在Azure Log Analytics中按customDimensions汇总渠道

时间:2019-03-18 15:31:06

标签: azure-application-insights azure-log-analytics


let allEvents=customEvents
| where timestamp between (datetime(2019-02-16T15:09:09.959Z)..datetime(2019-03-18T15:09:09.959Z))
| extend SourceType = 5;
let allPageViews=pageViews
| take 0;
let all = allEvents
| union allPageViews;
let step1 = materialize(all
| where name == "AddressCheck" and SourceType == 5
| summarize arg_min(timestamp, *) by user_Id
| project user_Id, step1_time = timestamp
| extend funnel_step= "1. AddressCheck");
let step2 = materialize(step1
| join
    hint.strategy=broadcast                      (all
    | where name == "ContinueToCheckoutButton" and SourceType == 5
    | project user_Id, step2_time=timestamp
on user_Id
| where step1_time < step2_time
| summarize arg_min(step2_time, *) by user_Id
| project user_Id, step1_time,step2_time
| extend funnel_step="2. ContinueToCheckoutButton");
let 1Id=step1
| summarize total1=todouble(count(user_Id));
let 2Id=step2
| summarize total2=todouble(count(user_Id));
| union 2Id
| summarize finalTotal=sum(total2), initialTotal = sum(total1)

这不像在末尾添加“ by tostring(customDimensions [“ name”]))”那样简单。在这种情况下甚至可以这样做吗?

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