好的开发人员,我的英语不是很好,请多多包涵。 我是一名学生,所以我第一次接触了Google Script表格。 我有一种情况:
Step.2 Google表单将数据传输到脚本
Step.3 Google表单还将数据发送到Google表格
Step.5 Google表格中的列值可以链接到文档
function myFunction(e) {
const folderID = '##';
const templateFile = '##';
const sheetPath = '##';
const nameCol = 4;
const arr = ['timestamp', 'email', 'Company Name', 'Contact Man'];
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sheetPath);
const sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
Logger.log('nesl_timestamp:' + e.namedValues);
const timestamp = e.namedValues['timestamp']; //0
const email = e.namedValues['email']; //1
const ein = e.namedValues['EIN / Uniform Number']; //2
const name = e.namedValues['Company Name']; //3
const man = e.namedValues['Contact Man']; //4
const tel = e.namedValues['TEL']; //5
const add = e.namedValues['adress']; //6
const title = e.namedValues['Title']; //7
const job = e.namedValues['Job content']; //8
const time = e.namedValues['Working hours']; //9
const type = e.namedValues['Salary or Wage ']; //10
const salary = e.namedValues['Salary']; //11
const dep1 = e.namedValues['Department [1]']; //12
const dep2 = e.namedValues['Department [2]']; //13
const other = e.namedValues['Other Inf.']; //15
const method = e.namedValues['Application Method']; //16
const data = e.namedValues['Prepare data']; //17
var userfile = e.namedValues['userfile']; //18
const exp = e.namedValues['exp']; //19
const people = e.namedValues['people ']; //20
const addno = e.namedValues['addno']; //21
const otherThing = e.namedValues['otherThing ']; //22
var arr2 = [timestamp, email, name, man];
//todo:set userfile path
if (userfile.length != 0 && userfile.indexOf(',') > -1) userfile = userfile.split(',')[0];
Logger.log('nesl_userfile:' + userfile);
//todo: copy template.doc to doc
const copy = DriveApp.getFileById(templateFile).makeCopy(name + ',' + timestamp, DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID));
const docID = copy.getId();
Logger.log('nesl_docID:' + docID);
const doc = DocumentApp.openById(docID);
var body = doc.getBody();
body.replaceText('{{timestamp}}', timestamp);
body.replaceText('{{ein}}', ein);
body.replaceText('{{name}}', name);
body.replaceText('{{man}}', man);
body.replaceText('{{tel}}', tel);
body.replaceText('{{add}}', add);
body.replaceText('{{title}}', title);
body.replaceText('{{job}}', job);
body.replaceText('{{time}}', time);
body.replaceText('{{type}}', type);
body.replaceText('{{salary}}', salary);
body.replaceText('{{dep1}}', dep1);
body.replaceText('{{dep2}}', dep2);
body.replaceText('{{other}}', other);
body.replaceText('{{method}}', method);
body.replaceText('{{data}}', data);
body.replaceText('{{exp}}', exp);
body.replaceText('{{people}}', people);
body.replaceText('{{addno}}', addno);
body.replaceText('{{otherThing}}', otherThing);
body.replaceText('{{userfile}}', userfile);
//todo: get doc id insert into sheet
//I think this may have to be written after openById(), otherwise he will copy the file twice, but I find that it will copy the file twice when I first add the data. I am not sure about myself now.
sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn()).setValue(docID);
Logger.log('nesl_update:' + sheet.getLastRow() + ',' + sheet.getLastColumn());
//todo: set name column link
//I think this may have to be written after openById(), otherwise he will copy the file twice, but I find that it will copy the file twice when I first add the data. I am not sure about myself now.
var nameColumnSheet = sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow(), nameCol);
sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow(), nameCol).setValue(
'=HYPERLINK("https://docs.google.com/document/d/' + docID + '","' + nameColumnSheet.getValue() + '");'
//todo:Send the link to the user in the email
var html =
'<body>' +
'<h2> thank: ' + man + ' </h2><br/>' +
'<p> link:' + 'https://docs.google.com/document/d/' + docID + '<br/> and http://dce.ntub.edu.tw/p/404-1029-67423.php?Lang=zh-tw </p>' +
{ htmlBody: html }
这些错误通常在我填写表格时打开工作表或执行压力测试时发生。 我只能安慰自己,也许我不应该打开床单,但这很奇怪。他的错误仍然会出现。
在我看来,这好像多次调用了myFunction(),第二次没有'e',但它应该出现'ReferenceError:'e'is not defined',并且没有理由这样做。
文件夹: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lv7euKTQcS5Ooa7UUErRc3eBJNZz01jx
表格: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16yzqi0ClVUBokXmehDAzY0otY7TdN8WTiBY2zHNXD7g
页: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oAvIpx02f2eSqZl7jHpNsh2AAw31H8RGNw50W38lmDk
模板文档: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11QGRwplzVNtjcYa_n64HbQ6OwCiJxsBkWergxAvd0Ho
脚本代码: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sKFzgz6PKzuIXL3qP2E1CntFRvooxI0tY6K4D1Ksj6c