Jenkins对Maven项目的Sonar跑步者的执行成功完成。 Jenkins控制台输出跟踪消息显示“ ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL”,但访问链接返回“ Insufficient Privileges”,错误消息如下,是否存在访问问题? SonarQube服务器由Admin团队远程托管和管理,而sonarrunner安装在jenkins从属服务器上。我能够登录到服务器,但无法登录到上面的特定链接。
The requested project does not exist.
Either it has never been analyzed successfully or it has been deleted.
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Sonar和Java的版本如下- SonarQube Server版本(Jenkins Master)-6.7 声纳亚军版(詹金斯奴隶)-2.4 Java版本(Jenkins从站)-8
12:04:50.190 INFO - 5 files had no CPD blocks
12:04:50.190 INFO - Calculating CPD for 95 files
12:04:50.334 INFO - CPD calculation finished
12:04:51.802 INFO - Analysis report generated in 1418ms, dir size=1 MB
12:04:52.755 INFO - Analysis reports compressed in 953ms, zip size=582 KB
12:04:53.311 INFO - Analysis report uploaded in 554ms
12:04:53.312 INFO - ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse
12:04:53.312 INFO - Note that you will be able to access the updated
dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report
12:04:53.312 INFO - More about the report processing at
12:04:53.768 INFO - Task total time: 25.175 s
INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Total time: 28.540s