
时间:2019-03-06 14:29:55

标签: excel vba email desktop





但是,我不确定如何识别这两个位置。我之前使用过“ Path”属性,但是这些宏可以位于数百个现场办公室的任意数量的驱动器上。我认为最好先识别电子邮件或桌面位置,然后显示消息。

我们大多数用户都使用Office 2010或2016。感谢您的帮助。.........

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

如果您从邮件中打开工作簿并调试using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml.XPath; using MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel; using MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Shapes; using MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Shapes.Charts; using MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Tables; using MigraDoc.Rendering; using System.Diagnostics; using PdfSharp.Pdf; namespace ConsoleApplication2 { class Program { static void Main() { // Create a MigraDoc document Document document = CreateDocument(); //string ddl = MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.IO.DdlWriter.WriteToString(document); //MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.IO.DdlWriter.WriteToFile(document, "MigraDoc.mdddl"); PdfDocumentRenderer renderer = new PdfDocumentRenderer(unicode: true); renderer.Document = document; renderer.RenderDocument(); // Save the document... //renderer.PdfDocument.Save(filename); renderer.PdfDocument.Save("example.pdf"); // ...and start a viewer. //Process.Start(@"C:\pdf.pdf"); } /// <summary> /// Creates a Document /// </summary> public static Document CreateDocument() { // Create a new MigraDoc document Document document = new Document(); DefineStyles(document); DefineCover(document); DefineParagraphsTest(document); return document; } /// <summary> /// Defines the styles used in the document. /// </summary> public static void DefineStyles(Document document) { // Get the predefined style Normal. Style style = document.Styles["Normal"]; // Because all styles are derived from Normal, the next line changes the // font of the whole document. Or, more exactly, it changes the font of // all styles and paragraphs that do not redefine the font. style.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"; // Heading1 to Heading9 are predefined styles with an outline level. An outline level // other than OutlineLevel.BodyText automatically creates the outline (or bookmarks) // in PDF. style = document.Styles["Heading1"]; style.Font.Name = "Arial"; style.Font.Size = 18; style.Font.Bold = true; style.Font.Color = Colors.DarkBlue; style.ParagraphFormat.PageBreakBefore = true; style.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 8; style = document.Styles["Heading2"]; style.Font.Size = 12; style.Font.Bold = true; style.ParagraphFormat.PageBreakBefore = false; style.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 6; style.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 6; style = document.Styles["Heading3"]; style.Font.Size = 10; style.Font.Bold = true; style.Font.Italic = true; style.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 6; style.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 3; style = document.Styles[StyleNames.Header]; style.ParagraphFormat.AddTabStop("16cm", TabAlignment.Right); style = document.Styles[StyleNames.Footer]; style.ParagraphFormat.AddTabStop("8cm", TabAlignment.Center); // Create a new style called TextBox based on style Normal style = document.Styles.AddStyle("TextBox", "Normal"); style.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Justify; style.ParagraphFormat.Borders.Width = 2.5; style.ParagraphFormat.Borders.Distance = "3pt"; style.ParagraphFormat.Shading.Color = Colors.SkyBlue; // Create a new style called TOC based on style Normal style = document.Styles.AddStyle("TOC", "Normal"); style.ParagraphFormat.AddTabStop("16cm", TabAlignment.Right, TabLeader.Dots); style.ParagraphFormat.Font.Color = Colors.Blue; //Create a new style called Title based on style Normal style = document.Styles.AddStyle("Title", "Normal"); style.Font.Name = "Arial"; style.Font.Size = 28; style.Font.Bold = true; style.Font.Color = Colors.Black; //Create a new style called PUID based on style Normal style = document.Styles.AddStyle("PUID", "Normal"); style.Font.Name = "Arial"; style.Font.Size = 22; style.Font.Bold = true; style.Font.Color = Colors.Black; //Create a new style called PASS based on style Normal style = document.Styles.AddStyle("PASS", "Normal"); style.Font.Name = "Arial"; style.Font.Size = 36; style.Font.Bold = false; style.Font.Color = Colors.Green; //Create a new style called FAIL based on style Normal style = document.Styles.AddStyle("FAIL", "Normal"); style.Font.Name = "Arial"; style.Font.Size = 36; style.Font.Bold = false; style.Font.Color = Colors.Red; //Create a new style called Text based on style Normal style = document.Styles.AddStyle("Text", "Normal"); style.Font.Name = "Arial"; style.Font.Size = 10; style.Font.Color = Colors.Black; style.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Justify; } /// <summary> /// Defines the cover page. /// </summary> public static void DefineCover(Document document) { Section section = document.AddSection(); section.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = true; HeaderFooter cover_footer = section.Footers.FirstPage; //DIN A4 = 21cm x 29,7cm Paragraph paragraph = section.AddParagraph("Title"); paragraph.Style = "Title"; paragraph.Format.SpaceBefore = "0cm"; paragraph.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; paragraph = section.AddParagraph("Date: "); paragraph.Style = "Text"; paragraph.AddDateField(); paragraph = section.AddParagraph("Green"); paragraph.Style = "PASS"; paragraph.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; paragraph = section.AddParagraph("Red"); paragraph.Style = "FAIL"; paragraph.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; } public static void DefineParagraphsTest(Document document) { Paragraph paragraph = document.LastSection.AddParagraph("First", "Heading1"); paragraph.AddBookmark("First"); GenerateHistogram(document); } public static void GenerateHistogram(Document document) { document.LastSection.AddParagraph("Histogram", "Heading2"); Chart chart = new Chart(); chart.Left = 0; chart.Width = Unit.FromCentimeter(16); chart.Height = Unit.FromCentimeter(12); chart.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;//has no effect chart.FooterArea.AddLegend(); for (int loop = 0; loop < 15; loop++) { Series series = chart.SeriesCollection.AddSeries(); series.ChartType = ChartType.Column2D; List<double> Yvalues = new List<double>(); for (double i = 0.2; i <= 4.5; i += 0.1) { Yvalues.Add(i); } series.Add(Yvalues.ToArray()); series.HasDataLabel = false; series.Name = "legend" + loop; } XSeries xseries = chart.XValues.AddXSeries(); //Xaxis contains every second value, to avoid overlapping text List<string> Xaxis = new List<string>(); bool skip = false; for (double i = 0.2; i <= 4.5; i += 0.1) { if (skip) { Xaxis.Add(""); skip = false; } else { Xaxis.Add(i.ToString()); skip = true; } } xseries.Add(Xaxis.ToArray()); chart.XAxis.MajorTickMark = TickMarkType.Outside; chart.XAxis.Title.Caption = "Time Interval [s]"; chart.YAxis.MajorTickMark = TickMarkType.Outside; chart.YAxis.HasMajorGridlines = true; chart.PlotArea.LineFormat.Color = Colors.DarkGray; chart.PlotArea.LineFormat.Width = 1; document.LastSection.Add(chart); } } } ,将会得到类似的内容:


同一件事也将进入桌面,因此您可以使用? thisworkbook.Path C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\9PWSZZ9J触发器来检查工作簿路径,例如 Outlook Desktop 发送一条消息警告,将其保存在本地驱动器上。


有最后一种方法。只需说说他们的组策略,他们就可以将文件保存在本地Dirve C:上(假设他们都有驱动器)




答案 1 :(得分:1)



我正在使用一个MS Office版本。随时向Select Case


当您从电子邮件中打开附件,然后再将其保存到硬盘驱动器时,Outlook会将副本放置在SecureTemp文件夹中。此文件夹是 Internet临时文件下的隐藏文件夹。

Sub Sample()
    Dim ol_Version As String
    Dim ol_RegKey As String
    Dim ol_SecureTempRegKey As String
    Dim ol_SecureTempFolder As String

    '~~> This is the registry key which stores Outlook's version
    ol_RegKey = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Outlook.Application\CurVer\"

    ol_Version = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").RegRead(ol_RegKey)

    '~~> Check the outlook version
    Select Case ol_Version
        Case "Outlook.Application.15"

            ol_SecureTempRegKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Security\OutlookSecureTempFolder"
        '~~> Add more cases here
    End Select

    If ol_SecureTempRegKey <> "" Then
        ol_SecureTempFolder = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").RegRead(ol_SecureTempRegKey)

        Debug.Print "Outlook's temp folder is " & ol_SecureTempFolder
    End If
End Sub




Sub Sample()
    Dim desktopPath As String

    desktopPath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop")

    Debug.Print "User's desktop folder is " & desktopPath
End Sub