如何用猫从Future [Either [String,Int]]制作EitherT [Future,String,Int]?

时间:2019-03-21 19:36:26

标签: scala functional-programming scala-cats


  type Response[A] = EitherT[Future, String, A]

  val powerLevels = Map(
    "Jazz" -> 6,
    "Bumblebee" -> 8,
    "Hot Rod" -> 10
  def getPowerLevel(autobot: String): Response[Int] = {

    val result = Future {
      powerLevels.get(autobot) {
        case Some(number) => Right(number)
        case None         => Left(s"Can't get connect to $autobot")


我无法理解如何将函数getPowerLevelFuture[Either[String, Int]])中的计算结果转换为(正确将书写器转换为Response[Int]类型。我想调用{{ 1}}在powerLevels.get(autobot)中。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import cats.data.EitherT
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

import cats.implicits._

  type Response[A] = EitherT[Future, String, A]

  val powerLevels = Map(
    "Jazz" -> 6,
    "Bumblebee" -> 8,
    "Hot Rod" -> 10

  def getPowerLevel(autobot: String): Response[Int] = {

      val result = Future {
        powerLevels.get(autobot) match {
          case Some(number) => Right(number)
          case None         => Left(s"Can't get connect to $autobot")

答案 1 :(得分:0)

Monad 转换器采用可堆叠的 monad 来返回可组合的 monad。 例如,在这种情况下,EitherT[Future, String, A] 将采用 Future[Either[String, A]] 来返回可组合的 monad。

尽管其他解决方案恰如其分地满足了这一要求,但我们可以使用 cond 中的 Either API 将其编写得更简洁:

  def getPowerLevel(autobot: String): Response[Int] = {
    val powerLevel = powerLevels.get(autobot)
    EitherT(Future(Either.cond(powerLevel.isDefined, powerLevel.get, s"$autobot unreachable")))