我正在做一个待办事项列表管理器。列表中的每个项目都是一个属于“任务”类的对象,该对象具有所示的属性。每次用户调用函数“ taskmaker”时,都会将Task对象添加到字典taskDict中,其中的键(计数)对于创建的每个任务递增一个。
import datetime
class Task:
def __init__(self, taskname, datecreated, iscomplete, datecomplete, duedate, duetime, importance, isproject, projectname, category, repeat, timetodo, scheduledate):
self.taskname = taskname
self.datecreated = datecreated
self.iscomplete = iscomplete
self.datecomplete = datecomplete
self.duedate = duedate
self.duetime = duetime
self.importance = importance
self.isproject = isproject
self.projectname = projectname
self.category = category
self.repeat = repeat
self.timetodo = timetodo
self.scheduledate = scheduledate
taskDict = {}
count = 0 # This is the key
decide: str = input("If you would like to add a task, type anything except 0. : ")
def taskmaker():
global decide
while decide != "0":
namer = input("Enter your task: ")
datecreateder = datetime.datetime.now()
duedater = input("When would you like this due? : ")
duetimer = input("At what time would you like this due? : ")
task = Task(namer, datecreateder, False, "", duedater, duetimer, 0, False, "", "", False, 1, "")
global count
taskDict[count] = task
count = count + 1
decide = input("If you would like to add a task, type anything except 0. : ")
If you would like to add a task, type anything except 0. : 1
Enter your task: Chemistry homework
When would you like this due? : Tomorrow
At what time would you like this due? : Noon
If you would like to add a task, type anything except 0. : 2
Enter your task: History Essay
When would you like this due? : Wednesday
At what time would you like this due? : Midnight
If you would like to add a task, type anything except 0. : 0
{0: <__main__.Task object at 0x000001AFBADCCEB8>, 1: <__main__.Task object at 0x000001AFBADCCE48>}