
时间:2019-03-17 23:45:35

标签: mysql query-performance typeorm



SELECT * FROM category c WHERE c.createdAt BETWEEN (
  select c.createdAt from category c order by c.createdAt desc limit 1
) - INTERVAL 30 day AND (
  select c.createdAt from category c order by c.createdAt desc limit 1
) AND c.budgetId = (
  select c.budgetId from category c order by c.createdAt desc limit 1
) order by c.`order` desc;


| id | name   | type   | budgetId | order | updatedAt                  | createdAt                  |
|  1 | Income | INCOME |        1 |     0 | 2019-01-25 07:38:22.000000 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.414187 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



Budget - a Budget contains many Categories
- Category - a Category contains many Line Items
-- Line Item



  1. 从今天开始选择所有最近创建的类别, 属于同一预算。
  2. 然后将订单项关联到那些类别



| id | name         | type    | budgetId | order | updatedAt                  | createdAt                  |
|  1 | Income       | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-01-25 07:38:22.000000 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.414187 |
|  2 | NULL         | INCOME  |        7 |     0 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.336374 | 2018-11-30 13:49:29.414000 |
|  4 | NULL         | EXPENSE |        7 |     0 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.336374 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.414187 |
|  5 | Savings      | EXPENSE |        7 |     0 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.336374 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.414187 |
|  6 | NULL         | EXPENSE |        7 |     0 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.336374 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.414187 |
|  7 | NULL         | EXPENSE |        7 |     0 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.336374 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.414187 |
|  8 | NULL         | EXPENSE |        7 |     0 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.336374 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.414187 |
|  9 | NULL         | EXPENSE |        7 |     0 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.336374 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.414187 |
| 10 | NULL         | EXPENSE |        1 |     0 | 2019-01-15 07:29:30.385994 | 2019-01-15 07:29:30.385994 |
| 61 | NULL         | EXPENSE |        1 |     0 | 2019-01-30 08:08:29.829840 | 2019-01-30 08:08:29.829840 |
| 62 | asdfasdf     | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-02 13:32:13.147986 | 2019-02-02 13:32:13.147986 |
| 63 | kjljlklkj    | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-02 17:20:21.582486 | 2019-02-02 17:20:21.582486 |
| 67 | asdfasfd     | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-07 07:33:37.426932 | 2019-02-07 07:33:37.426932 |
| 68 | asdfasdf     | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-07 07:38:36.467545 | 2019-02-07 07:38:36.467545 |
| 69 | Old Income   | INCOME  |        8 |     0 | 2019-03-22 12:14:25.117000 | 2018-11-29 12:14:32.211000 |
| 70 | Older Income | INCOME  |        9 |     0 | 2019-03-22 12:15:14.681000 | 2018-10-29 12:15:20.969000 |
| 71 |              | INCOME  |       10 |     0 | 2019-03-22 12:16:00.746000 | 2018-09-29 12:15:38.125000 |
| 72 | NULL         | INCOME  |       11 |     0 | 2019-03-22 12:17:27.445000 | 2018-08-22 12:16:28.689000 |
| 73 | NULL         | INCOME  |       12 |     0 | 2019-03-22 12:17:30.825000 | 2018-07-22 12:16:39.544000 |
| 74 | NULL         | INCOME  |       13 |     0 | 2019-03-22 12:17:29.230000 | 2018-06-22 12:16:45.362000 |
| 75 | NULL         | INCOME  |       14 |     0 | 2019-03-22 12:17:32.142000 | 2018-05-22 12:16:51.574000 |
| 76 | NULL         | INCOME  |       15 |     0 | 2019-03-22 12:17:33.269000 | 2018-04-22 12:17:00.142000 |
| 77 | NULL         | INCOME  |       16 |     0 | 2019-03-22 12:17:34.972000 | 2018-03-22 12:17:22.573000 |
23 rows in set (0.00 sec)

首先,根据我的经验,我确定了要解决的MySQL查询,以解决问题中提到的性能问题,并且found this excellent answer还将{{3} }提出此查询:

SELECT * FROM category c WHERE c.createdAt BETWEEN (
  select c.createdAt from category c order by c.createdAt desc limit 1
) - INTERVAL 30 day AND (
  select c.createdAt from category c order by c.createdAt desc limit 1
) AND c.budgetId = (
  select c.budgetId from category c order by c.createdAt desc limit 1
) order by c.`order` desc;


| id | name      | type    | budgetId | order | updatedAt                  | createdAt                  |
| 10 | NULL      | EXPENSE |        1 |     0 | 2019-01-15 07:29:30.385994 | 2019-01-15 07:29:30.385994 |
| 61 | NULL      | EXPENSE |        1 |     0 | 2019-01-30 08:08:29.829840 | 2019-01-30 08:08:29.829840 |
| 62 | asdfasdf  | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-02 13:32:13.147986 | 2019-02-02 13:32:13.147986 |
| 63 | kjljlklkj | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-02 17:20:21.582486 | 2019-02-02 17:20:21.582486 |
| 67 | asdfasfd  | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-07 07:33:37.426932 | 2019-02-07 07:33:37.426932 |
| 68 | asdfasdf  | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-07 07:38:36.467545 | 2019-02-07 07:38:36.467545 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


async getCategoriesForLastEnteredMonth() {
  return await this.categoryRepository.createQueryBuilder('c')
    .where((qb => {
      const subCreatedAtQuery = qb.subQuery()
        .select('c.createdAt').from(Category, 'c').orderBy('c.createdAt', 'DESC')

      const subBudgetQuery = qb.subQuery()
        .select('c.budgetId').from(Category, 'c').orderBy('c.createdAt', 'DESC')

      return `c.createdAt BETWEEN (${subCreatedAtQuery}) - INTERVAL 30 day AND (${subCreatedAtQuery}) AND c.budgetId = (${subBudgetQuery})`;
    .orderBy('c.`order`', 'ASC').getMany();


async getCategoriesForLastEnteredMonth() {
  return await this.categoryRepository.createQueryBuilder('c')
    .where((qb => {
      const subCreatedAtQuery = qb.subQuery()
        .select('c.createdAt').from(Category, 'c').orderBy('c.createdAt', 'DESC')

      const subBudgetQuery = qb.subQuery()
        .select('c.budgetId').from(Category, 'c').orderBy('c.createdAt', 'DESC')

      return `c.createdAt BETWEEN (${subCreatedAtQuery}) - INTERVAL 30 day AND (${subCreatedAtQuery}) AND c.budgetId = (${subBudgetQuery})`;
    .leftJoinAndSelect('c.lineItems', 'li')
    .orderBy('c.`order`', 'ASC').getMany();

最后,这产生了我想要的结果。唯一的错误是,我在某个预算ID 1范围内找到了我期望的所有类别,如下所示:

| id | name      | type    | budgetId | order | updatedAt                  | createdAt                  |
| 10 | NULL      | EXPENSE |        1 |     0 | 2019-01-15 07:29:30.385994 | 2019-01-15 07:29:30.385994 |
| 61 | NULL      | EXPENSE |        1 |     0 | 2019-01-30 08:08:29.829840 | 2019-01-30 08:08:29.829840 |
| 62 | asdfasdf  | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-02 13:32:13.147986 | 2019-02-02 13:32:13.147986 |
| 63 | kjljlklkj | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-02 17:20:21.582486 | 2019-02-02 17:20:21.582486 |
| 67 | asdfasfd  | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-07 07:33:37.426932 | 2019-02-07 07:33:37.426932 |
| 68 | asdfasdf  | INCOME  |        1 |     0 | 2019-02-07 07:38:36.467545 | 2019-02-07 07:38:36.467545 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


| id | name   | type   | budgetId | order | updatedAt                  | createdAt                  |
|  1 | Income | INCOME |        1 |     0 | 2019-01-25 07:38:22.000000 | 2018-12-29 13:49:29.414187 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)




export class Category extends TrackedAndIdentifiedEntity {
  @ManyToOne(type => Budget, budget => budget.categories)
  budget: Budget;

  @Column({ nullable: true })
  name: string;

  @Column('enum', { enum: CategoryType })
  type: CategoryType;

  @Column('integer', { default: 0 })
  order: number;

  @ManyToMany(type => LineItem, { cascade: true })
  lineItems: LineItem[];


export class LineItem extends IdentifiedEntity {
  @Column('integer', { default: 0 })
  order: number;

  label: string;

  @Column('decimal', { precision: 19, scale: 4 })
  planned: number;

  @OneToOne(type => Actual, { cascade: true, onUpdate: 'CASCADE' })
  actual: Actual;

  _createdAt: moment.Moment;


export abstract class TrackedAndIdentifiedEntity extends IdentifiedEntity {
  updatedAt: Date;

  createdAt: Date;
export abstract class IdentifiedEntity {
  @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: 'bigint' })
  id: number;


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