
时间:2019-03-09 17:12:10

标签: c++ math.h const-correctness

关于const方法有一条规则。如果该方法是const,并且我们试图在同一方法中使用另一个函数,那么它也应该是const。否则,我们将出现编译错误。我试图在math.h库中找到abs()函数的声明,这是我发现的内容:Declarations of abs() 这意味着abs()函数不是const,但是当我在const方法中使用它时,我没有编译错误。有人可以解释为什么吗?

class D:public B,C
        cout<<"This is constuctor D"<<endl;

    int fun3() const;

         cout<< "Destructor D"<<endl;

int D::fun3() const
    int x=-3;

    return abs(x);

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



重要说明: public B,C可能与您的想法无关:这意味着D公开地继承自B,而私有地继承自C。从C公开继承,您必须声明public B, public C

答案 1 :(得分:3)


class D {
    int fun2();
    int fun3() const;



int D::fun2(D * this);
int D::fun3(const D * this);


现在回到问题。 fun3可以呼叫fun2吗?好吧,fun3会将其this指针(指向常量对象的指针)传递给fun2,后者需要一个指向对象的指针。那将意味着失去稳定性,所以这是不允许的。


答案 2 :(得分:0)

const应用于方法仅表示this指针,即指向该方法在其上运行的实例的指针,是const。这意味着它不能修改字段,只能在其上调用const方法 ,而不是通常的方法。

完全可以接受调用自由函数,甚至可以在同一类的不同对象上调用非const方法,只要该对象不是{{1} }。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


using Android.Graphics.Drawables;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Support.V4.App;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Webkit;
using Android.Widget;

namespace BottomNavigationViewPager.Fragments
    public class TheFragment1 : Fragment
        string _title;
        string _icon;

        protected static WebView _wv;

        public static TheFragment1 NewInstance(string title, string icon) {
            var fragment = new TheFragment1();
            fragment.Arguments = new Bundle();
            fragment.Arguments.PutString("title", title);
            fragment.Arguments.PutString("icon", icon);
            return fragment;

        public override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            if (Arguments != null)
                    _title = (string)Arguments.Get("title");

                if (Arguments.ContainsKey("icon"))
                    _icon = (string)Arguments.Get("icon");

        public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

            var view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.TheFragmentLayout1, container, false);

            _wv = view.FindViewById<WebView>(Resource.Id.webView1);

            var _wvc = new MyWebViewClient();


            //string _wtf = "header";

            _wv.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true;

            _wv.Settings.AllowFileAccess = true;

            _wv.Settings.AllowContentAccess = true;

            //_wvc.OnPageFinished(_wv, _jsHideBannerC);


            return view;

        private class MyWebViewClient : WebViewClient
            public override void OnPageStarted(WebView view, string url, Android.Graphics.Bitmap favicon)
                base.OnPageStarted(view, url, favicon);


            public override void OnPageFinished(WebView view, string url)
                base.OnPageFinished(view, url);

                string _jsHideBanner = "javascript:(function() { " +
                                "document.getElementById('content_homepage').style.display='none'; " + "})()";

                string _jsHideBannerC = "javascript:(function() { " +
                    "document.getElementsByClassName('logo-wrap--home').style.display='none'; " + "})()";



每当您在#include <iostream> int f(int num) { return num+1; } int fr(int& num) { return num+1; } int fcr(const int& num) { return num+1; } class D { public: int value= 0; public: void f1() { value++; } int f2() const { return value; } int f3() { return value; } static void f4() { std::cout << "Hello" << std::endl; } void f5() const; }; void D::f5() const { // Prohibited: // f1(); // modifies this // f3(); // might modify this // value++; // modifies this->value, thus modifies this // value= 2; // modifies this->value, thus modifies this // value= abs(value); // modifies this->value, thus modifies this // fr(value); // takes value by reference and might modify it // // Permitted: f2(); // const function, does not modify this std::cout << value << std::endl; // independent function, does not modify this; read access to this->value is const std::cout << abs(value) << std::endl; // independent function, does not modify this; read access to this->value is const f4(); // static function, does not modify this f(value); // function, does not modify this; takes value as read only (makes copy) fcr(value); // function, does not modify this; takes value as read only by reference D otherObject; otherObject.f1(); // modifies otherObject (non const), does not modify this } int main() { const D d; d.f5(); } 内调用诸如f4()之类的成员函数时,都会传递与f5()等效的隐式this指针。在this->f4()内部,f5()的类型不是const,而是D*。因此,您无法进行const D*(相当于value++的{​​{1}}。但是您可以呼叫this->value++const D*或任何不需要{{ 1}},然后尝试对其进行修改。)
