
时间:2019-03-20 19:56:18

标签: scala



object Protocol {
  type ProtocolResult[A] = Either[String, A]

trait Protocol[A] {
  import com.sweetsoft.Protocol.ProtocolResult

  def encode(text: String): ProtocolResult[A]

  def decode(msg: A): String


import cats.implicits._
import com.sweetsoft.Protocol.ProtocolResult

case class PcpProtocol(publicKey: String, topic: String, body: String)

object PcpProtocol {

  private type PcpHead = String
  private type PcpBody = String
  private type PcpKV = String
  private val PcpIndicator = "pcp-channel:apc"
  private val PcpFlag = "pcp-"

  implicit val pcpProtocol: Protocol[PcpProtocol] = new Protocol[PcpProtocol] {
    override def encode(text: String): ProtocolResult[PcpProtocol] =
      for {
        (head, body) <- Either.right(splitRawMsg(text))
        pcpValidated <- validatePcp(head)
        kv <- Either.right(filterOutPcpFlag(pcpValidated))
        (_, pubKey) <- findPublicKey(kv)
        (_, topic) <- findTopic(kv)
      } yield createPcpProtocol(pubKey)(topic)(body)

    override def decode(msg: PcpProtocol): String = ???

  // Split raw message into body and head
  private val splitRawMsg: String => (PcpHead, PcpBody) = (msg: String) => {
    msg.split("\n\n").toList match {
      case List(headR, bodyR) => (headR, bodyR)

  // Validate, if it is a PCP protocol or not
  private val validatePcp: PcpHead => ProtocolResult[PcpHead] = head => {
    if (head.contains(PcpIndicator)) {
    } else {
      Left("The message does not correspond to the PCP protocol.")

  private val filterOutPcpFlag: PcpHead => List[PcpKV] = head => head.split("\n").toList.filter_(!_.contains(PcpFlag))

  private val findPublicKey: List[PcpKV] => ProtocolResult[(String, String)] = kv => findKeyValue("PUBLIC:")(kv)

  private val findTopic: List[PcpKV] => ProtocolResult[(String, String)] = kv => findKeyValue("TOPIC:")(kv)

  private val findKeyValue: String => List[PcpKV] => ProtocolResult[(String, String)] = literal => kv =>
      .foldLeft[Either[String, (String, String)]](Left("Can not find the public key from SAP.")) { (_, a) =>
        a.split(":").toList match {
          case List(key, value) => Right((key, value))

  private val createPcpProtocol: String => String => String => PcpProtocol =
    publicKey =>
      topic =>
        body =>
          PcpProtocol(publicKey, topic, body)



 value withFilter is not a member of Either[Nothing,(com.sweetsoft.PcpProtocol.PcpHead, com.sweetsoft.PcpProtocol.PcpBody)]
[error]         (head, body) <- Either.right(splitRawMsg(text)) 


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