
时间:2019-03-11 18:59:20

标签: javascript typescript decorator finagle



class Component1<In, Out, Xin, Xout>
class Component2<Xin, Xout, Yin, Yout>
class Component3<Yin, Yout> // only has 2 params but could be <Yin, Yout, None, None> for a custom 'None' type


const c1 = new Component1<A,B,C,D>(...) //perhaps pass the param types in constructor? Other options?
const c2 = new Component2<C,D,E,F>(...)
const c3 = new Component3<E,F, None, None>(...)

const chain = c1.andThen(c2).andThen(c3) // The "last" item in the chain would "always" be a component of type <X,Y, None, None>

chain.run() // Not sure if this is needed but to make it clear that something "runs" this chain

我无法想到创建这些组件的任何“通用”方式,在编译时可以“定义”此链接以限制可以与其他组件连接的组件(即输入/输出类型应该匹配) 。因此,c1只能跟随c2,而不能跟随c3-但在c3之后不能链接任何东西。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


type NotNever<T, Y=T, N=never> = [T] extends [never] ? N : Y;

// just create types, don't worry about implementation
declare class BaseComponent<In, Out, Xin=never, Xout=never> {
  // make BaseComponent depend structurally on type parameters
  i: In;
  o: Out;
  xi: Xin;
  xo: Xout;

  // andThen() is generic, and only accepts the right kind of other component
  // only callable if Xin and Xout are *not* never
  andThen<Yin, Yout>(
    this: NotNever<Xin | Xout, this>,
    c: BaseComponent<Xin, Xout, Yin, Yout>
  ): BaseComponent<In, Out, Yin, Yout>;

  // run() is only callable if Xin and Xout *are* never
  run(this: BaseComponent<In, Out, never, never>): void;

// create some concrete subclasses where parameters are set with string literal types
class Component1 extends BaseComponent<'In', 'Out', 'Xin', 'Xout'> { }
class Component2 extends BaseComponent<'Xin', 'Xout', 'Yin', 'Yout'> { }
class Component3 extends BaseComponent<'Yin', 'Yout'> { }


const c1 = new Component1();
const c2 = new Component2();
const c3 = new Component3();

c1.andThen(c1); // error
c1.andThen(c2); // okay
c1.andThen(c3); // error
c1.run(); // error

c2.andThen(c1); // error
c2.andThen(c2); // error
c2.andThen(c3); // okay
c2.run(); // error

c3.andThen(c1); // error
c3.andThen(c2); // error
c3.andThen(c3); // error
c3.run(); // okay

const chain = c1.andThen(c2).andThen(c3) // BaseComponent<'In', 'Out', never, never>;
chain.run(); // okay


编辑:执行相同操作但又不用担心conditional typespolymorphic this的另一种方法是:

// one base class for the end of the chain
declare class EndComponent<In, Out> {
  i: In;
  o: Out;
  run(): void;

// another base class for intermediate parts of the chain
declare class PipeComponent<In, Out, Xin, Xout> {
  i: In;
  o: Out;
  xi: Xin;
  xo: Xout;
  // andThen() is overloaded 
  andThen<Yin, Yout>(
    c: PipeComponent<Xin, Xout, Yin, Yout>
  ): PipeComponent<In, Out, Yin, Yout>;
  andThen(c: EndComponent<Xin, Xout>): EndComponent<In, Out>;

class Component1 extends PipeComponent<'In', 'Out', 'Xin', 'Xout'> { }
class Component2 extends PipeComponent<'Xin', 'Xout', 'Yin', 'Yout'> { }
class Component3 extends EndComponent<'Yin', 'Yout'> { }


答案 1 :(得分:1)


.backdropBackground {
  /* your css needs */

我已经简化了代码:class Component<T, U> { constructor(private t: T, private u: U) {} andThen<V>(component: Component<U, V>): Component<U, V> { // implement andThen return component; } static run<T>(component: Component<T, null>) { // implement run } } type A = 'a'; const a: A = 'a'; type B = 'b'; const b: B = 'b'; type C = 'c'; const c: C = 'c'; const c1 = new Component<A, B>(a, b); const c2 = new Component<B, C>(b, c); const c3 = new Component<C, null>(c, null); c2.andThen(c1); // TS2345: A is not assignable to B Component.run(c1.andThen(c2)); // TS2345: Component<B,C> not assignable to Component<B,null> Component.run(c1.andThen(c2).andThen(c3)); <Xin, Xout, Yin, Yout>,但这很容易适应。



相反,我将Component<..., null>用作run的静态方法,并且仅将 last组件作为输入。最后两行演示了用法


