
时间:2019-03-17 17:43:56

标签: 3d gnuplot

我有以下设置。有一个csv文件mini.csv,一个gnuplot脚本mwe.plt和一个shell脚本mwe.sh来运行它们。 我收到的错误如下:enter image description here





# this is needed to ignore the header
set key autotitle columnhead
unset key
set datafile separator ";"
set terminal epslatex color size 8,4
set output outfile

# set multiplot layout 1,2;
set key below

set style line 1 \
    linecolor rgb '#23000000' \
    linetype 1 lw 3 \
    pointtype 2 pointsize 1\
    dt 1

set style line 2 \
    linecolor rgb '#23E69F00' \
    linetype 1 lw 3 \
    pointtype 3 pointsize 1 \
    dt 2

set style line 3 \
    linecolor rgb '#2356B4E9' \
    linetype 1 lw 3 \
    pointtype 4 pointsize 1\
    dt 3

set style line 4 \
    linecolor rgb '#23009E73' \
    linetype 1 lw 3 \
    pointtype 5 pointsize 1\
    dt 4

set style line 5 \
    linecolor rgb '#23F0E442' \
    linetype 1 lw 3 \
    pointtype 7 pointsize 1\
    dt 5

set style line 6 \
    linecolor rgb '#230072B2' \
    linetype 1 lw 3 \
    pointtype 8 pointsize 1\
    dt 6

set logscale x 2
set logscale y 2
set logscale z 2

set xlabel "\\texttt{x coords}" offset 0, graph 1
set xtics rotate
set xtics format '%.4f'

set mytics 5
set ylabel "\\texttt{y coords}" offset 0.5,0
set ytics format '%.4f'

splot filename using 6:7:($4/1000.00) with linespoints title "A4" ls 3,\
      filename using 6:7:($5/1000.00) with linespoints title "A5" ls 4


gnuplot -e "filename='mini.csv'" -e "outfile='tmptex.tex'" mwe.plt
pdflatex pic.tex
okular pic.pdf


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


set xlabel "\\texttt{x coords}" offset 0, graph 1


set xlabel "\\texttt{x coords}" offset graph 0, graph 1
