更改geom_col aes填充组名称中的字体大小

时间:2019-03-18 23:10:30

标签: r size font-size fill geom-col

我正在使用aes(fill = dummy变量)创建条形图,所以我有4条:我基本上是显示2x2模型的比例-如何更改不同组名称的字体大小?

ggplot(summary2, aes(story, prop_agreement)) + #story is either "Freedom" or "Cyber" 
geom_col(aes(fill = Mindset), position = "dodge", alpha = .7) + #mindset is either "Doubt" or "Control"
scale_fill_manual(values = wes_palette(name="Moonrise2", n = 2)) +
labs(title = "Proportion of agreement in Control vs Doubt, by Story", 
              x = "Story", 
              y = "Proportion of agreement") +


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this is the plot I am working with >> I want to change the font size of the legends for mindset: control/doubt and for story: cyber privacy / freedom of speech