
时间:2019-03-06 19:34:48

标签: mysql join limit


  • dt %>% group_by(Customer) %>% mutate(Date = as.Date(Date[1]) + months(seq(0, length.out = n(), by = 3))) 有25万行(ip范围通过从from_ip升序插入)
  • Customer count Date <chr> <dbl> <date> 1 a 3 2019-02-01 2 a 3 2019-05-01 3 a 3 2019-08-01 4 a 4 2019-11-01 5 a 4 2020-02-01 6 a 4 2020-05-01 7 a 4 2020-08-01 8 c 5 2019-10-01 9 c 5 2020-01-01 10 c 5 2020-04-01 11 c 5 2020-07-01 12 c 5 2020-10-01 有50行


  Customer count Date      
   <chr>    <dbl> <date>    
 1 a            3 2019-02-01
 2 a            3 2019-05-01
 3 a            3 2019-08-01
 4 a            4 2019-05-01
 5 a            4 2019-08-01
 6 a            4 2019-11-01
 7 a            4 2020-02-01
 8 c            5 2019-10-01
 9 c            5 2020-01-01
10 c            5 2020-04-01
11 c            5 2020-07-01
12 c            5 2020-10-01

这本身很快(0.031 s):


因此,本质上,问题归结为能够在联接表中使用LIMIT。能做到这一点吗?它会是什么样? (MySQL 5.7.24)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


我有一个具有100个IP(32位整数)的表和一个具有1M IP范围的表​​。 (请参见下面的架构和示例数据。)


select *
from ips i join ip_ranges r
  on i.ip between r.ip_from and r.ip_to


select *
from ip_ranges r
where 555555555 between ip_from and ip_to

大约需要100毫秒(如预期)。请注意,对于IP = 1,我将在“零”时间内得到结果,但对于IP = 999,999,999,将等待200毫秒。所以平均是100毫秒。

添加LIMIT 1在这里无济于事。但是结合ORDER BY ip_from DESC我可以在“零时间”获得结果。

现在我可以尝试在子查询中为每个IP运行一个LIMIT 1

select i.ip
, (
    select ip_from
    from ip_ranges r
    where i.ip between r.ip_from and r.ip_to
    order by r.ip_from desc
    limit 1
) as ip_from
from ips i



另一种方法是生成每个IP带有一个子查询的UNION ALL查询。您可以在应用程序中执行此操作,也可以直接在SQL中使用动态准备好的语句来完成此操作:

set @subquery = '(
    select {ip} as ip, r.*
    from ip_ranges r
    where {ip} between ip_from and ip_to
    order by ip_from desc
    limit 1

set session group_concat_max_len = 1000000000;

set @sql = (select group_concat(replace(@subquery, '{ip}', ip) separator 'union all') from ips);

prepare stmt from @sql;
execute stmt;



create table ips(
    ip int unsigned primary key

insert into ips(ip)
    select floor(rand(1) * pow(10, 9))
    from seq1m s
    limit 100

create table ip_ranges(
    ip_from int unsigned not null,
    ip_to   int unsigned not null,
    primary key (ip_from, ip_to)

insert into ip_ranges
    select (s.seq - 1) * 1000 as ip_from
         , s.seq * 1000 - 1   as ip_to
    from seq1m s
    limit 1000000


create table seq1m (seq int auto_increment primary key);
insert into seq1m (seq)
    select null
    from information_schema.COLUMNS a
       , information_schema.COLUMNS b
    limit 1000000;