是一种流行的求根方法。它还需要进行少量的函数式编程,因为您需要调用要查找其根的函数才能找到根。可能是我错了,只是我的C ++ / Rcpp不好。
问题是Rcpp函数实际上需要花费(更长)的时间才能运行,我很确定,因为每次调用R函数时都会处理R函数。我在下面提供了一些基准测试,以及我的R和C ++版本的代码:
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(bisectionMethod(function(x) x^3, -10, 7),
bisectionMethodCPP(function(x) x^3, -10, 7),
uniroot(function(x) x^3, c(-10, 7)))
> Unit: microseconds
> expr min lq mean median
> bisectionMethod(function(x) x^3, -10, 7) 54.521 55.904 69.9303 58.005
> bisectionMethodCPP(function(x) x^3, -10, 7) 1463.781 1496.900 1677.2274 1532.158
> uniroot(function(x) x^3, c(-10, 7)) 62.016 65.862 103.2841 72.320
> uq max neval cld
> 62.0835 1100.376 100 a
> 1604.4215 4941.922 100 b
> 98.5615 2135.752 100 a
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector bisectionMethodCPP(Function f, NumericVector a, NumericVector b,
NumericVector eps = 0.0000000001)
if (is_true(all(b <= a))) {
NumericVector switchVal = a;
a = b;
b = switchVal;
NumericVector fa = f(a);
NumericVector fb = f(b);
if (is_true(all(fa*fb > 0))) {
return -999.0;
while (is_true(all((b-a) > eps))) {
NumericVector middle = ((b+a)/2.0);
NumericVector fmid = f(middle);
if (is_true(all(fmid*fb > 0))) {
b = middle;
else if (is_true(all(fmid*fa > 0))) {
a = middle;
else if (is_true(all(fmid == 0.0))) {
return middle;
fa = f(a);
fb = f(b);
NumericVector Ans = ((b+a)/2.0);
return Ans;
bisectionMethod <- function(f, a, b, eps = 1e-10, iter.max = 100) {
## R version of the Bisection Method
if (f(a)*f(b) > 0) {
stop("Bisection method invalid for this kind of case.")
if (b <= a) {
switchVal = a
a = b
b = switchVal
i <- 1
while ((b-a) > eps) {
middle = (b+a)/2.0
if (f(middle) * f(b) > 0) {
b = middle
else if (f(middle) * f(a) > 0) {
a = middle
else if (f(middle) == 0.0) {
i <- i+1
if (iter.max == i) {
stop("Maximum iterations reached without locating root.")
return ((b+a)/2.0)