public final class ExcelReader{
* @param file File object of the excel file
* @param sheetNumbers integer array holding the sheet offset/numbers. Note offset starts from 0. So 0 is first sheet.
* @return List of Sheets, where each <Sheet> hold a list of Rows, where each <Row> holds a list of Columns
public List<List<List<String>>> read(File file, final int ... sheetNumbers){
//return List<List<List<String>>>
public final class CSVReader{
* @param file File object of the excel file
* @return List of Rows, where each <Row> holds a list of Columns
public List<List<String>> read(File file){
//return List<List<String>>
public interface FileReader {
//Return type is different for different readers
public <TODO> read(File file);
我确实找到了这个讨论Design Patterns - what to use when the return type is different,但是我不明白如何在自己的情况下使用它。