
时间:2011-04-03 13:44:18

标签: javascript numbers

我正在尝试将数字转换为英语单词,例如 1234 将成为:“一千二百三十四”。

My Tactic是这样的:

  • 将数字分成三个,并从右到左将它们放在数组(finlOutPut)上。

  • 将三个数字的每个组(finlOutPut数组中的每个单元格)转换为一个单词(这是triConvert函数的作用)。如果所有三位数都为零,则将它们转换为"dontAddBigSuffix"

  • 从右到左,添加千,百万,十亿等。如果finlOutPut单元格等于"dontAddBigSufix"(因为它只是零),请不要添加单词并将单元格设置为" "(无)。

它似乎工作得很好,但我遇到了一些问题,如19000000 9 ,转换为:“一亿九千万”。不知怎的,当有几个零时它会“忘记”最后的数字。


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>

<script type="text/javascript">
function update(){
    var bigNumArry = new Array('', ' thousand', ' million', ' billion', ' trillion', ' quadrillion', ' quintillion');

    var output = '';
    var numString =   document.getElementById('number').value;
    var finlOutPut = new Array();

    if (numString == '0') {
        document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = 'Zero';

    if (numString == 0) {
        document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = 'messeg tell to enter numbers';

    var i = numString.length;
    i = i - 1;

    //cut the number to grups of three digits and add them to the Arry
    while (numString.length > 3) {
        var triDig = new Array(3);
        triDig[2] = numString.charAt(numString.length - 1);
        triDig[1] = numString.charAt(numString.length - 2);
        triDig[0] = numString.charAt(numString.length - 3);

        var varToAdd = triDig[0] + triDig[1] + triDig[2];
        numString = numString.substring(0, numString.length - 3);

    //conver each grup of three digits to english word
    //if all digits are zero the triConvert
    //function return the string "dontAddBigSufix"
    for (j = 0; j < finlOutPut.length; j++) {
        finlOutPut[j] = triConvert(parseInt(finlOutPut[j]));

    var bigScalCntr = 0; //this int mark the million billion trillion... Arry

    for (b = finlOutPut.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
        if (finlOutPut[b] != "dontAddBigSufix") {
            finlOutPut[b] = finlOutPut[b] + bigNumArry[bigScalCntr] + ' , ';
        else {
            //replace the string at finlOP[b] from "dontAddBigSufix" to empty String.
            finlOutPut[b] = ' ';
            bigScalCntr++; //advance the counter  

        //convert The output Arry to , more printable string 
        for(n = 0; n<finlOutPut.length; n++){
            output +=finlOutPut[n];

    document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = output;//print the output

//simple function to convert from numbers to words from 1 to 999
function triConvert(num){
    var ones = new Array('', ' one', ' two', ' three', ' four', ' five', ' six', ' seven', ' eight', ' nine', ' ten', ' eleven', ' twelve', ' thirteen', ' fourteen', ' fifteen', ' sixteen', ' seventeen', ' eighteen', ' nineteen');
    var tens = new Array('', '', ' twenty', ' thirty', ' forty', ' fifty', ' sixty', ' seventy', ' eighty', ' ninety');
    var hundred = ' hundred';
    var output = '';
    var numString = num.toString();

    if (num == 0) {
        return 'dontAddBigSufix';
    //the case of 10, 11, 12 ,13, .... 19 
    if (num < 20) {
        output = ones[num];
        return output;

    //100 and more
    if (numString.length == 3) {
        output = ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))] + hundred;
        output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];
        output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(2))];
        return output;

    output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))];
    output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];

    return output;


<input type="text"
    /*this code prevent non numeric letters*/ 
    onkeydown="return (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey 
                    || (47<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<58 && event.shiftKey==false) 
                    || (95<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<106)
                    || (event.keyCode==8) || (event.keyCode==9) 
                    || (event.keyCode>34 && event.keyCode<40) 
                    || (event.keyCode==46) )"/>
<div id="container">Here The Numbers Printed</div>

24 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:24)



如果你已经完成了从190,000,001到190,000,010的整个数字集,你会看到JavaScript跳过'...,008'和'...,009',但是为'...发出'8', 010' 。那就是'尤里卡!'时刻。


for (j = 0; j < finlOutPut.length; j++) {
    finlOutPut[j] = triConvert(parseInt(finlOutPut[j]));

for (j = 0; j < finlOutPut.length; j++) {
    finlOutPut[j] = triConvert(parseInt(finlOutPut[j],10));



for (b = finlOutPut.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
    if (finlOutPut[b] != "dontAddBigSufix") {
        finlOutPut[b] = finlOutPut[b] + bigNumArry[bigScalCntr] + ' , ';
    else {
        //replace the string at finlOP[b] from "dontAddBigSufix" to empty String.
        finlOutPut[b] = ' ';
        bigScalCntr++; //advance the counter  

    //convert The output Arry to , more printable string 
    for(n = 0; n<finlOutPut.length; n++){
        output +=finlOutPut[n];


for (b = finlOutPut.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
    if (finlOutPut[b] != "dontAddBigSufix") {
        finlOutPut[b] = finlOutPut[b] + bigNumArry[bigScalCntr]; // <<<
    else {
        //replace the string at finlOP[b] from "dontAddBigSufix" to empty String.
        finlOutPut[b] = ' ';
        bigScalCntr++; //advance the counter  

    //convert The output Arry to , more printable string 
    var nonzero = false; // <<<
    for(n = 0; n<finlOutPut.length; n++){
        if (finlOutPut[n] != ' ') { // <<<
            if (nonzero) output += ' , '; // <<<
            nonzero = true; // <<<
        } // <<<
        output +=finlOutPut[n];

答案 1 :(得分:17)



#! /usr/bin/env node

var sys=require('sys');

// actual  conversion code starts here

var ones=['','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'];
var tens=['','','twenty','thirty','forty','fifty','sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety'];
var teens=['ten','eleven','twelve','thirteen','fourteen','fifteen','sixteen','seventeen','eighteen','nineteen'];

function convert_millions(num){
    if (num>=1000000){
        return convert_millions(Math.floor(num/1000000))+" million "+convert_thousands(num%1000000);
    else {
        return convert_thousands(num);

function convert_thousands(num){
    if (num>=1000){
        return convert_hundreds(Math.floor(num/1000))+" thousand "+convert_hundreds(num%1000);
        return convert_hundreds(num);

function convert_hundreds(num){
    if (num>99){
        return ones[Math.floor(num/100)]+" hundred "+convert_tens(num%100);
        return convert_tens(num);

function convert_tens(num){
    if (num<10) return ones[num];
    else if (num>=10 && num<20) return teens[num-10];
        return tens[Math.floor(num/10)]+" "+ones[num%10];

function convert(num){
    if (num==0) return "zero";
    else return convert_millions(num);

//end of conversion code

//testing code begins here

function main(){
    var cases=[0,1,2,7,10,11,12,13,15,19,20,21,25,29,30,35,50,55,69,70,99,100,101,119,510,900,1000,5001,5019,5555,10000,11000,100000,199001,1000000,1111111,190000009];
    for (var i=0;i<cases.length;i++ ){
        sys.puts(cases[i]+": "+convert(cases[i]));


答案 2 :(得分:12)



在谷歌搜索和玩其他代码后,我做了一个快速修复和可重用功能适用于高达99,99,99,999的数字。使用:number2text(1234.56);将返回ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOUR RUPEE AND FIFTY-SIX PAISE ONLY。享受!

function number2text(value) {
    var fraction = Math.round(frac(value)*100);
    var f_text  = "";

    if(fraction > 0) {
        f_text = "AND "+convert_number(fraction)+" PAISE";

    return convert_number(value)+" RUPEE "+f_text+" ONLY";

function frac(f) {
    return f % 1;

function convert_number(number)
    if ((number < 0) || (number > 999999999)) 
        return "NUMBER OUT OF RANGE!";
    var Gn = Math.floor(number / 10000000);  /* Crore */ 
    number -= Gn * 10000000; 
    var kn = Math.floor(number / 100000);     /* lakhs */ 
    number -= kn * 100000; 
    var Hn = Math.floor(number / 1000);      /* thousand */ 
    number -= Hn * 1000; 
    var Dn = Math.floor(number / 100);       /* Tens (deca) */ 
    number = number % 100;               /* Ones */ 
    var tn= Math.floor(number / 10); 
    var one=Math.floor(number % 10); 
    var res = ""; 

    if (Gn>0) 
        res += (convert_number(Gn) + " CRORE"); 
    if (kn>0) 
            res += (((res=="") ? "" : " ") + 
            convert_number(kn) + " LAKH"); 
    if (Hn>0) 
        res += (((res=="") ? "" : " ") +
            convert_number(Hn) + " THOUSAND"); 

    if (Dn) 
        res += (((res=="") ? "" : " ") + 
            convert_number(Dn) + " HUNDRED"); 

var tens = Array("", "", "TWENTY", "THIRTY", "FOURTY", "FIFTY", "SIXTY","SEVENTY", "EIGHTY", "NINETY"); 

    if (tn>0 || one>0) 
        if (!(res=="")) 
            res += " AND "; 
        if (tn < 2) 
            res += ones[tn * 10 + one]; 

            res += tens[tn];
            if (one>0) 
                res += ("-" + ones[one]); 

    if (res=="")
        res = "zero"; 
    return res;

答案 3 :(得分:6)

en_US cs_CZ 有JS库。

答案 4 :(得分:3)



    ones: ['', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'],
    tens: ['', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'fourty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'],
    sep: ['', ' thousand ', ' million ', ' billion ', ' trillion ', ' quadrillion ', ' quintillion ', ' sextillion ']


(function( ones, tens, sep ) {

    var input = document.getElementById( 'input' ),
        output = document.getElementById( 'output' );

    input.onkeyup = function() {
        var val = this.value,
            arr = [],
            str = '',
            i = 0;

        if ( val.length === 0 ) {
            output.textContent = 'Please type a number into the text-box.';

        val = parseInt( val, 10 );
        if ( isNaN( val ) ) {
            output.textContent = 'Invalid input.';

        while ( val ) {
            arr.push( val % 1000 );
            val = parseInt( val / 1000, 10 );   

        while ( arr.length ) {
            str = (function( a ) {
                var x = Math.floor( a / 100 ),
                    y = Math.floor( a / 10 ) % 10,
                    z = a % 10;

                return ( x > 0 ? ones[x] + ' hundred ' : '' ) +
                       ( y >= 2 ? tens[y] + ' ' + ones[z] : ones[10*y + z] );
            })( arr.shift() ) + sep[i++] + str;

        output.textContent = str;



答案 5 :(得分:3)

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var th = ['', ' thousand', ' million', ' billion', ' trillion', ' quadrillion', ' quintillion'];
var dg = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'];
var tn = ['ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'];
var tw = ['twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'];

function update(){
    var numString =   document.getElementById('number').value;
    if (numString == '0') {
        document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = 'Zero';
    if (numString == 0) {
        document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = 'messeg tell to enter numbers';

    var output = toWords(numString);
    //print the output
    document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = output;

function toWords(s) {
    s = s.toString();
    s = s.replace(/[\, ]/g, '');
    if (s != parseFloat(s)) return 'not a number';
    var x = s.indexOf('.');
    if (x == -1) x = s.length;
    if (x > 15) return 'too big';
    var n = s.split('');
    var str = '';
    var sk = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {
        if ((x - i) % 3 == 2) {
            if (n[i] == '1') {
                str += tn[Number(n[i + 1])] + ' ';
                sk = 1;
            } else if (n[i] != 0) {
                str += tw[n[i] - 2] + ' ';
                sk = 1;
        } else if (n[i] != 0) {
            str += dg[n[i]] + ' ';
            if ((x - i) % 3 == 0) str += 'hundred ';
            sk = 1;
        if ((x - i) % 3 == 1) {
            if (sk) str += th[(x - i - 1) / 3] + ' ';
            sk = 0;
    if (x != s.length) {
        var y = s.length;
        str += 'point ';
        for (var i = x + 1; i < y; i++) str += dg[n[i]] + ' ';
    return str.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');


<input type="text"
    /*this code prevent non numeric letters*/ 
    onkeydown="return (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey 
                    || (47<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<58 && event.shiftKey==false) 
                    || (95<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<106)
                    || (event.keyCode==8) || (event.keyCode==9) 
                    || (event.keyCode>34 && event.keyCode<40) 
                    || (event.keyCode==46) )"/>
<div id="container">Here The Numbers Printed</div>

答案 6 :(得分:2)


function convert(number) {

    if (number < 0) {

        console.log("Number Must be greater than zero = " + number);
        return "";
    if (number > 100000000000000000000) {
        console.log("Number is out of range = " + number);
        return "";
    if (!is_numeric(number)) {
        console.log("Not a number = " + number);
        return "";

    var quintillion = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000000000); /* quintillion */
    number -= quintillion * 1000000000000000000;
    var quar = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000000); /* quadrillion */
    number -= quar * 1000000000000000;
    var trin = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000); /* trillion */
    number -= trin * 1000000000000;
    var Gn = Math.floor(number / 1000000000); /* billion */
    number -= Gn * 1000000000;
    var million = Math.floor(number / 1000000); /* million */
    number -= million * 1000000;
    var Hn = Math.floor(number / 1000); /* thousand */
    number -= Hn * 1000;
    var Dn = Math.floor(number / 100); /* Tens (deca) */
    number = number % 100; /* Ones */
    var tn = Math.floor(number / 10);
    var one = Math.floor(number % 10);
    var res = "";

    if (quintillion > 0) {
        res += (convert_number(quintillion) + " quintillion");
    if (quar > 0) {
        res += (convert_number(quar) + " quadrillion");
    if (trin > 0) {
        res += (convert_number(trin) + " trillion");
    if (Gn > 0) {
        res += (convert_number(Gn) + " billion");
    if (million > 0) {
        res += (((res == "") ? "" : " ") + convert_number(million) + " million");
    if (Hn > 0) {
        res += (((res == "") ? "" : " ") + convert_number(Hn) + " Thousand");

    if (Dn) {
        res += (((res == "") ? "" : " ") + convert_number(Dn) + " hundred");

    var ones = Array("", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eightteen", "Nineteen");
    var tens = Array("", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Fourty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eigthy", "Ninety");

    if (tn > 0 || one > 0) {
        if (!(res == "")) {
            res += " and ";
        if (tn < 2) {
            res += ones[tn * 10 + one];
        } else {

            res += tens[tn];
            if (one > 0) {
                res += ("-" + ones[one]);

    if (res == "") {
        console.log("Empty = " + number);
        res = "";
    return res;
function is_numeric(mixed_var) {
    return (typeof mixed_var === 'number' || typeof mixed_var === 'string') && mixed_var !== '' && !isNaN(mixed_var);

答案 7 :(得分:1)




//=> "three hundred sixty-five"

//=> "ten thousand decillion two hundred thirty billion one million ten thousand one hundred nine"


var lt20 = ["", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven","eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" ],
    tens = ["", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eightty", "ninety" ],
    scales = ["", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion", "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion" ],
    max = scales.length * 3;

function convert(val) {
    var len;

    // special cases
    if (val[0] === "-") { return "negative " + convert(val.slice(1)); }
    if (val === "0") { return "zero"; }

    val = trim_zeros(val);
    len = val.length;

    // general cases
    if (len < max) { return convert_lt_max(val); }
    if (len >= max) { return convert_max(val); }

function convert_max(val) {
    return split_rl(val, max)
        .map(function (val, i, arr) {
            if (i < arr.length - 1) {
                return convert_lt_max(val) + " " + scales.slice(-1);
            return convert_lt_max(val);
        .join(" ");

function convert_lt_max(val) {
    var l = val.length;
    if (l < 4) {
        return convert_lt1000(val).trim();
    } else {
        return split_rl(val, 3)
            .join(" ")

function convert_lt1000(val) {
    var rem, l;

    val = trim_zeros(val);
    l = val.length;

    if (l === 0) { return ""; }
    if (l < 3) { return convert_lt100(val); }
    if (l === 3) { //less than 1000
        rem = val.slice(1);
        if (rem) {
            return lt20[val[0]] + " hundred " + convert_lt1000(rem);
        } else {
            return lt20[val[0]] + " hundred";

function convert_lt100(val) {
    if (is_lt20(val)) { // less than 20
        return lt20[val];
    } else if (val[1] === "0") {
        return tens[val[0]];
    } else {
        return tens[val[0]] + "-" +  lt20[val[1]];

function split_rl(str, n) {
    // takes a string 'str' and an integer 'n'. Splits 'str' into
    // groups of 'n' chars and returns the result as an array. Works
    // from right to left.
    if (str) {
        return Array.prototype.concat
            .apply(split_rl(str.slice(0, (-n)), n), [str.slice(-n)]);
    } else {
        return [];

function with_scale(str, i) {
    var scale;
    if (str && i > (-1)) {
        scale = scales[i];
        if (scale !== undefined) {
            return str.trim() + " " + scale;
        } else {
            return convert(str.trim());
    } else {
        return "";

function trim_zeros(val) {
    return val.replace(/^0*/, "");

function is_lt20(val) {
    return parseInt(val, 10) < 20;

答案 8 :(得分:1)

我修改了ŠimeVidas的帖子 - 在适当的地方包括美元,美分,逗号和“和”。 如果它需要“零分”或没有提及分数(如果为0),则有一个可选的结尾。




var str='';
var str2='';
var str3 =[];

function convertNum(inp,end){
    str3 = [];
    var NUMBER2TEXT = {
    ones: ['', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'],
    tens: ['', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'],
    sep: ['', ' thousand', ' million', ' billion', ' trillion', ' quadrillion', ' quintillion', ' sextillion']
(function( ones, tens, sep ) {
   var vals = inp.split("."),val,pos,postsep=' ';
   for (p in vals){
      val = vals[p], arr = [], str = '', i = 0;
      if ( val.length === 0 ) {return 'No value';}
      val = parseInt( (p==1 && val.length===1 )?val*10:val, 10 );
      if ( isNaN( val ) || p>=2) {return 'Invalid value'; }
      while ( val ) {
        arr.push( val % 1000 );
        val = parseInt( val / 1000, 10 );   
      pos = arr.length;
      function trimx (strx) {
                return strx.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
        function seps(sepi,i){
                var s = str3.length
                if (str3[s-1][0]){
                    if (str3[s-2][1] === str3[s-1][0]){
                        str = str.replace(str3[s-2][1],'')
                var temp = str.split(sep[i-2]);
                if (temp.length > 1){
                    if (trimx(temp[0]) ==='' && temp[1].length > 1 ){
                        str = temp[1];
                return sepi + str ;
      while ( arr.length  ) {
        str = (function( a ) {
            var x = Math.floor( a / 100 ),
                y = Math.floor( a / 10 ) % 10,
                z = a % 10;
                postsep = (arr.length != 0)?', ' : ' ' ;
                if ((x+y+z) === 0){
                    postsep = ' '
                    if (arr.length == pos-1 && x===0 && pos > 1 ){
                        postsep = ' and ' 
                return  (postsep)+( x > 0 ? ones[x] + ' hundred ' + (( x == 0 && y >= 0 || z >0 )?' and ':' ') : ' ' ) +                  
                   ( y >= 2 ? tens[y] + ((z===0)?' ':'-') + ones[z] : ones[10*y + z] ); 
        })( arr.shift() ) +seps( sep[i++] ,i ) ;             
      if (p==0){ str2 += str + ' dollars'}
      if (p==1 && !end){str2 += (str!='')?' and '+ str + ' cents':'' } 
      if (p==1 && end ){str2 += ' and ' + ((str==='')?'zero':str) + ' cents '} 
})( NUMBER2TEXT.ones , NUMBER2TEXT.tens , NUMBER2TEXT.sep );

答案 9 :(得分:1)

function intToEnglish(number){

var NS = [
    {value: 1000000000000000000000, str: "sextillion"},
    {value: 1000000000000000000, str: "quintillion"},
    {value: 1000000000000000, str: "quadrillion"},
    {value: 1000000000000, str: "trillion"},
    {value: 1000000000, str: "billion"},
    {value: 1000000, str: "million"},
    {value: 1000, str: "thousand"},
    {value: 100, str: "hundred"},
    {value: 90, str: "ninety"},
    {value: 80, str: "eighty"},
    {value: 70, str: "seventy"},
    {value: 60, str: "sixty"},
    {value: 50, str: "fifty"},
    {value: 40, str: "forty"},
    {value: 30, str: "thirty"},
    {value: 20, str: "twenty"},
    {value: 19, str: "nineteen"},
    {value: 18, str: "eighteen"},
    {value: 17, str: "seventeen"},
    {value: 16, str: "sixteen"},
    {value: 15, str: "fifteen"},
    {value: 14, str: "fourteen"},
    {value: 13, str: "thirteen"},
    {value: 12, str: "twelve"},
    {value: 11, str: "eleven"},
    {value: 10, str: "ten"},
    {value: 9, str: "nine"},
    {value: 8, str: "eight"},
    {value: 7, str: "seven"},
    {value: 6, str: "six"},
    {value: 5, str: "five"},
    {value: 4, str: "four"},
    {value: 3, str: "three"},
    {value: 2, str: "two"},
    {value: 1, str: "one"}

  var result = '';
  for (var n of NS) {
        result += n.str;
        number -= n.value;
        if(number>0) result += ' ';
        var t =  Math.floor(number / n.value);
        var d = number % n.value;
          return intToEnglish(t) + ' ' + n.str +' ' + intToEnglish(d);
          return intToEnglish(t) + ' ' + n.str;

  return result;

答案 10 :(得分:1)




    function intToEnglish(number){

    var NS = [
        {value: 10000000, str: "Cror"},
        {value: 100000, str: "Lakhs"},
        {value: 1000, str: "thousand"},
        {value: 100, str: "hundred"},
        {value: 90, str: "ninety"},
        {value: 80, str: "eighty"},
        {value: 70, str: "seventy"},
        {value: 60, str: "sixty"},
        {value: 50, str: "fifty"},
        {value: 40, str: "forty"},
        {value: 30, str: "thirty"},
        {value: 20, str: "twenty"},
        {value: 19, str: "nineteen"},
        {value: 18, str: "eighteen"},
        {value: 17, str: "seventeen"},
        {value: 16, str: "sixteen"},
        {value: 15, str: "fifteen"},
        {value: 14, str: "fourteen"},
        {value: 13, str: "thirteen"},
        {value: 12, str: "twelve"},
        {value: 11, str: "eleven"},
        {value: 10, str: "ten"},
        {value: 9, str: "nine"},
        {value: 8, str: "eight"},
        {value: 7, str: "seven"},
        {value: 6, str: "six"},
        {value: 5, str: "five"},
        {value: 4, str: "four"},
        {value: 3, str: "three"},
        {value: 2, str: "two"},
        {value: 1, str: "one"}

      var result = '';
      for (var n of NS) {
            result += n.str;
            number -= n.value;
            if(number>0) result += ' ';
            var t =  Math.floor(number / n.value);
            var d = number % n.value;
              return intToEnglish(t) + ' ' + n.str +' ' + intToEnglish(d);
              return intToEnglish(t) + ' ' + n.str;

      return result;

答案 11 :(得分:0)

印度尼西亚开发者的一些代码段将数字值转换为语言拼写(手工最小化,只有576个字节,需要ES6 +)...

const terbilang=(x,nol='---',min='minus')=>{const S=['','satu','dua','tiga','empat','lima','enam','tujuh','delapan','sembilan'],K=['','ribu','juta','miliar','triliun','kuadriliun'],s=[];if(!x)return nol;if(x<0){if(min)s=[min];x=-x}for(let k=0;x;k++){let g=x%1e3;if(g===1&&k===1)s.unshift('seribu');else{let u=g>99?[(g>199?S[g/100|0]+' ':'se')+'ratus']:[];if(g%=100){if(g>9&&g<20)u.push(g<11?'sepuluh':(g<12?'se':S[g%10]+' ')+'belas');else{if(g>19)u.push(S[g/10|0]+' puluh');if(g%=10)u.push(S[g])}}k&&u.push(K[k]);s.unshift(u.join(' '))}x=Math.floor(x/1e3)}return s.join(' ')};

答案 12 :(得分:0)

我在这里提供的解决方案是使用单循环字符串三元组(SLST)方法将数字转换为等效的英语单词,我已在此处在Code Review上使用插图图形进行了详细介绍和解释。

Simple Number to Words using a Single Loop String Triplets in JavaScript







function NumToWordsInt(NumIn) {
* Convert Integer Numbers to English Words
* Using the Single Loop String Triplets Method
* @Param : {Number}  The number to be converted
*                    For large numbers use a string
* @Return: {String}  Wordified Number (Number in English Words)
* @Author: Mohsen Alyafei 10 July 2019
* @Notes : Call separately for whole and for fractional parts.
*          Scale Array may be increased by adding more scale
*          names if required after Decillion.
 if (NumIn==0) return "Zero";
 var  Ones  = ["", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"],
      Tens  = ["", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"],
      Scale = ["", "Thousand", "Million", "Billion", "Trillion", "Quadrillion", "Quintillion", "Sextillion", "Septillion", "Octillion", "Nonillion", "Decillion"],
      N1, N2, Sep, j, i, h, Trplt, tns="", NumAll = "";
 NumIn += "";                                            // Make NumIn a String
//----------------- code starts -------------------
 NumIn = "0".repeat(NumIn.length * 2 % 3) + NumIn;       //Create shortest string triplets 0 padded
 j = 0;                                                  //Start with the highest triplet from LH
    for (i = NumIn.length / 3 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {        //Loop thru number of triplets from LH most
      Trplt = NumIn.substring(j, j + 3);                 //Get a triplet number starting from LH
      if (Trplt !="000") {                               //Skip empty trplets
        Sep = Trplt[2] !="0" ? "-":" ";                  //Dash only for 21 to 99
        N1 = Number(Trplt[0]);                           //Get Hundreds digit
        N2 = Number(Trplt.substr(1));                    //Get 2 lowest digits (00 to 99) 
        tns = N2 > 19 ? Tens[Number(Trplt[1])] + Sep + Ones[Number(Trplt[2])] : Ones[N2];
        NumAll += ((h = N1>0 ? Ones[N1] + " Hundred": "") + " " + tns).trim() + " " + Scale[i]+ " "; 
      j += 3;                                            //Next lower triplets (move to RH)
//----------------- code Ends --------------------
 return NumAll.trim();                                   //Return trimming excess spaces if any

// ----------------- test sample -----------------

答案 13 :(得分:0)


function wordify(n) {
    var word = [],
        numbers = { 1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three', 4: 'Four', 5: 'Five', 6: 'Six', 7: 'Seven', 8: 'Eight', 9: 'Nine', 10: 'Ten', 11: 'Eleven', 12: 'Twelve', t3: 'Thir', t5: 'Fif', t8: 'Eigh', 20: 'Twenty' },
        hundreds = 0 | (n % 1000) / 100,
        tens = 0 | (n % 100) / 10,
        ones = n % 10,

    if (n === 0) return 'Zero';
    if (hundreds) word.push(numbers[hundreds] + ' Hundred');

    if (tens === 0) {
    } else if (tens === 1) {
        word.push(numbers['1' + ones] || (numbers['t' + ones] || numbers[ones]) + 'teen');
    } else {
        part = numbers[tens + '0'] || (numbers['t' + tens] || numbers[tens]) + 'ty';
        word.push(numbers[ones] ? part + '-' + numbers[ones] : part);
    return word.join(' ');

var i,
    output = document.getElementById('out');

for (i = 0; i < 1e3; i++) output.innerHTML += wordify(i) + '\n';
<pre id="out"></pre>

答案 14 :(得分:0)


function num2str(num, moneda) {
    moneda = moneda || (num !== 1 ? "pesos" : "peso");
    var fraction = Math.round(__cf_frac(num) * 100);
    var f_text = " (" + pad(fraction, 2) + "/100 M.N.)";

    return __cf_convert_number(num) + " " + moneda + f_text;

function __cf_frac(f) {
    return f % 1;

function __cf_convert_number(number) {
    if ((number < 0) || (number > 999999999)) {
        throw Error("N\u00famero fuera de rango");
    var millon = Math.floor(number / 1000000);
    number -= millon * 1000000;
    var cientosDeMiles = Math.floor(number / 100000);
    number -= cientosDeMiles * 100000;
    var miles = Math.floor(number / 1000);
    number -= miles * 1000;
    var centenas = Math.floor(number / 100);
    number = number % 100;
    var tn = Math.floor(number / 10);
    var one = Math.floor(number % 10);
    var res = "";

    var cientos = Array("", "cien", "doscientos", "trescientos", "cuatrocientos", "quinientos", "seiscientos", "setecientos", "ochocientos", "novecientos");
    if (millon > 0) {
        res += (__cf_convert_number(millon) + (millon === 1 ? " mill\u00f3n" : " millones"));
    if (cientosDeMiles > 0) {
        res += (((res == "") ? "" : " ") +
            cientos[cientosDeMiles] + (miles > 0 || centenas > 0 || tn > 0 || one < 0 ? (cientosDeMiles == 1 ? "to " : " ") : ""));
    if (miles > 0) {
        res += (((res == "") ? "" : " ") +
            __cf_convert_number(miles) + " mil");
    if (centenas) {
        res += (((res == "") ? "" : " ") +
            cientos[centenas] + (tn > 0 || one > 0 ? (centenas > 1 ? " " : "to ") : ""));

    var ones = Array("", "un", "dos", "tres", "cuatro", "cinco", "seis", "siete", "ocho", "nueve", "diez", "once", "doce", "trece", "catorce", "quince", "dieciseis", "diecisiete", "dieciocho", "diecinueve");
    var tens = Array("", "", "veinte", "treinta", "cuarenta", "cincuenta", "sesenta", "setenta", "ochenta", "noventa");

    if (tn > 0 || one > 0) {
        if (tn < 2) {
            res += ones[tn * 10 + one];
        else {
            if (tn === 2 && one > 0)
                res += "veinti" + ones[one];
            else {
                res += tens[tn];
                if (one > 0) {
                    res += (" y " + ones[one]);

    if (res == "") {
        res = "cero";
    return res.replace("  ", " ");

function pad(num, largo, char) {
    char = char || '0';
    num = num + '';
    return num.length >= largo ? num : new Array(largo - num.length + 1).join(char) + num;


"ciento veintitres millones cuatrocientos cincuenta y seis mil setecientos ochenta y nueve pesos (00/100 M.N.)"

答案 15 :(得分:0)


function convert_to_word(num, ignore_ten_plus_check) {

var ones = [];
var tens = [];
var ten_plus = [];
ones["1"] = "one";
ones["2"] = "two";
ones["3"] = "three";
ones["4"] = "four";
ones["5"] = "five";
ones["6"] = "six";
ones["7"] = "seven";
ones["8"] = "eight";
ones["9"] = "nine";

ten_plus["10"] = "ten";
ten_plus["11"] = "eleven";
ten_plus["12"] = "twelve";
ten_plus["13"] = "thirteen";
ten_plus["14"] = "fourteen";
ten_plus["15"] = "fifteen";
ten_plus["16"] = "sixteen";
ten_plus["17"] = "seventeen";
ten_plus["18"] = "eighteen";
ten_plus["19"] = "nineteen";

tens["1"] = "ten";
tens["2"] = "twenty";
tens["3"] = "thirty";
tens["4"] = "fourty";
tens["5"] = "fifty";
tens["6"] = "sixty";
tens["7"] = "seventy";
tens["8"] = "eighty";
tens["9"] = "ninety";   

    var len = num.length;

    if(ignore_ten_plus_check != true && len >= 2) {
        var ten_pos = num.slice(len - 2, len - 1);
        if(ten_pos == "1") {
            return ten_plus[num.slice(len - 2, len)];
        } else if(ten_pos != 0) {
            return tens[num.slice(len - 2, len - 1)] + " " + ones[num.slice(len - 1, len)];

    return ones[num.slice(len - 1, len)];


function get_rupees_in_words(str, recursive_call_count) {
  if(recursive_call_count > 1) {
        return "conversion is not feasible";
    var len = str.length;
    var words = convert_to_word(str, false);
    if(len == 2 || len == 1) {
    if(recursive_call_count == 0) {
        words = words +" rupees";
        return words;
    if(recursive_call_count == 0) {
        words = " and " + words +" rupees";

var hundred = convert_to_word(str.slice(0, len-2), true);
  words = hundred != undefined ? hundred + " hundred " + words : words;
    if(len == 3) {
        return words;

var thousand = convert_to_word(str.slice(0, len-3), false);
words = thousand != undefined ? thousand  + " thousand " + words : words;
if(len <= 5) {
    return words;

var lakh = convert_to_word(str.slice(0, len-5), false);
words =  lakh != undefined ? lakh + " lakh " + words : words;
if(len <= 7) {
    return words;

recursive_call_count = recursive_call_count + 1;
return get_rupees_in_words(str.slice(0, len-7), recursive_call_count) + " crore " + words;

Please check out my code pen

答案 16 :(得分:0)

这是一个简单的ES6 +数字到单词功能。您可以简单地添加'illions'数组来扩展数字。美式英文版。  (没有'和'结束前)

// generic number to words

let digits  = ['','one','two','three','four', 'five','six','seven','eight','nine','ten','eleven','twelve','thirteen','fourteen','fifteen','sixteen','seventeen','eighteen','nineteen'];
let ties    = ['', '', 'twenty','thirty','forty','fifty', 'sixty','seventy','eighty','ninety'];
let illions = ['', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion'].reverse()

let join = (a, s) => a.filter(v => v).join(s || ' ')

let tens = s => 
    digits[s] || 
    join([ties[s[0]], digits[s[1]]], '-') // 21 -> twenty-one

let hundreds = s => 
        (s[0] !== '0' ? [digits[s[0]], 'hundred'] : [])
            .concat( tens(s.substr(1,2)) )  )

let re = '^' + '(\\d{3})'.repeat(illions.length) + '$'

let numberToWords = n => 
    // to filter non number or '', null, undefined, false, NaN
    isNaN(Number(n)) || !n && n !== 0 
        ? 'not a number'
        : Number(n) === 0 
            ? 'zero'  
            : Number(n) >= 10 ** (illions.length * 3)
                ? 'too big'
                : String(n)
                    .padStart(illions.length * 3, '0')
                    .match(new RegExp(re))
                    .slice(1, illions.length + 1)
                    .reduce( (a, v, i) => v === '000' ? a : join([a, hundreds(v), illions[i]]), '')

// just for this question.

let update = () => {
    let value = document.getElementById('number').value
    document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = numberToWords(value)

答案 17 :(得分:0)

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    HTML - Convert numbers to words using JavaScript</h1>
<input id="Text1" type="text" onkeypress="return onlyNumbers(this.value);" onkeyup="NumToWord(this.value,'divDisplayWords');"
    maxlength="9" style="background-color: #efefef; border: 2px solid #CCCCC; font-size: large" />
<br />
<br />
<div id="divDisplayWords" style="font-size: 13; color: Teal; font-family: Arial;">

答案 18 :(得分:0)

这是法语的解决方案 它是@gandil响应的一个分支

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var th = ['', ' mille', ' millions', ' milliards', ' billions', ' mille-billions', ' trillion'];
var dg = ['zéro', 'un', 'deux', 'trois', 'quatre', 'cinq', 'six', 'sept', 'huit', 'neuf'];
var tn = ['dix', 'onze', 'douze', 'treize', 'quatorze', 'quinze', 'seize', 'dix-sept', 'dix-huit', 'dix-neuf'];
var tw = ['vingt', 'trente', 'quarante', 'cinquante', 'soixante', 'soixante-dix', 'quatre-vingts', 'quatre-vingt-dix'];

function update(){
    var numString =   document.getElementById('number').value;
    if (numString == '0') {
        document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = 'Zéro';
    if (numString == 0) {
        document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = 'messeg tell to enter numbers';

    var output = toWords(numString);
    //output.split('un mille').join('msille ');
    //output.replace('un cent', 'cent ');
    //print the output
    //if(output.length == 4){output = 'sss';}
    document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = output;

function toWords(s) {

    s = s.toString();
    s = s.replace(/[\, ]/g, '');
    if (s != parseFloat(s)) return 'not a number';
    var x = s.indexOf('.');
    if (x == -1) x = s.length;
    if (x > 15) return 'too big';
    var n = s.split('');
    var str = '';
    var sk = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {
        if ((x - i) % 3 == 2) {
            if (n[i] == '1') {
                str += tn[Number(n[i + 1])] + ' ';
                sk = 1;
            } else if (n[i] != 0) {
                str += tw[n[i] - 2] + ' ';
                sk = 1;
        } else if (n[i] != 0) {
            str += dg[n[i]] + ' ';
            //if((dg[n[i]] == 'un') && ((x - i) / 3 == 1)){str = 'cent ';}
            if ((x - i) % 3 == 0) {str += 'cent ';}
            sk = 1;
        if ((x - i) % 3 == 1) {
            if((x - i - 1) / 3 == 1){
                var long = str.length;
                subs = str.substr(long-3);
                if("un")!= -1){
                    //str += 'OK';
                    str = str.substr(0, long-4);


            if (sk) str += th[(x - i - 1) / 3] + ' ';
            sk = 0;

    if (x != s.length) {
        var y = s.length;
        str += 'point ';
        for (var i = x + 1; i < y; i++) str += dg[n[i]] + ' ';
    //if(str.length == 4){}
    str.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
    return str.split('un cent').join('cent ');
    //return str.replace('un cent', 'cent ');


<input type="text"
/*this code prevent non numeric letters*/
onkeydown="return (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey
|| (47<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<58 && event.shiftKey==false)
|| (95<event.keyCode && event.keyCode<106)
|| (event.keyCode==8) || (event.keyCode==9)
|| (event.keyCode>34 && event.keyCode<40)
|| (event.keyCode==46) )"/>
<div id="container">Here The Numbers Printed</div>


答案 19 :(得分:0)



describe("English Numerals Converter", function () {
  assertNumeral(0, "zero");
  assertNumeral(1, "one");
  assertNumeral(2, "two");
  assertNumeral(3, "three");
  assertNumeral(4, "four");
  assertNumeral(5, "five");
  assertNumeral(6, "six");
  assertNumeral(7, "seven");
  assertNumeral(8, "eight");
  assertNumeral(9, "nine");
  assertNumeral(10, "ten");
  assertNumeral(11, "eleven");
  assertNumeral(12, "twelve");
  assertNumeral(13, "thirteen");
  assertNumeral(14, "fourteen");
  assertNumeral(15, "fifteen");
  assertNumeral(16, "sixteen");
  assertNumeral(17, "seventeen");
  assertNumeral(18, "eighteen");
  assertNumeral(19, "nineteen");
  assertNumeral(20, "twenty");
  assertNumeral(21, "twenty-one");
  assertNumeral(22, "twenty-two");
  assertNumeral(23, "twenty-three");
  assertNumeral(30, "thirty");
  assertNumeral(37, "thirty-seven");
  assertNumeral(40, "forty");
  assertNumeral(50, "fifty");
  assertNumeral(60, "sixty");
  assertNumeral(70, "seventy");
  assertNumeral(80, "eighty");
  assertNumeral(90, "ninety");
  assertNumeral(99, "ninety-nine");
  assertNumeral(100, "one hundred");
  assertNumeral(101, "one hundred and one");
  assertNumeral(102, "one hundred and two");
  assertNumeral(110, "one hundred and ten");
  assertNumeral(120, "one hundred and twenty");
  assertNumeral(121, "one hundred and twenty-one");
  assertNumeral(199, "one hundred and ninety-nine");
  assertNumeral(200, "two hundred");
  assertNumeral(999, "nine hundred and ninety-nine");
  assertNumeral(1000, "one thousand");
  assertNumeral(1001, "one thousand and one");
  assertNumeral(1011, "one thousand and eleven");
  assertNumeral(1111, "one thousand and one hundred and eleven");
  assertNumeral(9999, "nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine");
  assertNumeral(10000, "ten thousand");
  assertNumeral(20000, "twenty thousand");
  assertNumeral(21000, "twenty-one thousand");
  assertNumeral(90000, "ninety thousand");
  assertNumeral(90001, "ninety thousand and one");
  assertNumeral(90100, "ninety thousand and one hundred");
  assertNumeral(90901, "ninety thousand and nine hundred and one");
  assertNumeral(90991, "ninety thousand and nine hundred and ninety-one");
  assertNumeral(90999, "ninety thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine");
  assertNumeral(91000, "ninety-one thousand");
  assertNumeral(99999, "ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine");
  assertNumeral(100000, "one hundred thousand");
  assertNumeral(999000, "nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand");
  assertNumeral(1000000, "one million");
  assertNumeral(10000000, "ten million");
  assertNumeral(100000000, "one hundred million");
  assertNumeral(1000000000, "one billion");
  assertNumeral(1000000000000, "one trillion");
  assertNumeral(1000000000000000, "one quadrillion");
  assertNumeral(1000000000000000000, "one quintillion");
  assertNumeral(1000000000000000000000, "one sextillion");

  assertNumeral(-1, "minus one");
  assertNumeral(-999, "minus nine hundred and ninety-nine");

  function assertNumeral(number, numeral) {
    it(number + " is " + numeral, function () {

function convert(n) {
  let NUMERALS = [
    {value: 1000000000000000000000, str: "sextillion"},
    {value: 1000000000000000000, str: "quintillion"},
    {value: 1000000000000000, str: "quadrillion"},
    {value: 1000000000000, str: "trillion"},
    {value: 1000000000, str: "billion"},
    {value: 1000000, str: "million"},
    {value: 1000, str: "thousand"},
    {value: 100, str: "hundred"},
    {value: 90, str: "ninety"},
    {value: 80, str: "eighty"},
    {value: 70, str: "seventy"},
    {value: 60, str: "sixty"},
    {value: 50, str: "fifty"},
    {value: 40, str: "forty"},
    {value: 30, str: "thirty"},
    {value: 20, str: "twenty"},
    {value: 19, str: "nineteen"},
    {value: 18, str: "eighteen"},
    {value: 17, str: "seventeen"},
    {value: 16, str: "sixteen"},
    {value: 15, str: "fifteen"},
    {value: 14, str: "fourteen"},
    {value: 13, str: "thirteen"},
    {value: 12, str: "twelve"},
    {value: 11, str: "eleven"},
    {value: 10, str: "ten"},
    {value: 9, str: "nine"},
    {value: 8, str: "eight"},
    {value: 7, str: "seven"},
    {value: 6, str: "six"},
    {value: 5, str: "five"},
    {value: 4, str: "four"},
    {value: 3, str: "three"},
    {value: 2, str: "two"},
    {value: 1, str: "one"}

  if (n < 0) {
    return "minus " + convert(-n);
  } else if (n === 0) {
    return "zero";
  } else {
    let result = "";
    for (let numeral of NUMERALS) {
      if (n >= numeral.value) {
        if (n < 100) {
          result += numeral.str;
          n -= numeral.value;
          if (n > 0) result += "-";
        } else {
          let times = Math.floor(n / numeral.value);
          result += convert(times) + " " + numeral.str;
          n -= numeral.value * times;
          if (n > 0) result += " and ";
    return result;

答案 20 :(得分:0)


$scope.convert = (number, upper=0) ->
number = +number
# console.log "inside convert and the number is:  " + number

if number < 0
    # console.log 'Number Must be greater than zero = ' + number
    return ''

if number > 100000000000000000000
    # console.log 'Number is out of range = ' + number
    return ''
if isNaN(number)
    console.log("NOT A NUMBER")
    alert("Not a number = ")
    return ''
    console.log "at line 88 number is:  " + number
    quintillion = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000000000)
    ### quintillion ###

    number -= quintillion * 1000000000000000000
    quar = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000000)
    # console.log "at line 94 number is:  " + number

    ### quadrillion ###

    number -= quar * 1000000000000000
    trin = Math.floor(number / 1000000000000)
    # console.log "at line 100 number is:  " + number

    ### trillion ###
    number -= trin * 1000000000000
    Gn = Math.floor(number / 1000000000)
    # console.log "at line 105 number is:  " + number

    ### billion ###

    number -= Gn * 1000000000
    million = Math.floor(number / 1000000)
    # console.log "at line 111 number is:  " + number

    ### million ###

    number -= million * 1000000
    Hn = Math.floor(number / 1000)
    # console.log "at line 117 number is:  " + number

    ### thousand ###

    number -= Hn * 1000
    Dn = Math.floor(number / 100)
    # console.log "at line 123 number is:  " + number

    ### Tens (deca) ###

    number = number % 100
    # console.log "at line 128 number is:  " + number

    ### Ones ###
    tn      = Math.floor(number / 10)
    one     = Math.floor(number % 10)
    # tn = Math.floor(number / 1)
    change  = Math.round((number % 1) * 100)
    res     = ''
    # console.log "before ifs"
    if quintillion > 0
        res += $scope.convert(quintillion) + ' Quintillion'
    if quar > 0
        res += $scope.convert(quar) + ' Quadrillion'
    if trin > 0
        res += $scope.convert(trin) + ' Trillion'
    if Gn > 0
        res += $scope.convert(Gn) + ' Billion'
    if million > 0
        res += (if res == '' then '' else ' ') + $scope.convert(million) + ' Million'
    if Hn > 0
        res += (if res == '' then '' else ' ') + $scope.convert(Hn) + ' Thousand'
    if Dn
        res += (if res == '' then '' else ' ') + $scope.convert(Dn) + ' Hundred'
    # console.log "the result is:  " + res
    ones = Array('', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine', 'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen', 'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eightteen', 'Nineteen')
    tens = Array('', '', 'Twenty', 'Thirty', 'Fourty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty', 'Seventy', 'Eigthy', 'Ninety')
    # console.log "the result at 161 is:  " + res
    if tn > 0 or one > 0
        if !(res == '')
            # res += ' and '
            res += ' '
            # console.log "the result at 164 is:  " + res
        if tn < 2
            res += ones[tn * 10 + one]
            # console.log "the result at 168is:  " + res
            res += tens[tn]
            if one > 0
                res += '-' + ones[one]
            # console.log "the result at 173 is:  " + res
    if change > 0
        if res == ''
            res =  change + "/100"
            res += ' and ' + change + "/100"

    if res == ''
        console.log 'Empty = ' + number
        res = ''
    if +upper == 1
        res = res.toUpperCase()
    $scope.newCheck.amountInWords = res
    return res

$ scope.is_numeric =(mixed_var) - &gt;     #console.log“mixed var is:”+ mixed_var     (typeof mixed_var =='number'或typeof mixed_var =='string')和mixed_var!=''和!isNaN(mixed_var)

答案 21 :(得分:0)

来源: 我找到的最小的脚本:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="toword.js">
    var words = toWords(12345);


答案 22 :(得分:0)

我想指出原始逻辑在x11-x19之间的值失败,其中x> = 1.例如,118返回“一百八十”。这是因为这些数字由triConvert()中的以下代码处理:

//100 and more
if (numString.length == 3) {
    output = ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))] + hundred;
    output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];
    output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(2))];
    return output;



//the case of 10, 11, 12 ,13, .... 19 
if (num < 20) {
    output = ones[num];
    return output;

//100 and more
if (numString.length == 3) {
    output = ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))] + hundred;
    output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];
    output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(2))];
    return output;

output += tens[parseInt(numString.charAt(0))];
output += ones[parseInt(numString.charAt(1))];

return output;


// 100 and more
if ( numString.length == 3 ) 
   output  = hundreds[ parseInt( numString.charAt(0) ) ] + hundred ;
   num = num % 100 ;
   numString = num.toString() ;

if ( num < 20 )  
   output += ones[num] ;
 { // 20-99 
   output += tens[ parseInt( numString.charAt(0) ) ] ;
   output += '-' + ones[ parseInt( numString.charAt(1) ) ] ;  

 return output;

在我看来,建议的代码更短更清晰,但我可能有偏见; - )

答案 23 :(得分:-1)


    aTens = [ "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy","Eighty", "Ninety"];

    aOnes = [ "Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen" ];
    var aUnits = "Thousand";
    function convertnumbertostring(){
       var num=prompt('','enter the number');
       var j=6;
       var y = ConvertToWords(num);
          alert('Enter the number of 5 letters')
    function ConvertToHundreds(num)
       var cNum, nNum;
       var cWords = "";
       if (num > 99) {
          /* Hundreds. */
          cNum = String(num);
          nNum = Number(cNum.charAt(0));
          cWords += aOnes[nNum] + " Hundred";
          num %= 100;
          if (num > 0){
             cWords += " and "

       if (num > 19) {
          /* Tens. */
          cNum = String(num);
          nNum = Number(cNum.charAt(0));
          cWords += aTens[nNum - 2];
          num %= 10;
          if (num > 0){
             cWords += "-";
       if (num > 0) {
          /* Ones and teens. */
          nNum = Math.floor(num);
          cWords += aOnes[nNum];

    function ConvertToWords(num)
       var cWords;
       for (var i = 0; num > 0; i++) { 
           if (num % 1000 > 0) {
              if (i != 0){
                 cWords = ConvertToHundreds(num) + " " + aUnits + " " + cWords;
                 cWords = ConvertToHundreds(num) + " ";
           num = (num / 1000);