{% capture srcset %}
{% for i in resized %}
/{{ i.path }} {{ i.width }}w,
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture class_caption_tuple %}
class="pic caption"
{% endcapture%}
{% capture class_pic_tuple %}
{% endcapture%}
{% if alt %}
{% capture alt_tuple %}
alt="{{ alt }}"
{% endcapture%}
{% endif %}
{% if width %}
{% capture width_tuple %}
width="{{ width }}"
{% endcapture%}
{% capture styled_width_tuple %}
style="width:{{ width }};"
{% endcapture%}
{% endif %}
{% if title %}
{% capture title_tuple %}
title="{{ title }}"
{% endcapture%}
{% endif %}
{% if class %}
{% capture class_pic_tuple %}
class="pic {{ class }}"
{% endcapture%}
{% capture class_caption_tuple %}
class="pic caption {{ class }}"
{% endcapture%}
{% endif %}
{% assign largest = resized | sort: 'width' | last %}
{% if caption %}
<div {{ class_caption_tuple | strip_newlines }} {{ styled_width_tuple | strip_newlines }}>
{% endif %}
{% if url%}
<a href="{{ url }}" target="_blank">
{% endif %}
<img src="/{{ largest.path }}" srcset="{{ srcset | strip_newlines }}" {{ alt_tuple | strip_newlines }}
{{ title_tuple | strip_newlines }} {{ class_pic_tuple | strip_newlines }} {{ width_tuple | strip_newlines }}>{%
if url%}</a>{% endif %}{% if caption %}{{ caption | strip_newlines }}</div>{% endif %}
# [Required]
# Path to the image template.
template: _includes/responsive-image.html
# [Optional, Default: 85]
# Quality to use when resizing images.
default_quality: 90
# [Optional, Default: []]
# An array of resize configuration objects. Each object must contain at least
# a `width` value.
- width: 255
- width: 510
- width: 1020
# [Optional, Default: false]
# Rotate resized images depending on their EXIF rotation attribute. Useful for
# working with JPGs directly from digital cameras and smartphones
auto_rotate: false
# [Optional, Default: false]
# Strip EXIF and other JPEG profiles. Helps to minimize JPEG size and win friends
# at Google PageSpeed.
strip: false
# [Optional, Default: assets]
# The base directory where assets are stored. This is used to determine the
# `dirname` value in `output_path_format` below.
base_path: assets
# [Optional, Default: assets/resized/%{filename}-%{width}x%{height}.%{extension}]
# The template used when generating filenames for resized images. Must be a
# relative path.
# Parameters available are:
# %{dirname} Directory of the file relative to `base_path` (assets/sub/dir/some-file.jpg => sub/dir)
# %{basename} Basename of the file (assets/some-file.jpg => some-file.jpg)
# %{filename} Basename without the extension (assets/some-file.jpg => some-file)
# %{extension} Extension of the file (assets/some-file.jpg => jpg)
# %{width} Width of the resized image
# %{height} Height of the resized image
output_path_format: assets/responsive/%{width}/%{basename}
# [Optional, Default: true]
# Whether or not to save the generated assets into the source folder.
save_to_source: false
# [Optional, Default: false]
# Cache the result of {% responsive_image %} and {% responsive_image_block %}
# tags. See the "Caching" section of the README for more information.
cache: false
# [Optional, Default: []]
# By default, only images referenced by the responsive_image and responsive_image_block
# tags are resized. Here you can set a list of paths or path globs to resize other
# images. This is useful for resizing images which will be referenced from stylesheets.
- assets/foo/bar.png
- assets/bgs/*.png
- assets/avatars/*.{jpeg,jpg}
{% responsive_image path: "img/seo_img.png" alt: "Prolike" caption: "Caption." class: "center medium" %}
<img src="/" srcset=" " alt="Prolike" class="pic center medium">
为什么将路径呈现为“ /”? 以及为什么不急于渲染图像。