
时间:2019-03-21 08:59:30

标签: mongodb mongodb-query

我想创建一个迁移脚本,该脚本能够从Project const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const admin = require('firebase-admin'); admin.initializeApp(); const cors = require('cors')({ origin: true }); const express = require('express'); const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')(); const app = express(); // Express middleware that validates Firebase ID Tokens passed in the Authorization HTTP header. // The Firebase ID token needs to be passed as a Bearer token in the Authorization HTTP header like this: // `Authorization: Bearer <Firebase ID Token>`. // when decoded successfully, the ID Token content will be added as `req.user`. const validateFirebaseIdToken = (req, res, next) => { console.log('Check if request is authorized with Firebase ID token'); if ( !req.headers.authorization || !req.headers.authorization.startsWith('Bearer ') ) { console.error( 'No Firebase ID token was passed as a Bearer token in the Authorization header.', 'Make sure you authorize your request by providing the following HTTP header:', 'Authorization: Bearer <Firebase ID Token>' ); res.status(403).send('Unauthorized'); return; } let idToken; if ( req.headers.authorization && req.headers.authorization.startsWith('Bearer ') ) { console.log('Found "Authorization" header'); // Read the ID Token from the Authorization header. idToken = req.headers.authorization.split('Bearer ')[1]; console.log(idToken); } else { // No cookie res.status(403).send('Unauthorized'); return; } admin .auth() .verifyIdToken(idToken) .then(decodedIdToken => { console.log('ID Token correctly decoded', decodedIdToken); req.user = decodedIdToken; return next(); }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error while verifying Firebase ID token:', error); res.status(403).send('Unauthorized'); }); }; app.use(cors); app.use(cookieParser); app.use(validateFirebaseIdToken); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send(`Your email is ${}`); }); // This HTTPS endpoint can only be accessed by your Firebase Users. // Requests need to be authorized by providing an `Authorization` HTTP header // with value `Bearer <Firebase ID Token>`. exports.securedHttp = functions.https.onRequest(app); 字段复制到Project assignedTo,但插入到包含用户详细信息的数组中,并且assignedMultiple字段将为空。由于我们将使用assignedTo,因此assignedTo字段将被弃用。





 "username" : "usertest",
 "firstName" : "Stack",
 "lastName" : "Overflow",
 "company" : "",
 "country" : "",
 "id" : ObjectId("this_is_usertest_id")


 "name" : "Project",
 "assignedTo" : ObjectId("this_is_usertest_id"),
 "assignedMultiple" : [],
 "id" : ObjectId("someid")

这是我到目前为止尝试过的,但是什么也没有发生,但给我一个错误:{ "name" : "Project", "assignedTo" : null, "assignedMultiple" : [{ "username" : "usertest", "firstName" : "Stack", "lastName" : "Overflow", "company" : "", "country" : "", "id": ObjectId("this_is_usertest_id") }] "id" : ObjectId("someid") } ,但是当我尝试使用failed to execute a script. TypeError: db.user.findOne(...) is null时,它会打印带有数据的项目。 此链接基于此链接MongoDB : how to set a new field equal to the value of another field, for every document in a collection



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