# start logging of archived files and specify log location for each day
Start-transcript C:\Temp\LogArchiveTesting\Logs\Archived_Server_Logging_$(get-date -format ddMMMyyyy).log
# set folder path
$log_path = "C:\Temp\LogArchiveTesting\*.*"
$zip_path = "C:\Temp\LogArchiveTesting\Archive\*.7z"
$target_path = "C:\Temp\LogArchiveTesting\Archive\"
# set min age of files
$max_months = "-6"
$delete_max_days = "-365"
# get the current date
$curr_date = Get-Date
# determine how far back we go based on current date
$zip_date = $curr_date.AddMonths($max_months)
$delete_zip_date = $curr_date.AddDays($delete_max_days)
#$zip_date = (Get-Date).AddMonths(0).Month
# filter files
Get-ChildItem $log_path | Where-Object { ($_.LastWriteTime -lt $zip_date) -and ($_.psIsContainer -eq $false)}|
ForEach {
$Zip = $target_path + "{0:yyMM}_{0:MMM}Server Logging.7z" -f $_.LastWriteTime
& "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" u -mx9 -t7z -m0=lzma2 $Zip $_.FullName |Out-Null
If ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { Remove-Item $_.FullName }
$deletefile = Get-ChildItem $zip_path | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $delete_zip_date } | Remove-Item -verbose
#Stops logging of archived files