
时间:2019-03-08 09:01:01

标签: apache-kafka apache-kafka-streams spring-cloud-stream rocksdb

我们正在使用带有Kafka 2.0.1的春季云流,并利用InteractiveQueryService从商店中获取数据。有4个存储在聚合数据后将数据保留在磁盘上。拓扑的代码如下:

public class Consumer {

  public static final String RETENTION_MS = "retention.ms";
  public static final String CLEANUP_POLICY = "cleanup.policy";

  private String retention;

 * Process the data flowing in from a Kafka topic. Aggregate the data to:
 * - 2 minute
 * - 15 minutes
 * - one hour
 * - 12 hours
 * @param stream
public void process(KStream<String, SensorMeasurement> stream) {

    Map<String, String> topicConfig = new HashMap<>();
    topicConfig.put(RETENTION_MS, retention);
    topicConfig.put(CLEANUP_POLICY, "delete");

    log.info("Changelog and local window store retention.ms: {} and cleanup.policy: {}",

    createWindowStore(LocalStore.TWO_MINUTES_STORE, topicConfig, stream);
    createWindowStore(LocalStore.FIFTEEN_MINUTES_STORE, topicConfig, stream);
    createWindowStore(LocalStore.ONE_HOUR_STORE, topicConfig, stream);
    createWindowStore(LocalStore.TWELVE_HOURS_STORE, topicConfig, stream);

  private void createWindowStore(
        LocalStore localStore,
        Map<String, String> topicConfig,
        KStream<String, SensorMeasurement> stream) {

    // Configure how the statestore should be materialized using the provide storeName
    Materialized<String, ErrorScore, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized = Materialized

    // Set retention of changelog topic

    // Configure how windows looks like and how long data will be retained in local stores
    TimeWindows configuredTimeWindows = getConfiguredTimeWindows(
            localStore.getTimeUnit(), Long.parseLong(topicConfig.get(RETENTION_MS)));

    // Processing description:
    // The input data are 'samples' with key <installationId>:<assetId>:<modelInstanceId>:<algorithmName>
    // 1. With the map we add the Tag to the key and we extract the error score from the data
    // 2. With the groupByKey we group  the data on the new key
    // 3. With windowedBy we split up the data in time intervals depending on the provided LocalStore enum
    // 4. With reduce we determine the maximum value in the time window
    // 5. Materialized will make it stored in a table
            .reduce((aggValue, newValue) -> getMaxErrorScore(aggValue, newValue), materialized);

  private TimeWindows getConfiguredTimeWindows(long windowSizeMs, long retentionMs) {
    TimeWindows timeWindows = TimeWindows.of(windowSizeMs);
    return timeWindows;

   * Determine the max error score to keep by looking at the aggregated error signal and
   * freshly consumed error signal
   * @param aggValue
   * @param newValue
   * @return
  private ErrorScore getMaxErrorScore(ErrorScore aggValue, ErrorScore newValue) {
    if(aggValue.getErrorSignal() > newValue.getErrorSignal()) {
        return aggValue;
    return newValue;

  private KeyValueMapper<String, SensorMeasurement,
        KeyValue<? extends String, ? extends ErrorScore>> getInstallationAssetModelAlgorithmTagKeyMapper() {
    return (s, sensorMeasurement) -> new KeyValue<>(s + "::" + sensorMeasurement.getT(),
            new ErrorScore(sensorMeasurement.getTs(), sensorMeasurement.getE(), sensorMeasurement.getO()));

因此,在确定特定键的特定窗口内的最大值之后,我们正在将聚合数据具体化到四个不同的存储中。 请注意,保留期设置为两个月的数据,清理策略将删除。我们不会压缩数据。

磁盘上各个状态存储的大小介于14到20 gb之间。





-StreamThread-2] Restoring task 4_3's state store twelve-hours-error-score from beginning of the changelog anomaly-timeline-twelve-hours-error-score-changelog-3. 


这是我的信息流设置。注意将max.bytes.buffering设置为0。我更改了此设置,但这没什么区别。我还读到了有关num.stream.threads的错误,其中> 1会引起问题,但是将此错误设置为1并不会提高重新启动速度。

2019-03-05 13:44:53,360 INFO main org.apache.kafka.common.config.AbstractConfig StreamsConfig values: 
application.id = anomaly-timeline
application.server = localhost:5000
bootstrap.servers = [localhost:9095]
buffered.records.per.partition = 1000
cache.max.bytes.buffering = 0
client.id = 
commit.interval.ms = 500
connections.max.idle.ms = 540000
default.deserialization.exception.handler = class org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.LogAndFailExceptionHandler
default.key.serde = class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serdes$StringSerde
default.production.exception.handler = class org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.DefaultProductionExceptionHandler
default.timestamp.extractor = class errorscore.raw.boundary.ErrorScoreTimestampExtractor
default.value.serde = class errorscore.raw.boundary.ErrorScoreSerde
metadata.max.age.ms = 300000
metric.reporters = []
metrics.num.samples = 2
metrics.recording.level = INFO
metrics.sample.window.ms = 30000
num.standby.replicas = 1
num.stream.threads = 2
partition.grouper = class org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.DefaultPartitionGrouper
poll.ms = 100
processing.guarantee = at_least_once
receive.buffer.bytes = 32768
reconnect.backoff.max.ms = 1000
reconnect.backoff.ms = 50
replication.factor = 1
request.timeout.ms = 40000
retries = 0
retry.backoff.ms = 100
rocksdb.config.setter = null
security.protocol = PLAINTEXT
send.buffer.bytes = 131072
state.cleanup.delay.ms = 600000
state.dir = ./state-store
topology.optimization = none
upgrade.from = null
windowstore.changelog.additional.retention.ms = 86400000


CleanupThread] Deleting obsolete state directory 1_1 for task 1_1 as 1188421ms has elapsed (cleanup delay is 600000ms).


public CleanupConfig cleanupConfig() {
    return new CleanupConfig(false, false);


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