我打算使用Kikusui设备USB-TP PIA4850控制电源(来自Kikusui)。我使用Ivi.Visa.Interop库。以下是我可以通过设置所需电压成功控制电源的代码。
Using Ivi.Visa.Interop;
namespace USBTPTest
class USBTPController
private IResourceManager3 rm = new ResourceManager();
private IMessage iMessage;
public USBTPController() //to get the address of the device connected and open the address if found
string[] adrsList = rm.FindRsrc("?*");
if (adrsList.Count() != 0)
public bool Open(string str)
string addr = str;
iMessage = (IMessage)rm.Open(addr, AccessMode.NO_LOCK, 0, "");
//iMessage.WriteString("TRM 2");
iMessage.WriteString("NODE 5");
iMessage.WriteString("CH 1");
iMessage.WriteString("REM 1");
bOpened = true;
return true;
public bool SetVoltage(float vol) {} //method to set the desired voltage to the power supply, when called with an appropriate argument
public string ReadVOut()
iMessage.WriteString("VOUT?"); //Query OUT(ON/OFF) measurement value
string VOutStatus;
VOutStatus = iMessage.ReadString(1024); //Read from PIA
return VOutStatus;
public string ReadIOut()
iMessage.WriteString("IOUT?"); //Query OUT(ON/OFF) measurement value
string COutStatus;
COutStatus = iMessage.ReadString(1024); //Read from PIA
return COutStatus;