
时间:2019-03-19 06:40:11

标签: heroku parse-platform mailgun

我在this example之后在Heroku上安装了Parse Server
数据库已启动并正在运行,并且运行正常。但是,当我尝试实施电子邮件验证时,应用失败。我正在使用Parse Server Example并尝试对其进行修改。


// Example express application adding the parse-server module to expose Parse
// compatible API routes.

var express = require('express');
var ParseServer = require('parse-server').ParseServer;
var path = require('path');

var databaseUri = process.env.DATABASE_URI || process.env.MONGODB_URI;

if (!databaseUri) {
  console.log('DATABASE_URI not specified, falling back to localhost.');

var api = new ParseServer({
  databaseURI: databaseUri || 'mongodb://heroku_address.mlab.com:45669/heroku_key',
  cloud: process.env.CLOUD_CODE_MAIN || __dirname + '/cloud/main.js',
  appId: process.env.APP_ID || 'myAppID',
  masterKey: process.env.MASTER_KEY || 'masterKey', //Add your master key here. Keep it secret!
  serverURL: process.env.SERVER_URL || 'https://appname.herokuapp.com/parse',  // Don't forget to change to https if needed
  liveQuery: {
    classNames: ["Posts", "Comments"] // List of classes to support for query subscriptions
// Enable email verification
  verifyUserEmails: true,
  // The public URL of your app.
  // This will appear in the link that is used to verify email addresses and reset passwords.
  // Set the mount path as it is in serverURL
  publicServerURL: 'http://myAppName herokuapp.com/parse',
  // Your apps name. This will appear in the subject and body of the emails that are sent.
  appName: 'myAppName',
  // The email adapter
  emailAdapter: {
    module: 'parse-server-simple-mailgun-adapter',
    options: {
      // The address that your emails come from
      fromAddress: 'parse@example.com',
      // Your domain from mailgun.com
      domain: 'mySandbox.mailgun.org',
      // Your API key from mailgun.com
      apiKey: 'myAPIKeyFromMailGun',

// Client-keys like the javascript key or the .NET key are not necessary with parse-server
// If you wish you require them, you can set them as options in the initialization above:
// javascriptKey, restAPIKey, dotNetKey, clientKey

var app = express();

// Serve static assets from the /public folder
app.use('/public', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/public')));

// Serve the Parse API on the /parse URL prefix
var mountPath = process.env.PARSE_MOUNT || '/parse';
app.use(mountPath, api);

// Parse Server plays nicely with the rest of your web routes
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  res.status(200).send('Modified index.js');

// There will be a test page available on the /test path of your server url
// Remove this before launching your app
app.get('/test', function(req, res) {
  res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '/public/test.html'));

var port = process.env.PORT || 1337;
var httpServer = require('http').createServer(app);
httpServer.listen(port, function() {
    console.log('parse-server-example running on port ' + port + '.');

// This will enable the Live Query real-time server


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