jQuery空闲超时(作者:Eric Hynds)

时间:2019-03-06 20:38:59

标签: jquery redirect timer timeout idle-timer

使用Eric Hynds的jQuery Idle Timeout,但它似乎是一个废弃的项目。

此功能正在信息亭项目中使用(在Chrome开发工具中,分辨率必须为1080px宽x 1920px高),并将加载信息亭版本:http://dev.demo38.com/owu/



Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeType' of undefined
at Function.n.acceptData [as accepts] (jquery.js:3531)
at K.key (jquery.js:3556)
at K.set (jquery.js:3593)
at K.access (jquery.js:3652)
at Function.data (jquery.js:3761)
at Object.init (jquery.idletimeout.js?ver=1.2:32)
at Function.$.idleTimeout (jquery.idletimeout.js?ver=1.2:139)
at (index):825


第一个脚本是Paul Irish使用他的IdleTimer(jquery.idletimer.js)


$.idleTimer = function f(newTimeout){

    //$.idleTimer.tId = -1     //timeout ID

    var idle    = false,        //indicates if the user is idle
        enabled = true,        //indicates if the idle timer is enabled
        timeout = 500,        //the amount of time (ms) before the user is considered idle
        events  = 'mousemove keydown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel mousedown', // activity is one of these events
      //f.olddate = undefined, // olddate used for getElapsedTime. stored on the function

    /* (intentionally not documented)
     * Toggles the idle state and fires an appropriate event.
     * @return {void}
    toggleIdleState = function(){

        //toggle the state
        idle = !idle;

        // reset timeout counter
        f.olddate = +new Date;

        //fire appropriate event
        $(document).trigger(  $.data(document,'idleTimer', idle ? "idle" : "active" )  + '.idleTimer');            

     * Stops the idle timer. This removes appropriate event handlers
     * and cancels any pending timeouts.
     * @return {void}
     * @method stop
     * @static
    stop = function(){

        //set to disabled
        enabled = false;

        //clear any pending timeouts

        //detach the event handlers

    /* (intentionally not documented)
     * Handles a user event indicating that the user isn't idle.
     * @param {Event} event A DOM2-normalized event object.
     * @return {void}
    handleUserEvent = function(){

        //clear any existing timeout

        //if the idle timer is enabled
        if (enabled){

            //if it's idle, that means the user is no longer idle
            if (idle){

            //set a new timeout
            $.idleTimer.tId = setTimeout(toggleIdleState, timeout);


     * Starts the idle timer. This adds appropriate event handlers
     * and starts the first timeout.
     * @param {int} newTimeout (Optional) A new value for the timeout period in ms.
     * @return {void}
     * @method $.idleTimer
     * @static

    f.olddate = f.olddate || +new Date;

    //assign a new timeout if necessary
    if (typeof newTimeout == "number"){
        timeout = newTimeout;
    } else if (newTimeout === 'destroy') {
        return this;  
    } else if (newTimeout === 'getElapsedTime'){
        return (+new Date) - f.olddate;

    //assign appropriate event handlers
    $(document).bind($.trim((events+' ').split(' ').join('.idleTimer ')),handleUserEvent);

    //set a timeout to toggle state
    $.idleTimer.tId = setTimeout(toggleIdleState, timeout);

    // assume the user is active for the first x seconds.

}; // end of $.idleTimer()



(function($, win){

    var idleTimeout = {
        init: function( element, resume, options ){
            var self = this, elem;

            this.warning = elem = $(element);
            this.resume = $(resume);
            this.options = options;
            this.countdownOpen = false;
            this.failedRequests = options.failedRequests;
            this.title = document.title;

            // expose obj to data cache so peeps can call internal methods
            $.data( elem[0], 'idletimeout', this );

            // start the idle timer
            $.idleTimer(options.idleAfter * 1000);

            // once the user becomes idle
            $(document).bind("idle.idleTimer", function(){

                // if the user is idle and a countdown isn't already running
                if( $.data(document, 'idleTimer') === 'idle' && !self.countdownOpen ){
                    self.countdownOpen = true;

            // bind continue link
            this.resume.bind("click", function(e){

                win.clearInterval(self.countdown); // stop the countdown
                self.countdownOpen = false; // stop countdown
                self._startTimer(); // start up the timer again
                self._keepAlive( false ); // ping server
                options.onResume.call( self.warning ); // call the resume callback

        _idle: function(){
            var self = this,
                options = this.options,
                warning = this.warning[0],
                counter = options.warningLength;

            // fire the onIdle function

            // set inital value in the countdown placeholder
            options.onCountdown.call(warning, counter);

            // create a timer that runs every second
            this.countdown = win.setInterval(function(){
                if(--counter === 0){
                } else {
                    options.onCountdown.call(warning, counter);
          document.title = options.titleMessage.replace('%s', counter) + self.title;
            }, 1000);

        _startTimer: function(){
            var self = this;

            this.timer = win.setTimeout(function(){
            }, this.options.pollingInterval * 1000);

        _stopTimer: function(){
            // reset the failed requests counter
            this.failedRequests = this.options.failedRequests;

        _keepAlive: function( recurse ){
            var self = this,
                options = this.options;

            //Reset the title to what it was.
            document.title = self.title;

            // assume a startTimer/keepAlive loop unless told otherwise
            if( typeof recurse === "undefined" ){
                recurse = true;

            // if too many requests failed, abort
            if( !this.failedRequests ){
                options.onAbort.call( this.warning[0] );

                timeout: options.AJAXTimeout,
                url: options.keepAliveURL,
                error: function(){
                success: function(response){
                    if($.trim(response) !== options.serverResponseEquals){
                complete: function(){
                    if( recurse ){

    // expose
    $.idleTimeout = function(element, resume, options){
        idleTimeout.init( element, resume, $.extend($.idleTimeout.options, options) );
        return this;

    // options
    $.idleTimeout.options = {
        // number of seconds after user is idle to show the warning
        warningLength: 30,

        // url to call to keep the session alive while the user is active
        keepAliveURL: "",

        // the response from keepAliveURL must equal this text:
        serverResponseEquals: "OK",

        // user is considered idle after this many seconds.  10 minutes default
        idleAfter: 600,

        // a polling request will be sent to the server every X seconds
        pollingInterval: 60,

        // number of failed polling requests until we abort this script
        failedRequests: 5,

        // the $.ajax timeout in MILLISECONDS!
        AJAXTimeout: 250,

        // %s will be replaced by the counter value
        titleMessage: 'Warning: %s seconds until log out | ',

            "this" refers to the element found by the first selector passed to $.idleTimeout.
        // callback to fire when the session times out
        onTimeout: $.noop,

        // fires when the user becomes idle
        onIdle: $.noop,

        // fires during each second of warningLength
        onCountdown: $.noop,

        // fires when the user resumes the session
        onResume: $.noop,

        // callback to fire when the script is aborted due to too many failed requests
        onAbort: $.noop

})(jQuery, window);


$.idleTimeout('#idletimeout', '#idletimeout a', {
        idleAfter: 180,
        pollingInterval: 5,
        keepAliveURL: 'http://dev.demo38.com/owu/wp-content/themes/owu/keepalive.php',
        serverResponseEquals: 'OK',
        onTimeout: function(){
            // window.location = home_url;
            window.location = "http://dev.demo38.com/owu/";
        onIdle: function(){
            $(this).slideDown(); // show the warning bar
        onCountdown: function( counter ){
            $(this).find("span").html( counter ); // update the counter
        onResume: function(){
            $(this).slideUp(); // hide the warning bar

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