
时间:2019-03-17 19:56:08

标签: python python-3.x

from sys import argv    

script, user_name = argv 
prompt = '> '

print ("Hi %s I'm the %s script." % (user_name, script))
print ("I'd like to ask you a few questions.")
print ("Do you like me %s?" % user_name)
like = input(prompt)

print ("Where do you live %s?" % user_name)
live = input(prompt)

print ("What kind of computer do you have?")
computer = input(prompt)

print ("""
Alright, so you said %r about liking me.
You live in %r, Not sure where that is.
And you have a %r computer, Nice.
""") % (likes, lives, computer)

“”“追踪(最近一次通话结束):文件   第3行中的“ C:\ Users \ MK \ Desktop \”       脚本,user_name = argv


ValueError:没有足够的值可解包(预期2,得到1)“”“这是   错误

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