
时间:2019-03-16 14:37:25

标签: python easysnmp

我有一个脚本,该脚本使用easysnmp get和bulkwalk模块来收集设备上所有IP地址的列表,并将它们添加到字典中以进行进一步处理。该问题发生在特定的IP地址上,而问题似乎与最终主机本身无关。

从python shell的全新开始,我可以对其中一个有问题的IP进行批量遍历:

>>> from easysnmp import snmp_bulkwalk
>>> snmp_ips = snmp_bulkwalk('ipAdEntIfIndex', hostname='x.x.x.80', version=3, security_username=snmp_user, security_level='auth_with_privacy', auth_protocol='SHA', auth_password=snmp_auth, privacy_protocol='AES128', privacy_password=snmp_priv)     
>>> snmp_ips
[<SNMPVariable value='4010' (oid='ipAdEntIfIndex', oid_index='x.x.x.179', snmp_type='INTEGER')>, <SNMPVariable value='4011' (oid='ipAdEntIfIndex', oid_index='x.x.x.186', snmp_type='INTEGER')>, <SNMPVariable value='20567' (oid='ipAdEntIfIndex', oid_index='x.x.x.80', snmp_type='INTEGER')>, <SNMPVariable value='808' (oid='ipAdEntIfIndex', oid_index='x.x.x.133', snmp_type='INTEGER')>]


def get_ints():
    addrs = {}
    for h in nodes['results']:
        # Update all nodes in the dictionary to their FQDN
        if 'foo.com' not in h['SysName']:
            h['SysName'] = h['SysName'] + '.foo.com'
        # Fix random hostname issues
        if '-re' in h['SysName']:
            # This is probably way more complicated than it needs to be. Split the hostname at '-' and combine the two results
            # starting at index 3 of the second half of the split.
            h['SysName'] = h['SysName'].split('-'[::])[0] + h['SysName'].split('-'[::])[1][3:]
        host = h['SysName']
        # Use SNMP to get IP and interface information because screen scraping is slow and painful to reformat.
        # This walks the IF-MIB table and gets the IPs assigned to each interface. 
        print(f'Getting interface info from {host}')
            snmp_ips = snmp_bulkwalk('ipAdEntIfIndex', hostname=host, version=3, security_username=snmp_user, security_level='auth_with_privacy', auth_protocol='SHA', auth_password=snmp_auth, privacy_protocol='AES128', privacy_password=snmp_priv)
            print(f'Could not get data from {host}')
        # Iterate through SNMP GET objects and update the addrs table with: { IP : { PTR record : RR value }}
        for x in snmp_ips:
            # We only want to process IPs that fall within specific network ranges
            for n in my_nets:
                if ip_address(x.oid_index) in n:
                        addrs[x.oid_index] = gen_rev(x.oid_index, snmp_get('ifName' + '.' + x.value, hostname=host, version=3, security_username=snmp_user, security_level='auth_with_privacy', auth_protocol='SHA', auth_password=snmp_auth, privacy_protocol='AES128', privacy_password=snmp_priv).value.lower(), host)
    return addrs


>>> nodes['results'] = [ {'NodeID': 571, 'SysName': 'host80.foo.com', 'IPAddress': 'x.x.x.80' } ]
>>> my_addrs = get_ints()
>>> Getting interface info from host80.foo.com
>>> my_addrs
[<SNMPVariable value='4010' (oid='ipAdEntIfIndex', oid_index='x.x.x.179', snmp_type='INTEGER')>, <SNMPVariable value='4011' (oid='ipAdEntIfIndex', oid_index='x.x.x.186', snmp_type='INTEGER')>, <SNMPVariable value='20567' (oid='ipAdEntIfIndex', oid_index='x.x.x.80', snmp_type='INTEGER')>, <SNMPVariable value='808' (oid='ipAdEntIfIndex', oid_index='x.x.x.133', snmp_type='INTEGER')>]

这是词典中的一整套节点,并且针对该函数运行该函数时,“ host80.foo.com”将失败:

>>> nodes['results'] = [{'NodeID': 14, 'SysName': 'host13.foo.com', 'IPAddress': 'x.x.x.13'}, {'NodeID': 15, 'SysName': 'host14.foo.com', 'IPAddress': 'x.x.x.14'}, {'NodeID': 17, 'SysName': 'hhost16.foo.com', 'IPAddress': 'x.x.x.16'}, {'NodeID': 18, 'SysName': 'host17.foo.com', 'IPAddress': 'x.x.x.17'}, {'NodeID': 571, 'SysName': 'host80.foo.com', 'IPAddress': 'x.x.x.80'}, {'NodeID': 20, 'SysName': 'host19.foo.com', 'IPAddress': 'x.x.x.19'}]
>>> my_addrs = get_ints()
Getting interface info from host13.foo.com
Getting interface info from host14.foo.com
Getting interface info from host16.foo.com
Getting interface info from host17.foo.com
Getting interface info from host19.foo.com
Getting interface info from host80.foo.com
Could not get data from host80.foo.com


>>> snmp_bulkwalk('ipAdEntIfIndex', hostname='x.x.x.80',version=3, security_username=snmp_user, security_level='auth_with_privacy', auth_protocol='SHA', auth_password=snmp_auth, privacy_protocol='AES128', privacy_password=snmp_priv)    
easysnmp.exceptions.EasySNMPTimeoutError: timed out while connecting to remote host

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 1293, in debug
    if self.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
  File "/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 1548, in isEnabledFor
    return level >= self.getEffectiveLevel()
SystemError: PyEval_EvalFrameEx returned a result with an error set

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/easysnmp/easy.py", line 147, in snmp_bulkwalk
    return session.bulkwalk(oids, non_repeaters, max_repetitions)
  File "/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/easysnmp/session.py", line 498, in bulkwalk
    interface.bulkwalk(self, non_repeaters, max_repetitions, varlist)
  File "/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 1293, in debug
    if self.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
  File "/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/logging/__init__.py", line 1548, in isEnabledFor
    return level >= self.getEffectiveLevel()
SystemError: PyEval_EvalFrameEx returned a result with an error set

如果我退出解释器并重新进行一次,则结果始终相同。我还可以在另一个python shell中运行独立的bulkrequest,它工作正常。



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