我尝试使用numpy视图(as_strided)函数创建源数组的只读视图,但是,如果图像不能被图块覆盖,它似乎不会在图像的边框上产生斑块恰好。可以通过将图像填充到正确的大小来解决此问题,但是使用填充运行的时间代码可以通过一个简单的平铺循环(0.015s-> 0.5s)进行比较。
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from scipy.misc import imread, imsave, imresize
# the code produces read-only view of an image in 0.015s
# function taken from
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45960192/
def window_nd(a, window, steps = None, axis = None, outlist = False):
Create a windowed view over `n`-dimensional input that uses an
`m`-dimensional window, with `m <= n`
a : Array-like
The array to create the view on
window : tuple or int
If int, the size of the window in `axis`, or in all dimensions if
`axis == None`
If tuple, the shape of the desired window. `window.size` must be:
equal to `len(axis)` if `axis != None`, else
equal to `len(a.shape)`, or
steps : tuple, int or None
The offset between consecutive windows in desired dimension
If None, offset is one in all dimensions
If int, the offset for all windows over `axis`
If tuple, the steps along each `axis`.
`len(steps)` must me equal to `len(axis)`
axis : tuple, int or None
The axes over which to apply the window
If None, apply over all dimensions
if tuple or int, the dimensions over which to apply the window
outlist : boolean
If output should be as list of windows.
If False, it will be an array with
`a.nidim + 1 <= a_view.ndim <= a.ndim *2`.
If True, output is a list of arrays with `a_view[0].ndim = a.ndim`
Warning: this is a memory-intensive copy and not a view
a_view : ndarray
A windowed view on the input array `a`, or copied list of windows
ashp = np.array(a.shape)
if axis != None:
axs = np.array(axis, ndmin = 1)
assert np.all(np.in1d(axs, np.arange(ashp.size))), \
"Axes out of range"
axs = np.arange(ashp.size)
window = np.array(window, ndmin = 1)
assert (window.size == axs.size) | (window.size == 1), \
"Window dims and axes don't match"
wshp = ashp.copy()
wshp[axs] = window
assert np.all(wshp <= ashp), "Window is bigger than input array in axes"
stp = np.ones_like(ashp)
if steps:
steps = np.array(steps, ndmin = 1)
assert np.all(steps > 0), \
"Only positive steps allowed"
assert (steps.size == axs.size) | (steps.size == 1), \
"Steps and axes don't match"
stp[axs] = steps
astr = np.array(a.strides)
shape = tuple((ashp - wshp) // stp + 1) + tuple(wshp)
strides = tuple(astr * stp) + tuple(astr)
as_strided = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
a_view = np.squeeze(as_strided(a,
shape = shape,
strides = strides, writeable=False))
if outlist:
return list(a_view.reshape((-1,) + tuple(wshp)))
# return view (N, p_h, p_w, channels)
return a_view.reshape((-1,) + tuple(wshp)) #a_view
# split image into patches. If padding is used, everything is ok
def patchify(img, patch_shape=(1000,1000), overlap=10):
img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2]
p_h, p_w = patch_shape[:2]
# REMOVE: Padding makes the code work
# calculate number of patches needed
n_h = (img_h - overlap) // (p_h - overlap)
if (img_h - overlap) % (p_h - overlap) > 0:
n_h += 1
n_w = (img_w - overlap) // (p_w - overlap)
if (img_w - overlap) % (p_w - overlap) > 0:
n_w += 1
h_new = (p_h - overlap)*n_h + overlap
w_new = (p_w - overlap)*n_w + overlap
pad_h, pad_w = h_new - img_h + 1, w_new - img_w + 1
img = np.pad(img, ((0, pad_h), (0, pad_w), (0, 0)), 'mean')
return window_nd(img, (p_h, p_w), \
steps=(p_h-overlap,p_w-overlap), axis=(0,1))
# simple loop to collect image back with overlap
def collect(patches, image_size, overlap=10):
If you have m windows of length k with an overlap of r,
then the total distance span, n, is given as
n = (k-r)m + r
Hence the number of windows, m, is
m = (n-r)/(k-r)
img_h, img_w = image_size[:2]
print('image_size {}'.format( image_size))
n_p, p_h, p_w = patches.shape[:3]
print('patches.shape {}'.format(patches.shape))
# calculate number of patches needed, including overlapping ones
n_h = (img_h - overlap) // (p_h - overlap)
if (img_h - overlap) % (p_h - overlap) > 0:
n_h += 1
n_w = (img_w - overlap) // (p_w - overlap)
#if (img_w - overlap) % (p_w - overlap) > 0:
# n_w += 1
img = np.zeros((img_h, img_w, image_size[2]), dtype=patches.dtype)
patch_idx = 0
pos_h = 0
pos_w = 0
# we know that this image size is sufficient,
# so we cut everything which does not fit
for i in range(n_h):
patch_offset_h = overlap//2 if i > 0 else 0
height_left = img_h - pos_h
# overlap is needed for correctness
h_to_insert = np.min([p_h - patch_offset_h, height_left])
for j in range(n_w):
p = patches[patch_idx]
patch_offset_w = overlap//2 if j > 0 else 0
width_left = img_w - pos_w
w_to_insert = np.min([p_w - patch_offset_w, width_left])
print('h:{}, w:{}, h_i:{}, w_i:{}'.format(pos_h, pos_w,\
h_to_insert, w_to_insert))
# watching carefully the size of parts we copy
img[pos_h:(pos_h+h_to_insert),pos_w:(pos_w+w_to_insert),:] = \
p[patch_offset_h:(h_to_insert + patch_offset_h ), \
patch_offset_w:(w_to_insert + patch_offset_w), :]
pos_w += w_to_insert - overlap // 2
patch_idx += 1
print('patch {}/{}'.format(patch_idx, len(patches)))
### REMOVE: to save what we actually have if the number of patches is less
if patch_idx > len(patches) - 1:
return img
pos_w = 0
pos_h += h_to_insert - overlap // 2
return img
# Test
# this image has last row of patches not calculated
#image = imread('4960x3500.jpg')
# this image has both last row and last column not calculated
# You can see that by commenting out
if (img_w - overlap) % (p_w - overlap) > 0:
n_w += 1
#in collect()
image = imread('4928x3264.jpg')
start_time = time.clock()
patches = patchify(image)
if not type(patches) is np.ndarray:
patches = np.array(patches)
print("Patchify took: {}s".format(time.clock() - start_time))
start_time = time.clock()
res_image = collect(patches, (image.shape[0], image.shape[1], \
image.shape[2]), overlap=10)
print("Collect took: {}s".format(time.clock() - start_time))
imsave('out.png', res_image)
尝试对图像进行修补。输出与覆盖阵列所需的补丁数量不同。例如,对于具有维度(11, 15)
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from scipy.misc import imread, imsave, imresize
from skimage.util import view_as_windows
# the code produces read-only view of an image in 0.015s
# function taken from
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45960192/
def window_nd(a, window, steps = None, axis = None, outlist = False):
Create a windowed view over `n`-dimensional input that uses an
`m`-dimensional window, with `m <= n`
a : Array-like
The array to create the view on
window : tuple or int
If int, the size of the window in `axis`, or in all dimensions if
`axis == None`
If tuple, the shape of the desired window. `window.size` must be:
equal to `len(axis)` if `axis != None`, else
equal to `len(a.shape)`, or
steps : tuple, int or None
The offset between consecutive windows in desired dimension
If None, offset is one in all dimensions
If int, the offset for all windows over `axis`
If tuple, the steps along each `axis`.
`len(steps)` must me equal to `len(axis)`
axis : tuple, int or None
The axes over which to apply the window
If None, apply over all dimensions
if tuple or int, the dimensions over which to apply the window
outlist : boolean
If output should be as list of windows.
If False, it will be an array with
`a.nidim + 1 <= a_view.ndim <= a.ndim *2`.
If True, output is a list of arrays with `a_view[0].ndim = a.ndim`
Warning: this is a memory-intensive copy and not a view
a_view : ndarray
A windowed view on the input array `a`, or copied list of windows
ashp = np.array(a.shape)
if axis != None:
axs = np.array(axis, ndmin = 1)
assert np.all(np.in1d(axs, np.arange(ashp.size))), \
"Axes out of range"
axs = np.arange(ashp.size)
window = np.array(window, ndmin = 1)
assert (window.size == axs.size) | (window.size == 1), \
"Window dims and axes don't match"
wshp = ashp.copy()
wshp[axs] = window
assert np.all(wshp <= ashp), "Window is bigger than input array in axes"
stp = np.ones_like(ashp)
if steps:
steps = np.array(steps, ndmin = 1)
assert np.all(steps > 0), \
"Only positive steps allowed"
assert (steps.size == axs.size) | (steps.size == 1), \
"Steps and axes don't match"
stp[axs] = steps
astr = np.array(a.strides)
shape = tuple((ashp - wshp) // stp + 1) + tuple(wshp)
strides = tuple(astr * stp) + tuple(astr)
as_strided = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
a_view = np.squeeze(as_strided(a,
shape = shape,
strides = strides, writeable=False))
if outlist:
return list(a_view.reshape((-1,) + tuple(wshp)))
# return view (N, p_h, p_w, channels)
return a_view #a_view.reshape((-1,) + tuple(wshp)) #a_view
# split image into patches. If padding is used, everything is ok
def patchify(img, patch_shape=(6,6), overlap=3):
img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2]
p_h, p_w = patch_shape[:2]
#return window_nd(img, (p_h, p_w), \
# steps=(p_h-overlap,p_w-overlap), axis=(0,1))
# produces sometimes different results, but also errorneous
w= view_as_windows(img, (p_h, p_w), (p_h-overlap,p_w-overlap))
return w
arr = np.array([[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
img_h = 11
img_w = 15
# patch dimensions
p_h = 6
p_w = 6
overlap = 0
# calculate number of patches we need
n_h = (img_h - overlap) // (p_h - overlap)
if (img_h - overlap) % (p_h - overlap) > 0:
n_h += 1
n_w = (img_w - overlap) // (p_w - overlap)
if (img_w - overlap) % (p_w - overlap) > 0:
n_w += 1
print('number of patches needed, h:{}, w:{}'.format(n_h,n_w))
patches = patchify(arr, patch_shape=(p_h, p_w), overlap=overlap)
print('split we actually have: {}'.format(patches.shape))