我正在学习Forge平台。我目前正在使用由Kean Walmsley编写的示例(Jigsawify),因为它最准确地描述了我的目标。我遇到了使我的文件从Azure存储帐户下载到Forge的问题。我收到的错误是“ HTTP标头之一的值格式不正确”。我的问题是,在编写代码工作项时,有人如何解决HTTP协议问题?我可以在断点处查看工作项,但我不了解HTTP头中的缺陷,甚至在哪里都可以找到缺陷。我应该查看工作项的特定属性吗?如果我可以找到HTTP语句,则可以对其进行测试,但是我不在应该找到它的地方。
static void SubmitWorkItem(Activity activity)
Console.WriteLine("Submitting workitem...");
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount =
StorageCredentials crd = storageAccount.Credentials;
CloudFileClient fileClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient();
CloudFileShare ShareRef = fileClient.GetShareReference("000scrub");
CloudFileDirectory rootDir = ShareRef.GetRootDirectoryReference();
CloudFile Fileshare = rootDir.GetFileReference("3359fort.dwg");
// Create a workitem
var wi = new WorkItem()
Id = "", // Must be set to empty
Arguments = new Arguments(),
ActivityId = activity.Id
if (Fileshare.Exists())
wi.Arguments.InputArguments.Add(new Argument()
Name = "HostDwg", // Must match the input parameter in activity
Resource = Fileshare.Uri.ToString(),
StorageProvider = StorageProvider.Generic // Generic HTTP download (vs A360)
wi.Arguments.OutputArguments.Add(new Argument()
Name = "Results", // Must match the output parameter in activity
StorageProvider = StorageProvider.Generic, // Generic HTTP upload (vs A360)
HttpVerb = HttpVerbType.POST, // Use HTTP POST when delivering result
Resource = null, // Use storage provided by AutoCAD.IO
ResourceKind = ResourceKind.ZipPackage // Upload as zip to output dir
// Polling loop
Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 2 sec...");
container.LoadProperty(wi, "Status"); // HTTP request is made here
Console.WriteLine("WorkItem status: {0}", wi.Status);
while (
wi.Status == ExecutionStatus.Pending ||
wi.Status == ExecutionStatus.InProgress
// Re-query the service so that we can look at the details provided
// by the service
container.MergeOption =
wi = container.WorkItems.ByKey(wi.Id).GetValue();
// Resource property of the output argument "Results" will have
// the output url
var url =
a => a.Name == "Results"
if (url != null)
DownloadToDocs(url, "SGA.zip");
// Download the status report
url = wi.StatusDetails.Report;
if (url != null)
DownloadToDocs(url, "SGA-Report.txt");
感谢您的帮助, 卡盘
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
static void SubmitWorkItem(Activity activity)
Console.WriteLine("Submitting workitem...");
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount =
CloudBlobClient BlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = BlobClient.GetContainerReference("000scrub");
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference("3359fort.dwg");
// Create a workitem
var wi = new WorkItem()
Id = "", // Must be set to empty
Arguments = new Arguments(),
ActivityId = activity.Id
if (blockBlob.Exists())
wi.Arguments.InputArguments.Add(new Argument()
Name = "HostDwg", // Must match the input parameter in activity
Resource = blockBlob.Uri.ToString(),
StorageProvider = StorageProvider.Generic, // Generic HTTP download (vs A360)
Headers = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<Header>()
new Header() { Name = "x-ms-blob-type", Value = "BlockBlob" } // This is required for Azure.
wi.Arguments.OutputArguments.Add(new Argument()
Name = "Results", // Must match the output parameter in activity
StorageProvider = StorageProvider.Generic, // Generic HTTP upload (vs A360)
HttpVerb = HttpVerbType.POST, // Use HTTP POST when delivering result
Resource = null, // Use storage provided by AutoCAD.IO
ResourceKind = ResourceKind.ZipPackage, // Upload as zip to output dir
// Polling loop
Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 2 sec...");
container.LoadProperty(wi, "Status"); // HTTP request is made here
Console.WriteLine("WorkItem status: {0}", wi.Status);
while (
wi.Status == ExecutionStatus.Pending ||
wi.Status == ExecutionStatus.InProgress
// Re-query the service so that we can look at the details provided
// by the service
container.MergeOption =
wi = container.WorkItems.ByKey(wi.Id).GetValue();
// Resource property of the output argument "Results" will have
// the output url
var url =
a => a.Name == "Results"
if (url != null)
DownloadToDocs(url, "SGA.zip");
// Download the status report
url = wi.StatusDetails.Report;
if (url != null)
DownloadToDocs(url, "SGA-Report.txt");
未完成的是结果部分。 ZIP没有任何内容,但是,嘿,宝贝走对了吗?
谢谢阿尔伯特。 -查克(Chuck)