我正在尝试在AWS Lambda函数中使用scrapy作为图层。
<class 'queens.Queens'>
<class 'list'>
目录格式与我已经在使用的所有层一样。 我压缩并上传到图层。 我将该层包括到了lambda函数中。 我导入了scrapy:
import array
import copy
class Queens:
__slots__ = ["n", "qlist"]
def __init__(self, n, qa=None):
self.n = n # store for print function
if qa == None:
self.qlist = array.array("h")
elif type(qa) == list:
self.qlist = array.array("h", qa)
assert type(qa) == array.array
self.qlist = qa # list of positions for each line
def __str__(self):
out = ""
for q in range(self.n):
if q == 0:
out += "|"
out += "\n|"
for space in range(self.n):
if q < len(self.qlist) and space == self.qlist[q]:
out += "Q|"
out += " |"
return out
def branch(self):
out = []
for x in range(self.n):
if x not in self.qlist:
qlist = copy.deepcopy(self.qlist)
out.append(Queens(self.n, qlist))
return out
def validate(self):
for y in range(len(self.qlist)):
# don't need to check horizontal;
# data structure doesn't let you place them
# don't need to check vertical;
# branching eliminates those
# check diagonals
for y2 in range(len(self.qlist)):
if y != y2:
expected = self.qlist[y] - y + y2
if 0 <= expected < self.n and self.qlist[y2] == expected:
return -1
expected = self.qlist[y] + y - y2
if 0 <= expected < self.n and self.qlist[y2] == expected:
return -1
return self.n - len(self.qlist)
if __name__ == "__main__":
q = Queens(4)
q = Queens(4, [0, 1, 2])
pip install scrapy
import scrapy
答案 0 :(得分:0)
正如@balderman的评论所建议的那样,您需要本机库才能使Scrapy运行。 这是非常可行的,我将尝试尽可能简单地解释。
用于scrapy的二进制文件必须在与lambda实例相同的环境中进行编译。 Lambda使用AWS Linux启动。
import { AppRegistry, Dimensions } from 'react-native';
import DrawerNavigator from 'react-navigation';
// import App from './App';
import HomeComponent from './components/HomeComponent';
import InfoComponent from './components/InfoComponent';
import SettingsComponent from './components/SettingsComponent';
import CloudComponent from './components/CloudComponent';
//Screen names
import { Home, Info, Settings, Cloud } from './screenNames';
//Screen size
var {height, width} = Dimensions.get('window');
let routeConfigs = {
Home: {
path: '/',
screen: HomeComponent,
Info: {
path: '/info',
screen: InfoComponent,
Settings: {
screen: SettingsComponent,
Cloud: {
screen: CloudComponent,
let drawerNavigatorConfig = {
initialRouteName: Home,
drawerWidth: width / 2,
drawerPosition: 'left',
drawerOpenRoute: 'DrawerOpen',
drawerCloseRoute: 'DrawerClose',
drawerToggleRoute: 'DrawerToggle',
// drawerBackgroundColor: 'orange',
contentOptions: {
activeTintColor: 'red',
order: [Info, Settings, Cloud, Home]
const App = DrawerNavigator(routeConfigs, drawerNavigatorConfig);
AppRegistry.registerComponent('tutorialProject', () => App);
$ sudo docker run -it amazonlinux bash
然后,您可以将其压缩并上传为图层。它将被上传到您的Lambda容器中的/ opt /中。 AWS在many other locations中的/ opt / lib下查找库文件。