流浪者共享-Laravel Homestead,Ubuntu

时间:2019-03-11 18:38:03

标签: laravel homestead ngrok vagrant-share

当我运行vagrant share id-goes-here --http 80时,终端卡住了,并且没有显示URL:

==> homestead-7: Detecting network information for machine...
    homestead-7: Local machine address:
    homestead-7: Note: With the local address (, Vagrant Share can only
    homestead-7: share any ports you have forwarded. Assign an IP or address to your
    homestead-7: machine to expose all TCP ports. Consult the documentation
    homestead-7: for your provider ('virtualbox') for more information.
    homestead-7: Local HTTP port: 80
    homestead-7: Local HTTPS port: disabled
    homestead-7: Port: 2222
    homestead-7: Port: 27017
    homestead-7: Port: 33060
    homestead-7: Port: 4040
    homestead-7: Port: 44300
    homestead-7: Port: 54320
    homestead-7: Port: 8000
    homestead-7: Port: 8025
==> homestead-7: Creating Vagrant Share session...



我也试图将ssh放进宅基并运行命令: serve eaeefc3d.ngrok.io ~/Code/myapp/public/(正如我在迈克·米勒在该线程的答案中读到的:vagrant share with laravel homestead)一样,输出如下:

dos2unix: converting file /vagrant/scripts/serve-laravel.sh to Unix format...,但仍显示Apache欢迎页面。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

感谢@MikeMiller用this thread中的评论向我指出正确的方向


  1. ssh进入宅基地,即homestead uphomestead ssh
  2. cd到项目目录,即。 cd Code/foodonsale/
  3. -host-header设置为项目名称的情况下运行ngrok:     ngrok http -host-header = rewrite myproject.test:80
  4. 您将获得类似以下的输出:     ngrok by @inconshreveable

    Session Status         online                                                           
    Session Expires        7 hours, 59 minutes                                               
    Update                 update available (version 2.3.18, Ctrl-U to update)              
    Version                2.2.8                                                            
    Region                 United States (us)                                               
    Web Interface                                        
    Forwarding             http://0b7f6aa0.ngrok.io -> myproject.test:80                   
    Forwarding             https://0b7f6aa0.ngrok.io -> myproject.test:80   
  5. 转到Web Interface指定的URL。在这里,您可以监视应用程序的请求。
  6. 单击httphttps选项,将其重定向到yout应用程序的实时公共版本。

有用的链接: -ngrok DOC