
时间:2019-03-15 15:19:47

标签: common-lisp

我正在研究Paul Graham的“ ANSI Common Lisp”(1996年)。 第三章,练习曲。 2要求该职位的标题中所述的功能。到目前为止,我仅使用书中讲授的内容(显然,有case构造可以清除if的构造,但目前我不介意)。


(defun interleave (x y)
  (if (and (null x)      
           (null y))
      (if (null x)
          (cons (car y)
                (interleave (cdr y) x))
          ; where y is null, but also for any other case:
          (cons (car x)
                (interleave y (cdr x))))))

在此之后,我想到了存储一堆已看到的元素并遵从辅助函数的想法,如下所示。 但是,以下内容显然很丑陋且难以理解。 我正在寻求一些有关实现优雅的方向的建议。

关于方法和风格的提示在这一点上可能与提供规范的解决方案一样有用。我下面的第一脉冲给定的代码应该是提取另一个功能吗? (或者也许我在错误的方向上试图首先存储进位?)谢谢其他黑客!

(defun new-union (x y)
  (new-union-helper x y '()))  ; <- idea, add a carry to store what's been seen.

(defun new-union-helper (x y seen)
  (if (and (null x)
           (null y))
      (if (null x)
          (if (not (member (car y) seen)) ; if first el of y hasn't yet been seen...
              ; cons it to the ultimate result & recur, while adding it to seen:
              (cons (car y) (new-union-helper (cdr y) x (cons (car y) seen)))
              ; if it has been seen, just continue, (skip the duplicate):
              (new-union-helper (cdr y) x seen))
          (if (not (member (car x) seen))
              (cons (car x) (new-union-helper y (cdr x) (cons (car x) seen)))
              (new-union-helper (cdr x) y seen)))))


; attempt to use cond instead:
(defun new-union-helper (x y seen)
  (cond ((and (null x) (null y))
        ((and (null x) (not (member (car y) seen)))
         (cons (car y) (new-union-helper (cdr y) x (cons (car y) seen))))
        ((null x)
                       (new-union-helper (cdr y) x seen))
        ((not (member (car x) seen))
         (cons (car x) (new-union-helper y (cdr x) (cons (car x) seen))))
         (new-union-helper (cdr x) y seen))))

更新2:我尝试采用更好的缩进。下面做了我希望它在非正式测试中所做的事情。关于我仍然在做错的任何其他提示? (我意识到我可能应该放弃这条路,而是走另一条路,但是由于这是一次学习练习,因此我想在继续走新路之前,尽早解决尽可能多的潜在不良习惯。)

如何评价丑陋的赌注? :)现在对经验丰富的使用者可读吗?

; better (standard?) formatting
(defun new-union-helper (x y seen)
  (cond ((and (null x) 
              (null y))
        ((and (null x) 
              (member (car y) seen)) ; replacing find with member stops duplicate nils
         (new-union-helper (cdr y) x seen))
        ((null x)
         (cons (car y) 
               (new-union-helper (cdr y) x 
                                 (cons (car y) seen))))
        ((member (car x) seen) 
         (new-union-helper (cdr x) y seen))
         (cons (car x) 
               (new-union-helper y (cdr x) 
                                 (cons (car x) seen))))))

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

(defun new-union (list1 list2 &aux (list3 (reverse list1)))
  (loop for e in list2 do (pushnew e list3))
  (reverse list3))

(defun new-union (list1 list2 &aux (list3 (reverse list1)))
  (dolist (e list2 (reverse list3))
    (pushnew e list3)))

答案 1 :(得分:1)


(new-union '(a b c) '(b a d))


(A B C D)


(defun new-union(lst1 lst2)
   (let((accum nil))
     (dolist(x lst1)
       (push x accum))
     (dolist(y lst2)
       (if(not(find y accum))
      (push y accum)))
     (nreverse accum))


CL-USER> (new-union '(a b c) '(b a d))
(A B C D)

答案 2 :(得分:0)


(defun new-union (lst1 lst2)
  "return xs U ys preserving order in originals"
  (labels ((rec (xs ys acc)
             (let ((x (car xs))
                   (xx (cdr xs))
                   (y (car ys))
                   (yy (cdr ys)))
               (cond ((and (null xs) (null ys))
                     ((null xs)
                      (or (and (find y acc) (rec xx yy acc))
                          (rec xx yy (cons y acc))))
                     ((null ys)
                      (or (and (find x acc) (rec xx yy acc))
                          (rec xx yy (cons x acc))))
                     ((and (find x acc) (find y acc))
                      (rec xx yy acc))
                     ((and (find x acc) (not (find y acc)))
                      (rec xx yy (cons y acc)))
                     ((and (not (find x acc)) (find y acc))
                      (rec xx yy (cons x acc)))
                     (t (rec xx yy (cons y (cons x acc))))))))
    (nreverse (rec lst1 lst2 nil))))