我准备开始学习VBA,以进行数据分析工作。我已经弄清楚了我需要使用多个“ IF”语句并复制和粘贴的方式,但是VBA会更干净。
Sub CutMove()
' CutMove Macro
' Cut and move 2nd Pt record row to column H of first
Dim X As Integer
For X = 1 To 15 Step 3
Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(3, 10)).Select
Range("H" & X).Select
Next X
End Sub
Sub StackCopy_2()
For Row = 2 To 15 Step 2
Range("A3:J3" & Row).Cut
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Range("J" & Row - 1)
Next Row
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Sub StackCopy()
Dim i As Long
With Worksheets("sheet9")
'shuffle data up and right
For i = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row Step 2
'simple check to see if column A follows pattern
If Left(.Cells(i, "A"), 2) = "ER" And IsNumeric(.Cells(i + 1, "A")) Then
.Cells(i, "J").Resize(1, 10) = .Cells(i + 1, "A").Resize(1, 10).Value
.Cells(i + 1, "A").Resize(1, 10).Clear
End If
Next i
'remove the blank rows
With .Range(.Cells(1, "A"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
End With
End With
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)
)更改为与源工作表名称( cSource
Option Explicit
Sub ExpandRows()
Const cSource As String = "Sheet1" ' Source Worksheet Name
Const cCols1 As String = "A:I" ' Source 1st Column Range Address
Const cCols2 As String = "A:J" ' Source 2nd Column Range Address
Const cCrit As String = "ER" ' Source Criteria
Const cFR As Long = 2 ' Source First Row Number
Const cTarget As String = "Sheet2" ' Target Worksheet Name
Const cTgtCell As String = "A2" ' Target First Cell Address
Dim vntS As Variant ' Source Array
Dim vntT As Variant ' Target Array
Dim Nor As Long ' Source Number of Rows
Dim Lr As Long ' Source Last Row Number
Dim Cols1 As Long ' Source 1st Number of Columns
Dim Cols2 As Long ' Source 2nd Number of Columns
Dim Cols As Long ' Target Number of Columns
Dim i As Long ' Source Array Row Counter
Dim j As Long ' Source/Target Array Column Counter
Dim k As Long ' Target Number of Rows,
' Target Array Row Counter
' In Source Worksheet (2nd Column Range)
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cSource).Columns(cCols2)
' Calculate Source Last Row Number.
Lr = .Resize(.Rows.Count, 1) _
.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious).Row
' Copy Source Range to Source Array
vntS = .Rows(cFR).Resize(Lr - cFR + 1)
' Calculate Source 1st Number of Columns.
Cols1 = .Columns(cCols1).Columns.Count
' Calculate Source 2nd Number of Columns.
Cols2 = .Columns(cCols2).Columns.Count
End With
' Calculate Target Number of Columns.
Cols = Cols1 + Cols2
' Calculate Source Number of Rows.
Nor = UBound(vntS)
' Loop through rows of Source Array.
For i = 1 To Nor
' Check value in current row and first column for Criteria.
If Left(vntS(i, 1), 2) = cCrit Then
' Count Target Number of Columns.
k = k + 1
End If
' Resize Target Array.
ReDim vntT(1 To k, 1 To Cols)
' Reset Target Row Counter.
k = 0
' Loop through rows of Source Array.
For i = 1 To Nor
' Check value in current row and first column for Criteria.
If Left(vntS(i, 1), 2) = cCrit Then
' Count Target Number of Columns.
k = k + 1
' Loop through Source 1st Number of Columns.
For j = 1 To Cols1
' Write from Source to Target Array.
vntT(k, j) = vntS(i, j)
i = i + 1
' Loop through Source 2nd Number of Columns.
For j = 1 To Cols2
' Write from Source to Target Array.
vntT(k, j + Cols1) = vntS(i, j)
End If
' In Target Worksheet (First Cell Address)
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cTarget).Range(cTgtCell)
' Clear Contents of range from Target First Cell Range to bottom row
' and Target Number of Columns wide.
.Resize(.Worksheet.Rows.Count - .Row + 1, Cols).ClearContents
' Calculate Target Range.
' Copy Target Array to Target Range.
.Resize(UBound(vntT), Cols) = vntT
End With
End Sub