
时间:2019-03-14 18:20:56

标签: javascript jquery



我认为Flexbox与我的JS冲突? 我只是不知道如何使它工作。我是JS的初学者,因此在这方面请您多加思考。



<section class="catalog">
    <div id="buttons">
    <div id="gallery">
        <div class="gallery-item cadeiras" data-tags="cadeiras">
                <div class="item_views">
                    <img src="images/C642_A.jpg" alt="cadeira de despacho" />
                    <p class="legendas">Cadeirão de orelhas<br />Mogno entalhado <br />Trabalho do fim do Séc. XIX, estofo posterior</p>
                <div class="item_views">
                    <img src="images/C642_B.jpg" width="296" height="342" alt="cadeira de despacho" />
                    <p class="legendas legendas_en">Armchair<br />Carved mahogany<br />Late 19th century <span class="legenda_notas">(reupholstered)</span></p>
            <div class="gallery-item cadeiras" data-tags="cadeiras">
                <div class="item_views">
                    <img src="images/C608_A.jpg" alt="cadeirão de orelhas" />
                    <p class="legendas">Cadeira de despacho<br />Pau santo entalhado<br />Portugal, meados do Séc. XVIII</p>
                <div class="item_views">
                    <img src="images/C608_B.jpg" alt="cadeirão de orelhas" />
                    <p class="legendas legendas_en">Bureau armchair<br />Carved rosewood<br />Portugal, mid-18th century</p>
        <div class="gallery-item cadeiras bancos" data-tags="bancos">
            <div class="item_views">
                <img src="images/C249_A.jpg" alt="tamborete" />
                <p class="legendas">Tamborete<br />Nogueira entalhada<br />Portugal, Séc. XVIII</p>
            <div class="item_views">
                <img src="images/C249_B.jpg" alt="tamborete" />
                <p class="legendas legendas_en">A stool<br />Carved walnut<br />Portugal, 18th century</p>
        <div class="gallery-item bancos" data-tags="bancos">
            <div class="item_views">
                <img src="images/C508.jpg" alt="banco sec XIX" />
                <p class="legendas">Banco<br />Madeira, ferro e sola, feito à maneira do sec. XVII<br />Dimensões: 1,40 x 0,.43 x 0,93 m. (A.)<br />Portugal, Séc. XIX</p>
            <div class="item_views">
                <p class="legendas legendas_en">Bench<br />Wood, leather and iron, manufactured in the way of the 17th century<br />1,40  m. long<br />Portugal, 19th century</p>
        <div class="gallery-item mesas indo-port" data-tags="mesas, indo-português">
            <div class="item_views">
                <img src="images/mesa_ip1.jpg" alt="mesa" />
                <p class="legendas">Mesa de centro Indo-Portuguesa<br />Teca com embutidos e guarnições em ébano. Fecharias e pingentes de ferro forjado.<br />Caixa com 8 gavetas moldadas e 4 aparentes. Pés entalhados com forma de sereias (Naguinis) e travessas decoradas com enrolamentos.<br /> Dimensões: 1,30 (C.) x 0,97 (L.) x 0,85 (A.) m.<br />Séc. XVII</p>
            <div class="item_views">
                <img src="images/mesa_ip2.jpg" alt="mesa" />
                <p class="legendas legendas_en">Indo-Portuguese hall table<br />Teak with ebony inlay, cast iron mounts<br />With 8 drawers and 4 aparent drawers. Legs carved in the shape of mermaids (naginis).<br />1,30 (long) x 0,97 (deep) x 0,85 (tall) m. <br />17th century</p><br />
    <div class="gallery-item mesas indo-port" data-tags="mesas, indo-português">
        <div class="item_views">
            <img src="images/C444_A.jpg" alt="mesa indo-portuguesa" />
            <p class="legendas">Mesa Indo-Portuguesa<br /> Teca, sissó e marfim, com ferragens de metal serrado<br />Dimensões: 90 (L.) x 58 (P.) x 77 (A.) cm<br />Trabalho do Séc. XVII</p>
        <div class="item_views">
            <img src="images/C444_B.jpg" alt="tampo da mesa" />
            <p class="legendas legendas_en">Indo-Portuguese table<br />Teak, sisoo and ivory. Pierced metal mounts.<br />90 cm.  x 58 cm. x 77 cm. high <br />17th century</p>


(function() {
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  var $buttons = $('#buttons');
  var tagged = {};

  $items.each(function() {
    var thisDiv = this;
    var tags = $(this).data('tags');

    if (tags) {
      tags.split(',').forEach(function(tagName) {
        if (tagged[tagName] == null) {
          tagged[tagName] = [];

  $('<button/>', {
    text: 'ver todos',
    class: 'active',
    click: function() {

  $.each(tagged, function(tagName) {
    $('<button/>', {
      text: tagName,
      click: function() {


#gallery {
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.gallery-item > .item_views:nth-child(2) {
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button:hover {
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button.active {
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button:focus {
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button:active {
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1 个答案:

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好像您在“ ver todos”按钮声明中有错字:它调用.sibblings()而不是.siblings()。解决此问题后,它可以工作吗?

(如果在此代码运行时打开浏览器的开发人员工具并查看控制台,则应该看到类似Uncaught TypeError: $(...).addClass(...).sibblings is not a function的错误,这有助于在代码中查找问题。)