Call newquestion("Address correct?")
Call newquestion("Borrower name correct?")
Call newquestion("Occupant correct?")
Public Sub newquestion(qtext as String)
'ClickCount is used for tracking the number of click events throughout the form
ClickCount = ClickCount + 1
'qcount keeps the steady location of each question within a container. Sets the order of ControlIDs within each container
qcount = qcount + 1
IDName = "CB" & CInt(qcount).ToString
newcheck = New CheckBox()
newcheck.ControlID = IDName
newcheck.text = qtext
newcheck.font = New HTMLFont("Arial", 14, 0, 0, 0)
AddHandler newcheck.Click, AddressOf clickhandler
newcheck.visible = True
newcheck.position = New Point(0, QN)
QN = newcheck.Top + newcheck.size.height
'Sets the position of the last question called for the size of the encasing Container
bxlo = newcatbox.bottom
'Resizes the encasing container
newcatbox.size = New Size(500, QN + 35)
If InStr(masterlist, newcheck.controlid.ToString() & "-0") Then
newcheck.checked = False
masterlist = Replace(masterlist, newcheck.controlid.ToString() & "-0" & ",", "")
ElseIf InStr(masterlist, newcheck.controlid.ToString() & "-1") Then
newcheck.checked = True
End IF
End Sub
Call newcat("Subject Property")
Public Sub newcat(ctlt as String, Optional vizi as Object = 1)
Catname = "Catbox" & catnum
newcatbox = New CategoryBox()
newcatbox.ControlID = Catname
newcatbox.title = ctlt
catnum = catnum + 1
newcatbox.backcolor = Color.FromArgb(101, 157, 189)
newcatbox.Position = New Point(0, bxlo + bxlor)
bxlo = newcatbox.bottom + level.size.height
newcatbox.size = New Size(500, 100)
QN = 0
'Number will increase based on the additions of buttons at top of forms
bxlor = 20
If vizi = 1 Then
newcatbox.Visible = True
Level = CType(FindControl(newcatbox.ToString()), CategoryBox)
ElseIf vizi = 0 Then
newcatbox.Visible = False
End If
CPPOINT = level.right
End Sub
Private Sub clickhandler(sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
Dim CID = CType(sender, Checkbox)
Dim SetState as Integer
Dim OldState as Integer
Dim scut as String = CID.controlID.ToString() & "-"
Dim Volca as String = CID.text.ToString()
Dim Mono as String = CID.GetParent()
'msgbox("This is the ClickHAndler Event" & " " & CID.ControlID.ToString())
If CID.Checked = True Then
SetState = 1
OldState = 0
ElseIF CID.Checked = False Then
SetState = 0
OldState = 1
End If
If masterlist.contains(scut) Then
masterlist = Replace(masterlist, scut & OldState & ",", scut & SetState & ",")
masterlist = masterlist & scut & SetState & ","
End If
Select Case Volca
Case "PUD?"
'This is where I want it to add or remove the next catbox and move the remaining ones up or down accordingly.
End Select