
时间:2019-03-06 14:52:15

标签: php bots telegram

祝大家一切顺利,我想创建一个机器人,我使用longman/telegram-bot 我通过示例创建命令。

namespace Longman\TelegramBot\Commands\UserCommands;

use Longman\TelegramBot\Commands\UserCommand;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Request;

class TestCommand extends UserCommand
    protected $name = 'test';                      // Your command's name
    protected $description = 'A command for test'; // Your command description
    protected $usage = '/test';                    // Usage of your command
    protected $version = '1.0.0';                  // Version of your command

public function execute()
    $message = $this->getMessage();            // Get Message object
    $chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();   // Get the current Chat ID

    $data = [                                  // Set up the new message data
        'chat_id' => $chat_id,                 // Set Chat ID to send the message to
        'text'    => 'This is just a Test...', // Set message to send

    return Request::sendMessage($data);        // Send message!


$bot_api_key  = 'your:bot_api_key';
$bot_username = 'username_bot';

$admin_users = [
//    123,
$commands_paths = [
//    __DIR__ . '/Commands/',

try {
// Create Telegram API object
$telegram = new Longman\TelegramBot\Telegram($bot_api_key, $bot_username);
// Add commands paths containing your custom commands
// Enable admin users
// Handle telegram webhook request
} catch (Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException $e) {
// Silence is golden!
//echo $e;
// Log telegram errors
} catch (Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramLogException $e) {
// Silence is golden!
// Uncomment this to catch log initialisation errors
//echo $e;

当我在机器人中发送/测试时,我不明白如何调用我的TestCommand。我在寻找方法并意识到方法$ telegram-> handleGetUpdates();向我返回响应的对象。实际上,问题是如何做到这一点,以便机器人能够回答我的命令?

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