反序列化RestSharp JSON结果

时间:2019-03-05 16:26:04

标签: json deserialization restsharp


Here are the results from deserial code I have now. 请注意,第一组对象为空。


using RestSharp;
using RestSharp.Deserializers;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;


static void Main(string[] args)
        var client = new RestClient("http://services.groupkt.com/country/get/all");
        var request = new RestRequest("demo/jsondbcount.php", Method.GET)
            RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json

        IRestResponse<result> restResponse2 = client.Execute<result>(new RestRequest(Method.GET));
        Console.WriteLine("content " + restResponse2.Content);

        ////The stuff below does not work.
        JsonDeserializer deserializer = new JsonDeserializer();
        List<result> x = deserializer.Deserialize<List<result>>(restResponse2);

        foreach (result item in x)
            Console.WriteLine("Show: {0}, release date: {1}", x,x);


public class result 
    private string _alpha2_code;
    private string _alpha3_code;

    public string name { get; set; }
    public string alpha2_code { get => _alpha2_code; set => _alpha2_code = value; }
    public string alpha3_code { get => _alpha3_code; set => _alpha3_code = value; }

public class CityCodesDTO : List<result> { }



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