我一直在从事装配项目,因此需要在屏幕上打印bmp图片。我将屏幕的分辨率更改为800 * 600,并且我有一个代码(我没有写过)可以打印320 * 200 bmp图片。我不知道如何更改它以打印800 * 600图片。
ALTER TABLE some_database.some_table
PARTITION (pk0 = 'foo', pk1 = 'bar') LOCATION 's3://some-bucket/pk0=foo/pk1=bar/'
答案 0 :(得分:3)
您说自己没有写的代码是错误的!要用相同大小的位图填充整个320x200 256色屏幕,Y坐标必须从199下降到0。此代码当前从200循环到1,因此永远不会显示位图的底行。这很容易解决。
当您告诉我们将屏幕分辨率更改为800x600时,您还应该告诉我们颜色分辨率。在下面的代码中,我将假定它是256色,就像示例代码中一样。此外,我将提出一个使用LinearFrameBuffer方法的解决方案。存在窗口化的方法,但难度更大(如果您不想开很多角,肯定可以)。对于不再适合64KB图形窗口(800 * 600 = 480000字节)的视频模式,将涉及使用VESA进行组切换。
; On entry BX is handle for the file with filepointer at bitmap data!!!
proc CopyBitmap
; BMP graphics are saved upside-down.
; Read the graphic line by line (200 lines in VGA format),
; displaying the lines from bottom to top.
push es
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov cx, 200
push cx
; Point to the correct screen line
dec cx ; Y ranging from 199 to 0
movzx edi, cx
imul edi, 320
add edi, 000A0000h
; Read one line
mov dx, offset ScrLine
mov cx, 320
mov ah, 3Fh ; DOS.ReadFile
int 21h
jc WhatIfError?
cmp ax, cx
jne WhatIfError?
; Copy one line into video memory
mov si, dx
add dx, cx ; DX now points to the end of the buffer
lodsd ; Load 4 pixels together
stosd [edi] ; This generates an AddressSizePrefix
cmp si, dx
jb CopyLoop
pop cx
loop PrintBMPLoop
pop es
endp CopyBitmap
通过检查VESA 4F01h ReturnVBEModeInformation函数的结果,可以获取BytesPerScanLine值和LinearFrameBuffer地址。
; On entry BX is handle for the file with filepointer at bitmap data!!!
proc CopyBitmap
; BMP graphics are saved upside-down.
; Read the graphic line by line (600 lines in SVGA format),
; displaying the lines from bottom to top.
push es
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov cx, 600
push cx
; Point to the correct screen line
dec cx ; Y ranging from 599 to 0
movzx edi, cx
imul edi, BytesPerScanLine
add edi, LinearFrameBuffer
; Read one line
mov dx, offset ScrLine
mov cx, 800
mov ah, 3Fh ; DOS.ReadFile
int 21h
jc WhatIfError?
cmp ax, cx
jne WhatIfError?
; Copy one line into video memory
mov si, dx
add dx, cx ; DX now points to the end of the buffer
lodsd ; Load 4 pixels together
stosd [edi] ; This generates an AddressSizePrefix
cmp si, dx
jb CopyLoop
pop cx
loop PrintBMPLoop
pop es
endp CopyBitmap