ID Value
1 0
1 0
1 2.5
1 3
1 0
1 4
1 2
1 5
1 0
ID Value Length
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 2.5 2
1 3 2
1 0 0
1 4 3
1 2 3
1 5 3
1 0 0
答案 0 :(得分:0)
*creates new length variable that starts at 1 and increments by 1 from start to end of every non-zero sequence;
data step_one (drop=prev_val);
set orig_data;
retain prev_val length 0;
indx = _n_;
if value ne 0 and prev_val ne 0 then length = length + 1;
else if value ne 0 then length = 1;
else if value = 0 then length = 0;
prev_val = value;
*sorts dataset in reverse order;
proc sort data=step_one;
by descending indx;
*creates modified length variable that carries maximum length value for each sequence down to all observations included in that sequence;
data step_two (drop=length prev_length rename=(length_new=length));
set step_one;
retain length_new prev_length 0;
if length = 0 then length_new = 0;
else if length ne 0 and prev_length = 0 then
length_new = length;
prev_length = length;
*re-sorts dataset back to its original order and outputs final dataset with just the needed variables;
proc sort data=step_two out=final_result (keep=ID value length);
by indx;