给定两个不同的IANA (aka "tz database" or "Olson") time zones,如何确定它们是否代表相同的区域?
例如,Delivering presents to Eric's house
End of ifElse statement ["Eric's house"]
Delivering presents to Kenny's house
End of ifElse statement ["Kenny's house"]
End of ifElse statement ["Eric's house", "Kenny's house"]
Delivering presents to Kyle's house
End of ifElse statement ["Kyle's house"]
Delivering presents to Stan's house
End of ifElse statement ["Stan's house"]
End of ifElse statement ["Kyle's house", "Stan's house"]
End of ifElse statement ["Eric's house", "Kenny's house", "Kyle's house", "Stan's house"]
i had the doubt like after all the if statement are printed
Delivering presents to Eric's house
Delivering presents to Kenny's house
Delivering presents to Kyle's house
Delivering presents to Stan's house
and the last ifelse printout gets printed
"End of ifElse statement ["Stan's house"]"
then the program should come to the end. also there is no while loop present then how does the program print the last 2 statements
End of ifElse statement ["Kyle's house", "Stan's house"]
End of ifElse statement ["Eric's house", "Kenny's house", "Kyle's house", "Stan's house"]
使用detect or guess the user's time zone的API时,这些较小的拼写差异很重要,因为这样一来就无法简单地将字符串与先前存储的值进行比较,因为不同的实现会返回不同的时区标识符。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
function areSameTimeZones(zone1, zone2) {
var resolvedZone1 = Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {timeZone: zone1})
var resolvedZone2 = Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {timeZone: zone2})
return resolvedZone1 === resolvedZone2;
function areSameTimeZones(zone1, zone2) {
var z1 = moment.tz.zone(zone1);
var z2 = moment.tz.zone(zone2);
return z1.abbrs === z2.abbrs && z1.untils === z2.untils && z1.offsets === z2.offsets;