public static class ThrowIf
public static void ArgumentIsNull(params Expression<Func<object>>[] exprs)
foreach (var expr in exprs)
var member = expr.Body as MemberExpression;
var name = member?.Member.Name ?? "Unknown";
var value = expr.Compile()();
if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(name);
ThrowIf.ArgumentIsNull(() => model, () => model.Lines);
If (model == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));
If (model.Lines == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model.Lines));
public static class ValidateIf
public static string IsNullOrEmpty(params Expression<Func<object>>[] exprs)
foreach (var expr in exprs)
var member = expr.Body as MemberExpression;
var name = member?.Member.Name ?? "Unknown";
var value = expr.Compile()();
if (value == null) return $"{name} cannot be null.";
return null;
() => line.ProductCode,
() => line.Currency,
() => line.Dates);
此问题是未使用返回类型。 我将必须执行以下操作:
return ValidateIf.IsNullOrEmpty(
() => line.ProductCode,
() => line.Currency,
() => line.Dates);
public string ValidateSynchronize(OrderViewModel model)
() => model.Account,
() => model.Account.OpeningTimes,
() => model.Account.VehicleRouting,
() => model.Lines
foreach (var line in model.Lines)
() => line.Delivery,
() => line.Delivery.OpeningTimes,
() => line.Delivery.VehicleRouting,
() => line.Product
return null;
public string ValidateSynchronize(OrderViewModel model)
var message = ValidateIf.IsNullOrEmpty(
() => model.Account,
() => model.Account.OpeningTimes,
() => model.Account.VehicleRouting,
() => model.Lines
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) return message;
foreach (var line in model.Lines)
message = ValidateIf.IsNullOrEmpty(
() => line.Delivery,
() => line.Delivery.OpeningTimes,
() => line.Delivery.VehicleRouting,
() => line.Product
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) return message;
return null;
public async Task<string> ValidateSaveAsync(OrderViewModel model, IStockProvider stockProvider)
() => model.Account,
() => model.Account.Currency,
() => model.AccountNumber,
() => model.ReferenceNumber,
() => model.Source,
() => model.OrderDate,
() => model.Type,
() => model.Lines);
var validationMessage = Validate(model);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationMessage))
return validationMessage;
foreach (var line in model.Lines)
() => line.Product,
() => line.Product.ProductCode,
() => line.UnitOfMeasure,
() => line.Currency,
() => line.Currency.UnitPrice,
() => line.Currency.LineValue,
() => line.Currency.IssueReference,
() => line.Currency.IssueNumber,
() => line.Dates);
if (!ValidationExtensions.IsIssueNumberValid(line.Currency.IssueNumber)) return "Price Issue Number is invalid, must be greater than 0";
if (!ValidationExtensions.IsRequiredDateValid(line.Dates.Required)) line.Dates.Required = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).Date;
if (!ValidationExtensions.IsDespatchDateValid(line.Dates.Dispatch)) line.Dates.Dispatch = DateTime.Now.Date;
if (!ValidationExtensions.IsDeliveryDateValid(line.Dates.Delivery)) line.Dates.Delivery = DateTime.Now.Date;
if (!ValidationExtensions.IsUnitPriceValid(line.Currency.UnitPrice)) return "Unit price is invalid, must be between 0 and 30";
if (!ValidationExtensions.ValidateQuantity(line.Type, line.Quantity)) return $"Minimum of 1.5M and maximum of 22M order quantity on cut - lengths - Line:{line.Id}";
if (!ValidationExtensions.IsRollAvailable(line.Type, line.UnitOfMeasure, line.Product.Roll30Available)) return $"30M rolls not allowed - Line:{line.Id}";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Type) || model.Type.Equals("S", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) continue;
if (ValidationExtensions.IsProductDiscontinued(line.Product.Status))
return $"Product discontinued - Line:{line.Id}";
// TODO: Matt asked me to add this, see the comment below
// I believe it is when they choose a particular lot number when ordering a roll as the qty for rolls is always 1 yet the stock can be
// any size... for now if the ordered item type is a roll ignore this validation check.
if (line.Type == OrderLineType.Roll || string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.LotNumber)) continue;
var stock = await stockProvider.GetAsync(line.LotNumber);
if (line.Quantity >= stock.Quantity) continue;
return $"Selected lot {line.LotNumber} has changed - quantities no longer match (requested {line.Quantity} got {stock.Quantity}) Line {line.Id}";
return null;
一团糟... 那么,是否有一个我可以使用的巧妙技巧或仅当它具有值时才返回字符串的另一种方法? 我知道这不太可能,但是我想在实施丑陋的解决方案之前先问一下:(