我知道已经有几个问题了。 但是我找不到他们关于我的案子的答案。
我需要生成一个报告,其中包含来自三个表的一些数据组合。 这些表之间存在关系,但是某些数据可能与相关表不匹配,所以我不能使用内部联接。
所以我尝试了左联接。有点用,但是由于left join
我在这里设置了一个测试用例-> http://sqlfiddle.com/#!18/637b1/1
[ID] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL,
[SomeText] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL DEFAULT (''))
CREATE TABLE [Order_Time](
[ID] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL,
[OrderId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[SomeText] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL DEFAULT (''),
[TimeTypeId] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((-1)),
[TimeType2Id] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((-1)))
[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[CategoryId] [int] NOT NULL,
[SomeText] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL DEFAULT (''))
Insert into [xOrder] (ID, SomeText) VALUES ('db63ddb9-40d9-4d41-9dfc-5335c400dbd8','aaa')
Insert into [xOrder] (ID, SomeText) VALUES ('ef19af2d-66e9-4de1-a9a2-178b61dfe958','bbb')
Insert into [xOrder] (ID, SomeText) VALUES (newid(),'ccc')
Insert into Order_Time (ID, OrderId, SomeText, TimeTypeId, TimeType2Id) VALUES (newid(),'db63ddb9-40d9-4d41-9dfc-5335c400dbd8', 'time1.1', 1, 1)
Insert into Order_Time (ID, OrderId, SomeText, TimeTypeId, TimeType2Id) VALUES (newid(),'db63ddb9-40d9-4d41-9dfc-5335c400dbd8', 'time1.2', 1, -1)
Insert into Order_Time (ID, OrderId, SomeText, TimeTypeId, TimeType2Id) VALUES (newid(),'db63ddb9-40d9-4d41-9dfc-5335c400dbd8', 'time1.3', -1, -1)
Insert into Order_Time (ID, OrderId, SomeText, TimeTypeId, TimeType2Id) VALUES (newid(),'ef19af2d-66e9-4de1-a9a2-178b61dfe958', 'time2.1', 2, 2)
Insert into Order_Time (ID, OrderId, SomeText, TimeTypeId, TimeType2Id) VALUES (newid(),'ef19af2d-66e9-4de1-a9a2-178b61dfe958', 'time2.2', 2, -1)
Insert into Order_Time (ID, OrderId, SomeText, TimeTypeId, TimeType2Id) VALUES (newid(),'ef19af2d-66e9-4de1-a9a2-178b61dfe958', 'time2.3', -1, -1)
Insert into Terms (ID, CategoryId, SomeText) VALUES (1, 1, 'Term1')
Insert into Terms (ID, CategoryId, SomeText) VALUES (2, 1, 'Term2')
Insert into Terms (ID, CategoryId, SomeText) VALUES (3, 1, 'Term3')
Insert into Terms (ID, CategoryId, SomeText) VALUES (1, 2, 'Category1')
Insert into Terms (ID, CategoryId, SomeText) VALUES (2, 2, 'Category2')
Insert into Terms (ID, CategoryId, SomeText) VALUES (3, 2, 'Category3')
select o.SomeText as OrderText, ot.SomeText as TimeText1, coalesce(t.SomeText, 'NotFound') as TermText, coalesce(tt.SomeText, 'NotFound') as CategoryText from xOrder o
inner join order_time ot on o.id = ot.OrderId
left join terms t on ot.TimeTypeId = t.Id
left join terms tt on (ot.TimeType2Id = t.Id and t.ID = 2)
| aaa | Time1.1 | Term1 | Category1 |
| aaa | Time1.2 | Term1 | NotFound |
| aaa | Time1.2 | NotFound | NotFound |
| bbb | Time2.1 | Term2 | Category2 |
| bbb | Time2.2 | Term2 | NotFound |
| bbb | Time2.2 | NotFound | NotFound |
答案 0 :(得分:2)
select o.SomeText as OrderText, ot.SomeText as TimeText1,
coalesce(t.SomeText, 'NotFound') as TermText,
coalesce(tt.SomeText, 'NotFound') as CategoryText
from xOrder o inner join
order_time ot
on o.id = ot.OrderId left join
terms t
on ot.TimeTypeId = t.Id and t.CategoryId = 1 left join
terms tt
on ot.TimeType2Id = tt.Id and tt.CategoryId = 2;
Here是db <>小提琴。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
select distinct o.SomeText as OrderText, ot.SomeText as TimeText1,
coalesce(t.SomeText, 'NotFound') as TermText,
coalesce(tt.SomeText, 'NotFound') as CategoryText
from xOrder o
inner join order_time ot on o.id = ot.OrderId
left join terms t on ot.TimeTypeId = t.id and t.CategoryId=1
left join terms tt on ot.TimeTypeId = tt.id and tt.CategoryId=2
OrderText TimeText1 TermText CategoryText
aaa time1.1 Term1 Category1
aaa time1.2 Term1 Category1
aaa time1.3 NotFound NotFound
bbb time2.1 Term2 Category2
bbb time2.2 Term2 Category2
bbb time2.3 NotFound NotFound
答案 2 :(得分:1)
select o.SomeText, ot.sometext,
coalesce((select someText from terms where id = ot.TimetypeId and categoryid = 1), 'NotFound') TimeType,
coalesce((select someText from terms where id = ot.Timetype2Id and categoryid = 2), 'NotFound') CategroyId
from xOrder o
join order_time ot on o.id = ot.OrderId